You Either Love Me or Not

Look To Listen

-Minah's POV- 

Everyone was saying that J Hope and I are dating, when we're not, and it's starting to really bother me. I know I should be happy or excited because everyone thinks i'm dating a Kingka, or that we have a thing going on, but i'm sort of not. J Hope hasn't even asked me to be his. He hasn't tried, that's why i'm mainly irritated: he hasn't tried to ask me out. He tells me he loves me, treats me like his girlfriend, but doesn't bother to ask me to be his girlfriend. 


I walked regularly into school, went to my locker, grabbed my binder and waited for J Hope in front on the steps. As I waited, a small group of girls were whispering to each other, and looking at me. 

"Isn't she J Hope Oppa's girlfriend?" One girl asked her friend. 

"No, but they act like they're dating." Her friend chuckled. 

"I bet you he's just using her.." Another girl said and said something else but I couldn't hear her well. 

"He'll never ask her. She isn't good enough like everyone thinks." The first girl said. 

"Its funny how you think I can't hear you." I spoke up. "I bet all of you have a crush on one of the kingkas, am I right?" They nodded. "Now, it wouldn't be nice to talk about their favorite female friend would it? And if they found out, would you like to face them?" They shook their heads. "Then keep your comments to yourself. Me and J Hope's relationship, wether we're dating or not, isn't any of your concerns, nor will it ever." 

They walked away and I let out a big sigh. I feel more fustrated then I already was with J Hope. Speaking of J Hope, he hasn't showed up. Three minutes before the first bell rings. I waited just in case, but he didn't come. Now i'm mad. 


Its lunch and I still haven't seen J Hope. He hasn't responded to any of my messages whatsoever. 

I was at my locker when a girl from my biology class approached me. "Minah?" She asked. 

"Can I help you?" I said. 

"You should stay away from J Hope. He isn't the sweet guy you think he is." She said. **AGAIN WITH J HOPE DAMMIT** "He's just using you, like every other girl he's been with." 

"What are you talking about? J Hope isn't like that." I snapped. 

"What's this about J Hope?" J Hope randomly appeared. The girl looked at me then walked away. 

"Where have you been?" I snapped. "I waited for you as usual, and messaged you like a million times!" 

"I heard what you said to that group this morning." He said. I remember the girls on the steps.

"And?" I said. 

"Using BTS like that isn't cool. Because they were talking about us?" J Hope scoffed. 

"No. Because they were insulting me and because Rap Mon said if there's any issues, to give them a warning." I said. J Hope is just making my blood boil even more. J Hope sighed. 

"I'm sorry. I keep overreacting." He said. 

"I know." I raised an eyebrow. He gave me a hug and tried kissing me. I pushed him away. 

"You're angry?" He asked. 

"Yes and no. I'm irritated with you." I said. He looked at me confused. 

"What did I do? Is it because me overreacting? I promise i'll stop-" 

"No its not that, J Hope." I said even more annoyed. 

"Then what is it? Is it my breath?" He asked still clueless. "I haven't kissed you in awhile." 

"Yeah, well you can't kiss me anymore." I said. He gave me a weird look. 

"Why not?" 

"Cause i'm not your girlfriend." I responded. He was still clueless. "J Hope, we can't be kissing and hugging if we aren't together. We've been doing this for over a month. You say you love me and everyone thinks we're dating when we aren't. You haven't even tried or bothered to ask me to be your girlfriend. I'm not going to be your friend with benefits. You either love me or not." J Hope looked at me shocked. He didn't respond. "I guess you don't love me." I walked away from him, and it was necessary for me to in this situation. 

I won't be in a stupid relationship as friends with benefits. 



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Amazing story!
leah412 #2
Chapter 7: J-hope acts so cute in this chapter
Chapter 11: Ommfggggg Moorree! c: