New Boss

Flight To Paradise

I was so happy that I didn’t know what to say, I looked at Seojin and she was very happy, but for an instant I felt bad, thinking that it was because of her that Seungho gave me the job.  I felt so uneasy about the idea that I started, “I am so happy that I don’t know what to say, but I can’t accept the offer.” They both looked at me confused, all smiles wiped away from their faces. “Is something wrong with the contract?” Seungho asked. “No, it’s not that… it’s perfect actually I couldn’t have asked for more. It’s just that…” Seojin cut me out “I can’t see why you are in doubt if you say that the contract is great.”

I kept my eyes down so embarrassed to look at them directly. I really wasn’t comfortable with charity acts toward me, and Seojin knew that. I was very independent and I always thought that it was an insult for someone to offer those kinds of help to me, and that only somebody with a weak character would take advantage of their friends, or family’s contacts or position to get ahead in life. I value my knowledge and I always made sure that if I got something in life, it was by the sweat of my forehead, so that I wouldn’t owe anything to anybody.  I guessed that she realized that it was what I was thinking, so she took me by the arm and dragged me outside.

“Don’t tell me that you are going to refuse this opportunity, huh?” I looked at her with supplicating eyes, “Unni, you know I can’t accept that. I would never be able to live with myself.” She looked at me pissed off “Yah! Han Jinju, when are you going to stop being so proud? Do you actually think that I had something to do with that? First of all, I know you too well to risk you embarrassing me in front of my new boyfriend, and second we just started our relationship, do you think I would go ask Oppa to put you in his company? He might think that I want you to spy on him.” She was right on that point, but that didn’t made me feel any better, “Still, I can’t let Omma home like that by herself and you know that. Working here would make my stay longer and we have a twelve months contract. Do you think that Ajumma will be able to endure?” She crossed her arms and shook her head from side to side to disapprove of my attempt to run away “Tsk, tsk, don’t worry about Ajumma, she already knows. I talked to her yesterday after Seungho told me. I knew you might come up with something like that.”

“Really! Omma knows!? What did you tell her to keep her quiet? You bribed her didn’t you?” She didn’t say anything and just smiled. “Are you sure you’re not…” I was going to ask her the same question that I always do, but she cut me off “You better not make that stupid comment today.” I laughed and she did too, she went back in the office and I stayed to call my mom just to make sure that she was really okay with it. She picked up at the first ring all exited “Did you sign the contract yet? You should know by now, so are you calling to give me the good news?”

“So you did know, huh. How were you able to keep this secret?” I retorted. She sighed in exasperation, “That’s not important right now. Just tell if you signed or not.” Typical mom, she couldn’t focus when she was that excited, “No, I didn’t sign.” She sounded relieved “Yay! Good job! I knew you would do the right thing” I was confused, she was so enthusiastic about the offer but she didn’t want me to take it? “So you didn’t want me to take the job?” She was silent for a little bit, she was probably spacing out, then she replied “... Wait what!? What do you mean you didn’t sign?” Oh mom! You are worse than a teenager, you only hear what you want. “No I didn’t, I just told you.” She sighed again, this time she sounded annoyed when she replied, “Ana, why are you so difficult? Sometimes I ask myself if you are even my daughter.” ‘Funny’ I thought, ‘I keep asking myself the same question.’ “I told you to take chances when an opportunity comes along. Why are you doubting? I will kick you out if you come back okay.” Now it was my turn to sigh, “I just wanted your opinion ‘Ma before I made a decision…” She cut me off “Listen Anna, you are old enough to take the decisions that suit your life; you don’t need to get my approval all the time. I already told you what I want from you but now it’s time for you to take control of your life because I will not always be there to back you up. You are young and free, so make the best of your life, okay?”

I shook my head like she could see me “I understand mom.” I was about to hang up when she added, “One more thing, if you don’t come with a man, don’t even look for my house because I don’t want you anymore. Love you, bye.” She hung up on me without giving me a chance to say anything. I knew what I had to do, but I still had one doubt. I went back in the office and took the papers to sign, but I stopped and asked, “What does your brothers think about you hiring me Seungho-ssi?” He straightened himself up and asked, “I am the CEO, why are you worried about my brothers’ opinions? Bu to put your mind at ease, we hired you because we need an assistant manager. The foreign company that we hired to prepare summer our production had some difficulty with some of its employees; we are short staffed and have to get involved ourselves this time around. Since you’re a native English speaker and are very qualified, we decided to offer you the post.” I was so relieved when I heard that and without a doubt, I signed the contract. After I handed it over, Seungho gave me a large smile and stood up to shake my hand, and I did the same. By doing so, I came to realize that right now he wasn’t my friend or my best friend’s boyfriend, right now he was my boss, my superior. I was on my way out of the door, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “By the way, how did you get my resume?” I froze instantly when Seungho mentioned, “Byunghee was the one who recommended you for the post, and he also had a copy of your resume faxed over to me.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. The favor was from him, I owed him this opportunity, my new job. Damn, now he was going to walk all over me and pretend to be high and mighty. I am not sure how I will have to treat him now since he will also be my boss. I just hope that I won’t have to work in the same department as him, because he will certainly make my life difficult. I didn’t know why he took pleasure in torturing me, as if it wasn’t enough what he did and said to me before. Anyway, as my boss, I owed him respect but I was not going to take any abuse, whether verbal or physical, anyway he had better watch out.

Along the way home, I was still thinking about all the things that happened, even though I was assured that I was hired because I was qualified for the job, something in the back of my mind kept telling me that things weren’t as simple as they appeared to be. It was very convenient that the position opened just like that. I was a skeptical and my skepticism radar was all over the place. I told Seojin about my doubts but she just dismissed me, telling me that I was being paranoid. “Unni, seriously I am not being paranoid. It’s just that something is not right. It’s too convenient. How did he get my resume anyway?”  She went quiet for a little bit and said, “Omma send it to him.” I thought about it for an instant “I thought you said that you had nothing to do with it.” Something was definitely wrong, even my mom was in on it, she turned toward me and responded, “I didn’t, I just gave Byunghee her number, that’s all. Anyway, I think that he is trying to make up for how he has been acting around you lately. You should just be grateful and get over it.” I smiled bitterly, he might have everybody fooled, but I will not let my guard down, I didn’t know what, but I thought that he was planning something.

Nevertheless, a part of me wanted to believe that he did all that for me, that he wasn’t playing me like a chess game. I smiled tenderly remembering his attempt to have a normal conversation with me last week. He had potential, and I always thought that he could be great a friend, but for some reason, he couldn’t stop judging me. I really wished that I knew what I did to wrong him, but it didn’t matter anymore. I should take Seojin’s advice and take the branch of olive that he was handing to me. So I decided that when I would start working the day after tomorrow, I would give us an opportunity to get closer if possible, and I would take his peace offering but I would stay as far away from him as possible, to prevent misunderstandings.



My first day of work I was presented to the staff of the company that I was going to work with for the next six months. It was only half the staff was here, because the actors, the production manager, the stage manager, the recording manager weren’t there. They were supposed to be in a meeting with the foreign company manager, the CEO and the Chairman, only their assistants were there, including me. So Seungho, Byunghee, and Thunder were at the meeting, Lee Joon was with the actors at rehearsal. I was wondering what Mir must be doing when I saw him coming towards me with his big smile as always. He was waving both hands “Noona, you’re here!” Why he was so happy to see me, I had no idea, but he was so cute. I chuckled and smiled back at him, he came closer but I jumped back trying to maintain my distance. Some people turned to looked at me and some girls giggled at my reaction, I didn’t like being too close with my bosses and I didn’t want anyone to say that I was here because of a favor, I wanted to do my job as I should and stay out of trouble.

I was surprised that Mir wasn’t at the meeting since his brothers were, so I asked him “Oh! Mir-ssi I am surprised to see you here, I thought you’d be at the meeting also.” He scoffed and said “No. I am just part of the regular staff. Father, uhm, I mean the Chairman doesn’t like it when I am there.” I smiled thinking that it was obvious why they wouldn’t allow him in there; he always had something to say and was snickering and making witty comments all the time. I still didn’t know who I was going to work with, and was curious to find out, but I didn’t want to ask it straight so I started, “So who will you be working with?” He smiled again before answering, “I will be working in the music department and with Joon-hyung also.” I shook my head in understanding, “So we will not be working together then.” For a second I saw a flash of amusement in his eyes, like he knew something I didn’t. He scratched is head laughing and responded “Hyung and I don’t work in the same department; he is too serious when it comes to work. He would rather have me far away from him. So you and hyung will be working in association with the foreigners.” He still didn’t tell me who I will be working with, but since he was talking about is “hyung” being serious and all, I just assumed that I would be working with Seungho. I didn’t inquire anything further, but it was clear that he was holding back. I pushed my worries on the back of my mind so I can focus on my job. I asked him to make the presentation with the people that I will be working with, I wanted to test the waters and know what to look forward to before the big meeting.

I was excited and scared at the same time, but after meeting the foreign group that was actually from England, I felt relieved. They were very professional and friendly people. That’s when I met Aaron Chase. He was the last person I was presented to in the group and we started a conversation about the things in our profession, what he had seen and where he had traveled, He was a very charming, very nice and warm personality, and it didn’t hurt at all that he was very good looking; we clicked instantly. I was actually very happy that met I someone else who was not directly involved with the BLAQ brothers, someone else I could relate. And so we talked until our bosses came back from the meeting with the Chaiman. When they walked into the room, I couldn’t help but noticed Byunghee’s disapproving eyes on me. He was fixing me and gritting his teeth, I could see his teeth marks through his clenched jaw, and I could imagine how frustrated he must be since he couldn’t make any snide comments to me since we were in a professional environment.

I was smiling internally, thinking that I was right not to trust him when he pretended to act civilized with me. My eyes met Seungho’s and he shot me a great smile that I gladly returned, and I thought, ‘It’s amazing how different they were. That was a professional greeting from Seungho without him singling me out or involving himself as the boss, contrarily with Byunghee who was trying to kill me with his eyes.’ I sighed and focused my attention to the report of the meeting. I was happy to know that Ben will be working with us also, but he wasn’t able come to the first meeting, so Thunder assisted him since they will be working together. After that, we met with the people who will be over our heads and each department they will be managing. However, as a theater assistant manager, I will be involved directly or indirectly in all of the aspects of the production. There were so many names and faces for me to remember, that I had to give up worrying about Byunghee. And so, I was so fixated on learning about the other members that I didn’t pay attention to who was going to be my boss, since I naturally deduced that I would be working with Seungho, I didn’t really pay much attention to that matter when it should have been my first priority. However, a production had so many departments, that it was crucial for my job to know at least each head of the department and their assistants, these people where the ones that we will be communicating with in the future. Throughout the meeting, Byunhee’s eyes were still fixated on me, I was so busy taking notes, and exchanging anecdotes with Aaron who I learned was the assistant technical director that I didn’t care to worry about him anymore.

After the meeting, as I was assembling my stuff to leave, I saw Byunghee approaching at the corner of my eye. I pretend that I didn’t see him, but he stopped next to me and said in a monotone voice, “Be here tomorrow at 8o’clock sharp, I don’t take lateness well. I want my assistant to be professional and focused not a giggling little girl.” I was putting my notebook and work journal in my bag, but I froze after realizing what he just said ‘Wait, what! Did he mean that He was my boss?’ When I regained my composure and turned to ask him, he was already across the hall. I replayed the scene and comments in my mind over and over again, but I only came to one conclusion, yes I will be working for the next six months in close proximity to him. ‘You have got to be kidding me!’

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Here we go... chapt 27


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KaRain #1
Update please. Dying to know what happened next. Dont leave us please
YAH i read this story fpr times i ccheck it almost everyday and still no updates that's very mean (puppy eyes) im dying to know byunghee's reaction and please would you like to make him talk often :D PLEAAAASE
i'll just honestly speak I both liked and hated this fanfiction
it's very good and i can see the author's effort , i only hated it because it gave me a real feeling which somehow hurt my my heart badly
anyway I love it and i'm waiting for the next chap
KaRain #4
Chapter 27: Thanks for the update. Please update soon, the story is getting so exciting. I want to know what happens next.
Chapter 27: Welcome back! \^o^/
She is fired?!!! Can he go to hell already?!
Ugh, poor bb ;;;;;; I need Byunghee to come to her rescue! *sobs*
annabomba #6
Chapter 26: Sorry guys, I have been crazy busy with school. I will try to post a new chapter, but I don't promise that it will be soon. Thanks for reading!
KaRain #7
Chapter 26: Update please...
KaRain #8
Chapter 25: Oh yeah... the long wait is over, But what is the status of this relationship? update soon please
Chapter 25: YES! Finally!! oooohhhh I can't wait to see how things are gonna turn out~ :D
KaRain #10
Chapter 22: update sooner. thanks