First week

Flight To Paradise

As an assistant, we were going to have to work long and crazy irregular hours together and I wasn’t ready for that. The first day working with him was very dull and unprogressive, I couldn’t relax and sitting facing him the whole day didn’t help at all. It looked like he made some accommodations for my desk in his office, but why did I have to be facing him? Anyway, overall, Mir was right, work was work with him, he was cold and distant, but nothing short of how a boss should be. He didn’t harass me like he used to, and our conversations were strictly about work. I was very glad that I just had to see him only at work and that was it, I would take the distant boss attitude that the sarcastic and rude tones any time. By our third day working, we started staying later since our workload had increased. But I liked it, I was in my element and not even his hostile attitude would bother me. Anyway, I didn’t mind it much; we got to do what we got to do.

I was immersed in the report from the art department when I heard a knock on the door; Byunghee was working on his computer when he raised his head to look at me. He had ask his secretary not to let anyone disturb us, “Well mostly him, and since I was his shadow for the next six months, everything that applied to him in the office, somewhat applied to me also.”  He gave me with a questioning look, and I raised my shoulders to him telling him that I had no idea who it was. He buzzed his secretary but she didn’t reply, than he checked his watch and I did the same, it was already lunchtime, and we’ve working six hours straight. He made me come to work at six o’clock this morning and I didn’t even have breakfast, I was saved by some energy bars that I had stashed in my desk drawer. Since I wasn’t expecting anyone today, I returned my attention to the report, he scratched is throat to get my attention when the person knocked a second time. I pretended like I didn’t hear, but the person was getting exasperated and turned the knob and when it didn’t give, started to shake it violently. We both looked at the door then at each other, since the person wasn’t giving up, he said to me annoyed, “You know if this your new boyfriend I will get him fired.” I looked at him surprised, “My boyfriend Boss? Did I ever tell you something like that?” he waved his hand dismissing me and said, “Just get the door Han Jinju-ssi.” I shook my head thinking  what I wanted to tell him, but since we were in the office, I couldn’t reply the way I wanted to,  so I got up grudgingly and mumbled all the four that that I wished I could tell him under my breath. “It’s true that I have been hanging out with Aaron every day, but we only have lunch together, he makes me laugh and gives me the energy to finish the day, and now he was calling him my boyfriend. Does this guy think that everyone I talk to is my man? Or does he just do this to hurt me?” I made my way to the door annoyed.

When I opened the door Miyong waltzed in very upset, “Oppa, what is the meaning of this? Why are you and your secretary locked in your office like that?” I was on my way back to my desk but I stopped for a moment, “Did she call me his secretary?” I wouldn’t mind someone else making that remark, but that stupid who thought that she was better than me and knew everything, but she didn’t know the difference between an assistant? I was about to reply when I caught a mocking grin on her face, and I glimpse over to Byunghee to see that stupid grin on his face also. If only look could kill, the way I as looking at them, they would have fallen dead and cold on the ground. What a great pair they make those two irritating individuals. I wanted to storm out of the room, but I was still on the clock.

I sat at my desk and plunged my nose in the report I was going over, but for all that as dear to me, I couldn’t concentrate because Miyong was acting like a kid, “Oppa, you’ve  been dodging me for ekes now, it’s lunch time let’s go out.” He had gone back working on his computer, focusing on what he was working on before Miyong showed up, she said to her without looking at her, “You can see that I am busy right? I can’t leave these documents right now.” He was still not looking at her, so she moved around his desk and sat between him and his computer, “I will not move until you turn this off.” He took a deep breath and stood up, “Fine, will you leave me alone if I go with you.” She nodded and giggled “Sure Oppa, but know that you can’t escape me forever.” I wasn’t able to focus on the papers in front of me from following their conversation, when he got up to leave, I pretended that I was lost in my ready, so when he called my name the first time I pretended not to hear him. He opened the door to let her out first, then toward me he said, “Go have lunch and meet me here in an hour to go over the Fine Arts department’s budget proposal.” Without looking at him, I replied “Sure Boss.” But before he closed the door I hear the bimbo mention, “Why can’t she stay and go over it herself, so you can stay with me the rest of the day.” He closed the door before I could hear is reply, but in my head it was sure thing that he would be back on time.

I wasn’t really hungry because it was past lunchtime anyway, so I decided to go get a coffee. Aaron was already back to work because he knew that I wasn’t going to get out until later. I went to the shop in front of the office for some coffee. On my way out, I noticed Byunghee’s car was parked in front of the office building, I thought that he had probably forgotten something, but as I walked past the driver’s side, I  glimpsed inside the car a little and that was the worst mistake that I had ever made, what I saw didn’t please me in the least bit. Byunghee and Miyong were kissing, I was so shocked that I stopped for a moment in my stupor, it wasn’t until our eyes met that I regained myself, he had a panicked looked in his eyes, but I tried to hide my trouble I doubled back to the office.

 On my way up, I felt as if a bulge as pressing my stomach, and my heart was aching. I didn’t know why I was so hurt since I already knew that they were probably together, but thinking about it was a thing, but seeing it was another. Seugho said that they were only friends, but I guess he didn’t know. When I reached the door, I closed it and leaned back on it and tried to catch my breath, my heart was beating so fast and that it was aching.  “Damn”, I thought, “what the heck is going on? I thought I was over that feeling. The man is a jerk, but I am still feeling troubled by him and he is my boss, what in the world is wrong with me?” I went to my desk and started to fix the papers that were on it, I needed to occupy my mind with something else, I could not allow this feeling to go on in anyway and I was very disappointed at myself. I was cursing myself and calling me all the names that would describe a stupid person when he walked in the room, he looked like he ran up the stairs, and was out of breath, I took a deep breath to prevent my voice from shaking and ask him in a monotone voice, “Is everything ok?”  He hesitated for and instant “I, uh…, it’s uhm…” I raised an eyebrow impatiently and I continued, “Did you forget something boss?” he looked at me and seemed to compose himself a little then replied, “Yeah, uh… I think I left my wallet in the pocket of my vest, “Oh! You could’ve asked to bring it for you, since I am considered your secretary and all.” He looked at me surprised, “No, not at all” he said with a dry laugh. “Okay, then,” I replied and went back to my chore, he hesitated an instant then walked closer to me, I could feel all the hairs on my back standing up, he waited a moment and said, “Are you upset Jinju-ssi?” I was shocked that he could read me so well, but I would never let him know that I was upset, so I retorted, “Why would I be sir?” he came a little bit closer “Because of what you just witnessed in the car a moment ago.” He was smiling; I felt anger boiling inside me, “Was he rubbing it in my face? Did I look like a joke to him,” so I made myself as calm as possible, turned to face him and replied, “Listen boss, you are an adult, and whatever you decide to do, with whomever and wherever you like is up to you. I am just your assistant and whatever you do, you are my boss and that is it.” He looked shocked at my answer, but regaining his nonchalant air, he said, “Good, I am glad that you know that”, then he took his jacket and left the room.

I waited the rest of the day for him, but he never showed up. At 6 pm, I decided to leave since it looked like he wasn’t coming back. I had an idea of what he must be doing, but I refused to think about it. Every time the image of them kissing in the car popped in my mind, I felt this sting in my heart, like the first time I saw them together, but this time around, it was one hundred times stronger. I was feeling down, so I called Aaron to cheer me up, but he was working late, it was too bad though, today was Friday and he had to finish something with his boss. When I got home, Seojin was there, I haven’t seen her in a week so it was time to catch up. I was feeling so down that, I didn’t want to talk to her, I had been crying on my way to the apartment and even though I tried to hide it, I could not. “What is wrong? Why were you crying?” I turned away and stutter, “You’re wrong, I wasn’t crying, I am just tired that’s all.” She gave me a skeptical look, I sat on the floor in from of the small table and laid the papers from work in front of me, I was still trying to avoid her eyes, since she knew me so well. She came and sat in front of me, “Oh! Come on Ana, I know you too well for me to not know when something’s wrong with you. It’s true that we haven’t seen each other often lately, but I still know you.”

I sighed, there was no point in lying to her, and she would not give up anyway. I looked at her and I couldn’t keep my composure anymore, tears started rolling on my cheeks, “Is it that bad? Did something happen to eomma?” I shook my head in negation, “Eomma is fine, it’s just…it’s just…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. It sounded ridiculous for me to even say it, it didn’t even make sense that I was so emotional about that stupid thing, he wasn’t anything to me, he was only my boss, so why did I care and was hurting so much for that stupid thing that I witnessed?  I took a deep breath and decided to tell her what was tormenting me, “It’s going to sound stupid unni, and I don’t even know why I am being so ridiculous about it…” I stop to regain myself; I dried my tears and said, “I saw Byunghee and Miyong kissing today.” She looked at me with big eyes, “Before you say anything, I know that you must think that I am being ridiculous unni, but maybe I am under the weather or something, it’ll go away I promise.” She looked at me feeling very emotional, then came next to me and gave me a hug, “Oh baby, I could never say that you’re being ridiculous for being in love again… you guys are so perfect for each other, I wish that you would see that.”

I was startled by her comment, “Wait… What? Unni I am not…” She cut me off, “It’s obvious that you two are crazy for each other. I’ve never seen you so emotional for someone other than my brother, which means it has been a while…” I shook my head still trying to deny the idea, “No, unni I find him attractive it’s true, but how can I be in love with such an ? I am just feeling down because he thinks that I am a , you know.” She looked at me and smiled, “Are you trying to convince me or yourself? It’s obvious that you are jealous.” I got up from where I was sitting, and turned my back to her, “Truly unni, this is nonsense. I was surprised that’s all. Because I don’t give a damn about what he does or doesn’t do, just like I told him. He is a grown man and he can do whatever he wants to do with his life…” I was about to continue to rant when Seojin cut me off “Wait, did you talk to him after that?” I turned to face her. “Of course, he came back to pick up his jacket, but I think that he just wanted to rub it in my face. He couldn’t even wait for the elevator so he could meet me and make sure that I saw him with her.” She stood up, looking at me with wide eyes, then she burst out laughing, “You crazy coot, he is crazy about you too, you know.” I looked at her like she just said the greatest absurdity I’ve ever heard in my life, she kept laughing and continued, “He probably wanted to apologized, but you got him mad instead so he tried to hurt you. Classic, huh.”

Nonsense, just nonsense, that’s all I could think about “You know what, I am going to take a shower and go to bed, I have to be there early tomorrow, and I will not listen to your crazy conclusions anymore.” She scoffed and added, “Trust me,” then she pointed to herself “Experienced girl talking. He will make a move on you soon enough. And I will advise that you take your chance because you are perfect for each other, even Seungho think so.”

I shook my head and went away, that’s too crazy to even think about. I needed to get some sleep, a new page awaited me tomorrow, and I had to be in optimum state of mind to confront the new day. Tomorrow is another day, and after a good night sleep, everything will present themselves in a new light, there was always another explanation, and Seojin was so wrong about everything. I was in denial, but that reasoning made me feel better, so I went to bed hoping I was right.

***Sorry guys I have been gone for so long. I have been having issues with my computer, and finals didn't give me much choices either. I hope that you are as excited as I am for hat is going to happen next. ^_^

***Please Comment!!!    MY motivation depends on your comments.

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Here we go... chapt 27


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KaRain #1
Update please. Dying to know what happened next. Dont leave us please
YAH i read this story fpr times i ccheck it almost everyday and still no updates that's very mean (puppy eyes) im dying to know byunghee's reaction and please would you like to make him talk often :D PLEAAAASE
i'll just honestly speak I both liked and hated this fanfiction
it's very good and i can see the author's effort , i only hated it because it gave me a real feeling which somehow hurt my my heart badly
anyway I love it and i'm waiting for the next chap
KaRain #4
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update. Please update soon, the story is getting so exciting. I want to know what happens next.
Chapter 27: Welcome back! \^o^/
She is fired?!!! Can he go to hell already?!
Ugh, poor bb ;;;;;; I need Byunghee to come to her rescue! *sobs*
annabomba #6
Chapter 26: Sorry guys, I have been crazy busy with school. I will try to post a new chapter, but I don't promise that it will be soon. Thanks for reading!
KaRain #7
Chapter 26: Update please...
KaRain #8
Chapter 25: Oh yeah... the long wait is over, But what is the status of this relationship? update soon please
Chapter 25: YES! Finally!! oooohhhh I can't wait to see how things are gonna turn out~ :D
KaRain #10
Chapter 22: update sooner. thanks