Minah, why?

Look To Listen

-Minah's POV- 

"Its the best place that sells crepes! You'll love it!" J Hope said excitedly. He went from happy to super happy instantly just by talking about crepes. He held my hand and pulled me along as he told me the many flavor of crepes there are and the toppings I could get. He was just so adorable like this! 

"So what kind do think of getting?" He smiled. 

"I'll decide when we get there," I laughed. "What about you?"

"I'll decide when we get there." He imitated me and winked. I felt so close to him and I really didn't want him to become distant. I clasped our hands together the moment his grip became looser. He looked down at our hands and I stared down at the ground, hiding my red cheeks. 

J Hope took his free hand and turned my head to face him; he gently pressed his lips to my cheek. My heart beat faster and my face was like a red lantern. 

"Minah," J Hope said. I looked at him. "I like you..." 

"I like you too." I said. 

"No, Minah, not as a friend, more than a friend." He stopped me and placed his hands on my shoulders. 

"I know what you mean, J Hope. I like you too, as more than a friend." I said. I'm surprised I didn't stutter. This is the first time i've felt this way towards someone in a long time. 

"Good." He smiled brightly. "Now lets go get some crepes!" 

"You must really like crepes." I laughed. 


* * * 


"Mango tastes better than strawberry." I said but J Hope shook his head. 

"Strawberry is better than mango!" He argued. We went back and forth on who got the better crepe.

 We walked back to their place and we were still going at it. 

"Rap Mon!" I yelled. He ran out from the kitchen. 

"What!? What's wrong!?" He asked. 

"What's better? Mango or strawberry?" I asked. 

"Oh, mango for sure." He said before walking back to the kitchen. 

"HA!" I said. J Hope pouted. 

"JIMIN!" He yelled. Jimin came out from his room and looked down at us. "What's better? Mango or strawberry?" 

"Mango." He smiled. 

"Mango is way better!" Jung Kook added. 

"I win." I said politely. "You still have a good tasting crepe though." 

"Thank you." J Hope said with a small smile. 

"Minah?" Rap Mon said. "Can you come over here? And not you J Hope." 

"Fine." J Hope said. I walked to the kitchen and Rap Mon smiled. 

"How is he?" He asked. 

"Happy, fun, adorable." I answered. Rap Mon hugged me tightly. 

"Hey!" Someone snapped. Rap Mon let go and we stared at J Hope. 

"Get your own girl." J hope said and back hugged me, securely wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"Sorry." Rap Mon raised his hands in the air. "She's all yours." 

"Alright you two." I said. 

"Go out already." V said walking into the kitchen. He had a smirk plastered on his face. 

"So on Monday is our small meet up in the dance room. Wanna join?" V asked me. 

"That would be nice." I said. 

"So you'll come?" J Hope asked. I nodded and he hugged me tighter. 

"What time is it?" I asked. 

"4:23." Rap Mon said. I felt fear ping in me. 

"I-I'll be back." I said and tore away from J Hope. 

"Do you want me to come?" J Hope asked. 

"No, its alright." I said and grabbed J Hope's jacket. I kissed J Hope's cheek and ran to the door. "I'll be back within an hour, its ok." 

"Alright, be careful on the way back." He smiled and I left. I broke into a run. 

"If i'm late, they'll take me." I said over and over. 

I'm living on my own, because my parents are in jail. They were apart of a gang and they were caught in the act. I was just 14, and the police were trying to make me a foster child, but I argued that I can live on my own. Ever since, i've been proving that i'm old enough to be on my own. Every third Saturday of every month, I have a meeting with my probation officer. Why do I have a probation officer? I don't even know. I was late once; I was two hours late because I forgot. I was given a warning and i've avoided getting an other warning or consequence. 

I ran up my apartment stairs and pulled out my keys and quickly unlocked my door. I have 3 minutes to spare. I fixed my hair and the living room. I sat down and drank a glass of water. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw...J Hope!? 

"W-What are you doing here!?" I asked. "You can't be here!" 

"I was worried." He said, I can hear the worriness in his voice. "What's wrong?" 

"You have to go." I said. 

"Its ok, Minah." Mr. P said as he appeared behind J Hope. 

"Who's this?" J Hope asked me. 

"I'm Minah's probation officer." Mr.P introduced himself. I felt embarassed and crushed. "Let's all go inside." I let them in and J Hope looked at me scared. 

"Probation officer?" J Hope asked. 

"Go sit down and you'll find out." I tried not to cry. I closed the door and sat down on the couch with my head down. 


J Hope isn't going to want to be with me now...


"Hello young man, are you Minah's boyfriend?" Mr.P asked. 

"Please don't be so nosey." I snapped. 

"I'm not, but I wish to be." J Hope smiled. "I'm Jung Hoseok, but I prefer J Hope." 

"Hello, J Hope. I'm Mr.P." He introduced himself. "So Minah, any troubles?" 

"No." I said coldly. 

"Good. How are your grades?" 

"Same old same old." I answered. 

"Good." Mr.P looked through papers. 

"Here, its from your parents." He handed me an envelope. I took it and placed it on my lap. 

"So, that's really all for today. I will see you for the next check up and hopefully you won't need any check ups." Mr.P said. 

"Wait, why does Minah have a probation officer?" J Hope asked. 

"I'll leave that to Minah to tell you." Mr.P said. "Goodbye Minah, J Hope." And he left. J Hope got onto his knees infront of me. 

"Minah, why?" He asked. I didn't answer and he held both my hands in his. "Please tell me." 

"Growing up, my parents were apart of a gang. They stold money, killed people until I was fourteen, which they were caught. They've been in jail and the authority wanted me to be an orphan. But I argued that I can live on my own. Mr.P is my probation officer who checks on me every month to make sure that i'm doing good and stuff." I explained. I let my tears fall and J Hope hugged me. 

"Why were you afraid to tell me?" He asked. 

"How could I tell you I have a probation officer?" I said.

"I don't see why I couldn't love you because of that." J Hope smiled. Did he say love?! 

-J Hope's POV- 

CRAP I SAID LOVE! I scolded myself. Minah smiled and I wiped her tears. 

"You love me." She said. I nodded and she smiled even more. 



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Amazing story!
leah412 #2
Chapter 7: J-hope acts so cute in this chapter
Chapter 11: Ommfggggg Moorree! c: