Now & Forever


“This is the motive you want?”, Hoseok asks. He sits on Yoongis bed with a piece of paper in his hands. Yoongi hands him the motive he wants as a tattoo. The older one just nods a bit and looks out of his window again. He watches the cars and the people who walk along the street and close his eyes. “But then is my name on your skin… forever”, Hoseok adds and look at his boyfriend again. This turns around and looks at him with a soft smile. “I know… and I want this, you are my boyfriend”, he says before he walks over to him and pushes him down on the bed. “Ouh, are we get dominate?”, Hoseok asks with a big grin on his face. He puts the piece of paper aside and watches Yoongi. This one crawls on the bed and place his head on Hoseok belly. He closes his eyes a bit and smiles before he grabs Hoseoks hand and interlock those fingers with his own. “I just want to lay like this a bit… a moment please”, Yoongi whispers and Hoseok nods. He also closes his eyes and both boys lay there on Yoongis bed and enjoy this moment. It was nothing special but it calms them down.

“What are you thinking?”, Hoseok asks slowly and starts to caress the small and pale hand of Yoongi. The pale boy takes a deep breath “I remember the first time I meet you… and the smell of grass… taste of honey and the sound of the burst of a soap bubble. The sound when you walk through foliage…strawberries and pancakes and the dew on the grass in the morning”, Yoongi starts to tell him and smiles a bit “The day I meet you is one of my favorite memories”. “Ah Yoongi you’re so kitschy, I can’t believe you can be like that”, Hoseok starts to laugh a bit. Yoongi hits him slightly in the side and also laughs. “Only one of your favorite? Why not your favorite?”, Hoseok asks and starts to run with his fingers through Yoongis hair. Both have taken a shower before and his hair is still a little bit wet. “Because my favorite one is from the day at the beach… before I went to the hospital… this day at the beach was the best day in my life”, Yoongi tells him and smiles a bit “We were so happy that day… we laugh and live like there is no tomorrow. I wish we could be always at the beach like this… I want to hold your hand and walk with you there… feel the sand around my feet’s…feel the hot sun… to hear the sound of the waves…”. Yoongi just calms down more and more. I just can remember this day like it was yesterday… but it was long ago. Hoseok smiles a bit and also remembers this day. It’s one of his favorite’s memories also.

“What about you? What is your favorite memory?”, Yoongi then wants to know and squeeze Hoseoks hand a little bit. This one bites his lower lip. “When I come with you to your doctor the first time… I think this makes me clear that I love you and that I want to spent my life with you and no one else… No one…only you”, Hoseok whispers and smiles a bit “I may be not the happiest memory with you, but one of them where I realize how much I love you”. Yoongi slowly sits up and looks down at his boyfriend. He places a hand on his belly and starts to caresses him a bit. “Sometimes when you say stuff like that… I feel like you want to propose to me”, the pale boy laughs a bit before he stands up and stretches a bit “We should go down and make everything ready for the picnic… also we need to go to the tattoo studio and make an appointment”. Hoseok looks at him for a moment before he nods and stands up. He follows the smaller one downstairs into the kitchen. There the two start to make the food ready. Both try to make some sushi and the cut some fruits and some sweet tea to drink. “I can’t wait for the picnic… and I also can’t wait when we are home. Because we both get probably a bit cold and then we cuddle under my blanket and warm up each other…”, Yoongi smiles at this thoughts and puts two glasses in the basket. “And again, you are the cute one here”, Hoseok says and place a kiss on his cheek before he puts the blanket over the food and drinks. “Ready… should we leave now?”, the taller one asks his boyfriend before the both leave the kitchen with the basket. “Yes… I really need to go to the studio”, Yoongi says before he stops and looks up at the other one “Do you want to get a tattoo, too?”. Hoseok also stops and think about it for a moment before he nods. “Yes… but mines will be a secret”, he laughs a bit when Yoongi starts to pout. Both went up to grab they clothe, since they are a home both walk through the house in shorts and shirts. “But Hoseok,… please tell me”, Yoongi begs him when he grabs a flannel shirt of him and starts to button up it. “No…it will be a surprise”, Hoseok remembers him when he grabs his pants and put them on. “But… what if when I didn’t like it?”, the pale boy asks and stops button up his shirt. But Hoseok only laughs and close the three last buttons of his blouse “What then? Will you leave me?”. He kisses his boyfriend before he turns around and grabs his hoodie to but it on. But Yoongi pushes him on the bed again and crawls on his boyfriend. “Tell me Hoseok, or I have to punish you!”, he warns him and pulls up the sleeves of his shirt. But the taller one just starts to laugh. “Oh? You want to punish me? Aren’t you the one who loves to get some smacks on his pretty ?”, Hoseok says and start to laugh. “Ah, Jung Hoseok, I kill you!”, Yoongi screams before he starts to tickle his boyfriend. He knows how ticklish Hoseok is and which parts of his body are the one where he somehow has to touch him and Hoseok starts to shake and giggle. The taller one lies under him and starts to laugh and tries to stop Yoongi. But this one didn’t stop with it and always tells Hoseok to tell him what he wants to get as a tattoo. “No! Never… You don’t even ahhh~”, Hoseok laughs more and more and gasps for air. After some minutes Yoongi has mercy with his begging boyfriend and stops to tickle him. After this one calms down his breath he starts to grin again. “But I won’t tell you what I get as a tattoo”, he reminds Yoongi who starts to pout again and slowly stands up. “You are so mean”, he mumbles and crosses his arms in front of his chest. Hoseok also stands up slowly and smiles at him before he kisses the soft lips of Yoongi. “I know… but that’s why you love me… now come on”, Hoseok says, grabs Yoongis pants and hand him this.

After they went to the tattoo studio both take a walk before they went into the park. It’s already dark outside and Hoseok finds an empty bench. He didn’t want to let him sit on the grass – not that Yoongi gets too cold and get ill. He want to have a healthy Yoongi also they appointment for the tattoos in a few days. Both sit down and Yoongi leans on Hoseok but this one put the blanket over they laps. “It’s so wonderful here”, Yoongi whispers before Hoseok stands up again. He starts to place some candles around the bench and lit them up. And with that Yoongi starts to smile more. “You are so perfect Hoseok…so perfect”, Yoongi whispers when the taller one sits down again. “I just want to make your wishes come true”, he says and looks at him. Hoseok grabs one of the boxes out of the basket and opens it. In the box is the sushi they made and Hoseok starts to feed him. Yoongi did the same with his boyfriend and snuggles against him. Some people walk by and look at the couple, but no one says a word. Some smile and some just shakes their heads. But the both boys didn’t care- they only care for each other.

“It’s so beautiful… we should do this again, just come here and sit down…”, Yoongi mumbles and take Hoseoks big hand into his small one. “Yes… I love to spend my time with you like this”, the taller one says and put his free arm around Yoongi to pull him closer. Yoongi himself looks up into the sky at the stars. “You know… when I’m dead I’m going to be one of these stars at night so that I can watch you all the time”, the pale boy says and chuckles a bit “So look up sometimes”. Hoseok looks down at his boyfriend who still looks into the sky. The soft light from the candles reach his face and the taller one sees his smile… he is happy in this moment like he could stay forever like this. Hoseok knows this smile better than anyone else in the world. It’s a different smile. The taller one took a deep breath before he squeeze the pale hand of Yoongi which makes him look up to him. “Mhm?”, the smaller one raises an eyebrow. But Hoseok turns more to the smaller one and grab both of his hands and smiles at him. “Yoongi… I need to talk to you”, he says and starts to sound a bit nervous. Yoongi just looks confused at him. “Eh…what’s wrong Hoseok?”, he asks unsure but the taller one just chuckles a bit. “Nothing is wrong… everything is perfect right now. I just want to tell you… that I truly love you… and that I’m honest about every word I have every say to you… Especially the one where I tell you I want to spent my life with you… because you are my life, you are everything I have and I ever wanted. I don’t want or need anybody else… just you… my little and cute Yoongi… and I really love everything about you… and yeah…. And I just want…. Just want to ask you if you want to be mines forever, if you want to marry me”, Hoseok end his little speech and smiles and him carefully “I’m not kidding Yoongi… I’m honest, I want to marry you”.

Yoongis eyes winded and he looks at his boyfriend. He really can’t believe it that this is true… that he ask him to marry him… even though it’s not legal here in South Korea. Both once talked about it, it was about one year ago. “Yes”, Yoongi softly whispers and then he starts to smile “Yes Hoseok”. The taller one starts to grin immediately and take off his silver and black ring and put his on Yoongis finger. But his finger is to small for it. “Ah… stupid thing”, Hoseok mumbles and tries another finger. “But it has to be this finger”, Yoongi mumbles and Hoseok laughs again. “Argh, why do you have such small fingers!”, he complains. Still his hands were shaky and he is nervous. But Yoongi stops him, leans forward and place a kiss on his lip to calm him down. After a few seconds they break the kiss and Yoongi leans his forhead against Hoseoks “I have an idea”. “For the rings… but I wanted to give you mine”, Hoseok starts to complain but Yoongi laughs a bit. “And then wear one of my rings? You can’t even put them on your finger”, Yoongi stands up and starts to put all the things together and grins at his boyfriend “Come one!”. Hoseok laughs at it before he helps his boyfriend and then this one leads him into the city. But Hoseok has no idea what he wants to do until they reach a little automate. “Yoongi…?”, the taller one starts but Yoongi starts to search in his pocket for something. Finally he finds some money and put it into the machine. It’s one were couple could buy couple-rings with some cute things on it or signs. The pale boy pushes some buttons and the machine pulls out a little plastic ball which Yoongi hands his boyfriend. “Our rings”, he says proudly but the taller one just laughs. This is one of the things he also loves about his boyfriend. When he has an idea in his head he brings it to the end. He can be really stubborn. Even though these rings are plastic rings, Hoseok thinks is just cute and special. Like his little angel Yoongi. The taller one opens the little plastic ball and take out the rings.They were perfect - the rings are silver with the sign of infinity in the middle. He takes the smaller one, take Yoongis hand carefully and put the ring on the right finger. A moment Yoongi just look at him and smiles more. Then he takes the other ring and put this one on Hoseoks finger. Both stand there in silence for a moment and Yoongi close his eyes. “I can’t believe you really ask me that”, he mumbles and Hoseok laughs a bit before he pulls his boyfriend in his arms. “I just want to spent my life with you…”, he says but Yoongi sighs up. “But… we can’t marry… Hoseok it’s illegal here and we can’t go to America for it…”, he mumbles but Hoseok smiles again. “Maybe we don’t marry in this life, but in the next life I will marry you”, he promise him and places a kiss on his pale cheek.


Dear Hoseok

I can’t believe what you have done… I can’t believe that you want to marry me. Do you read this? Kekeke! Please stop it when you do it because this book should be a surprise for you!

Words can’t describe how happy I’m right now. I totally forget that we only have a few months together – this night I forget everything and just think that I will be forever by your side. One day as your husband. And yes – in our next life we are going to marry. I don’t care where we live – but I want to marry you! You are the love of this life… and in my next life and every life after that. You are so beautiful and so perfect. I have the perfect boyfriend every girl would wish for. I love to fight with you, I love to tickle you and I love the way you laugh. My Hoseok.

I never thought I would meet such a perfect person or that I deserve you. Now, I want to show you how much I love you! You always show me that, now it’s my turn. You know I’m not the best with this things – I don’t like kitschy things and sometimes it’s hard for me to say them… and I’m not the type for couple things. But now I want to change that. I love you so much and I want to show this to you.

Thank you for stay by my side Hoseok.

I love you




Okay... I didn't plan this! But... when they talk about they favorite memories... I couldn't resist... Ahha :D I'm not 100% sure about gay marriage in south korea...D:

And this is Hoseoks ring he wanted to give Yoongi. Hoseok wears this ring almost on ever fansign and you notice this ring on some other photos sometimes :D Isn't his smile adorable? I LOVE it! He is such a beauty ;w;~

And the main image... just imagine this are the rings they get! :D

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Chapter 21: ahhhhhhh my heart ;;
thank you soooo much for this story, i loved it <3
Chapter 21: Sorry but I'm kind of curious about Hoseok's tatto? (^ω^)
Chapter 21: I'm happy too in the end
It makes me cry and smile at the same time
Thank you
Chapter 20: You make me cry cry
And the story is beautiful
blablaboo #6
Army_love_V_TaeTae #7
Chapter 21: Chapter 21 : oh my god !!!! This story made me feel like..... Oh, I really really really love your story <3 thank you so much author-nim
this sounds interesting!! yoonseok + paradise as your inspiration(?)
i will read it as soon as possible!! hehe
parkjoohee #9
Chapter 21: It's a good story ^^ it makes me cry for 30 mins or so... ahaha keep up the good work ^^
Chapter 21: Ive read this once before and even now i sob like a baby ;-;