A fight

Trick or Torture?

Hearing to Jongup’s statement, JiYoung’s eyes diverted to his and without any words came out afterwards, JiYoung suddenly positioned herself a little front from us then within seconds for preparation; she started to move, dancing with her own imaginable music because there was none actually. But, then I could hear a pop background music playing. I turned around and defined that JunHeong was the one who the music through the big radio.

I never thought this could happen but when JiYoung dance, most of the students stopped practicing then turned towards her, watching every of her dance steps earnestly without blinking. Some of them even cheered at her because JiYoung looked free and happy when dancing pop music plus with all of her electro, poppin, jazz type of dance; she was quite a catch in the eye at the moment.

Through the middle of the song, Jongup bravely put up his confident act to dance along with JiYoung. Though they did not collaborate but their dance looked amazing. When the song lasted which JiYoung and Jongup finally stopped dancing, more like three or four groups near them cheered and clapped their hands for the fun view they just watched. Some of them praised JiYoung and some just simply rolled their eyes at her.

I tried searching for any warmth smile appearing out of her lips but she did not show any sign of that under that gloomy cap of hers. JiYoung turned to me then I quickly look away. Well, that was quite shocking. She seemed cold as ever.

Suddenly, Luhan walked to JiYoung then praised her for that remarkable talent, “Waa! JiYoung-ssi, your dance is incredibly, amazingly, perfectly perfect! Was that your own freestyle?” Luhan bombarded her with questions then I wondered on how she would reply.

JiYoung seemed surprised then regain her composure immediately after and automatically both of her hands glued together whilst she kept on fiddling them out of… I don’t know… maybe out of nervouness or shyness. “I guess so…” she replied. She sounded nervous though, maybe because it’s the first time she has ever talked to a new person before she hardly ever knew.

“You danced great!” Jongup came then gave her his two-thumbs up while looking into her eyes.

JiYoung held back for a moment then coldly answered, “Right.”

I judged their reaction to her but someone interrupted me from it, “Woo… hoo… Seems like my lil friend is quite jealous for her step-sister’s attention,” Sehun slung his arm on my other shoulder hardly.

I crossed my arms and replied, “Well, I’m not like somebody here who just priotizes fame than other things. I’m not into being famous and I’m not jealous. And, stop calling her my step-sis.”

Sehun snickered, “Sorry, but that’s the true fact, right?”

“Fine,” I muttered and huffed an imitated groan.

Few moments later, Luhan called us to practice together this time. Clock was ticking away faster than usual. Sehun said that he chose ‘Why So Serious?’ song as the background music. It is quite catchy and hip hop type of feel when I heard the first time. Luckily, I’ve practice these steps before with Luhan, and Jongin was the one who taught us whilst Sehun actually slept on the couch when we practiced at Jongin’s house. But, everything went perfectly fine though I’m not sure about me.

“Are you coming with me or not? Or… are you going to practice with your ste–”

“Shut it! I’m coming…” I quickly cut Sehun’s teasing sentence off before ‘she’ actually heard it. Sehun was too loud, I agreed.

So, in the end, I practiced with Sehun for like…the first time but he was not being a good instructor, unlike Jongin. I hate him more now…

“Wow, JiYoung-ssi! You learned fast. I’m proud of you,” Luhan confessed, beamingly.

I looked to JiYoung but not a single trace of smile was visible plastered onto her face. How rude. But, that was not fair. How could JiYoung be such a fast-leaner while I’m still stuck here trying to remember everything.

After a while, Sehun decided to take a look at our performance altogether then abruptly arranged the positions. I stood near JiYoung in front of the three boys who stood behind. Jongup helped by turning ‘on’ the song on the radio. I heard the song tuning into my head and by a few secs, I took my first dance step to live…

The intro was fine through but I got stuck at the verse 1. I stopped dancing and saw JiYoung and everyone else was still in their position. Sehun paused the song and boringly asked, “Now, what happened?”

I apologized to everyone, bowing to them then we started all over again. The song restarted and in verse 1 and a half I got bumped onto JiYoung beside me; she hissed plus glaring at me was a point, a point that she hates me so much that she even sternly said; “Get it right already, will you?”

I was surprised at her sudden angry tone than for like the third, Sehun restarted the song again. The feeling of guilty was building inside of me like hell. I felt sorry. Until, to the mistake point that I’ve done, when the song came down to chorus verse, I forgot the steps again and overall, it made someone boiled up; “That’s it! I’m sick of this!” JiYoung angered in high voice.

I held my head up high to her tone, I was becoming arrogant, “Sick of what?! Looking at my face this whole time?”

“Why in the world… Even forever, I’d beg not to look at you, talk to you and even bump into you!” JiYoung yelled.

“Oh, is that it? If you’ve been keeping this, why didn’t you just blurt it out at the first pla–” I pushed her on the shoulder.

“Like hell, I would. I would definitely would.”

“You don’t understand a thing about me. You don’t deserve to act like you do kn–”

Then she shoved me at the shoulders, making me stumbled onto my steps and fell backwards. I restrained from falling hard on the head by stretching my arms out to the floor. JiYoung was burning anger in flames, “The ! Do you even ing understand me?! You little !”

I merely stopped but could argue back, “I hate you, !! An idiot like you should’t even existed!”

“Damn you!”

JiYoung lunged towards me and I was doing the same but before any of us could get hurt, I felt my body being flung over by strong arms over my waist. I could see JiYoung being held back by Jongup with his arms around her. He was trying to calm her down, words whispering near her ear but it was a little hard as to JiYoung was a strong girl anyway. I tried kicking my legs up, imagining that JiYoung was right in front of me. My heart was blinded with anger.

“Stop it, SuHyun! Calm down!” Sehun shouted at me, his arms took a strong hold aroung my waist still.

Everything became silence. The practice room echoed because of our shouting.


Jay’s POV

I panted, hard. My hands were on his toned arms’ muscles around my waist. He kept on whispering, “Calm down, JiYoung! Calm down. Everything is going to be okay. Relax,” near my right ear. I had to admit, his voice did make me calm down. But I could not resist keeping sending death glare to this girl in front of me who was being held by her friend behind her.

Everyone stepped away when BoA and Changmin seonsangnim stepped closer to us. Jongup and Sehun slowly removed their arms from our waist. Sehun put his hands slowly on SuHyun’s shoulders before removing his hands from her as if he said he will be there if anything ever happen.

“Now, what’s wrong here?” BoA seonsangnim asked.

I pushed my cap downward, not really knowing the answer. What’s wrong? Nothing’s wrong except this girl in front of me start to ask what I sicked of. Can I really answer BoA seonsangnim that? I don’t even care.

“Hmm, SuHyun-ssi, mind telling me what happened?” I could hear Changmin seonsangnim asked her.

Urgh, that crazy little would always make people drew attention towards her even if it’s not necessary; like how she made Dad’s attention are all over her until he did not even realize that he still have me and mum to take care of beside of her and her mum.

“I’m sorry,” SuHyun apologized.

I rolled my eyes underneath my cap as soon as I heard her voice.

“I’ll let both of them under you,” BoA seonsangnim looked at Changmin seonsangnim and walked away right after he nodded.

“Right then, both of you detention after school!” strictly, he said.

I let out a sigh. I glimpsed at her and found she looked so sad with hands rubbing against each other. Puh, drama queen! A second before you was so rude and a second after how could you turn into this pathetic?

“Alright guys, attention please!” BoA seonsangnim clasped her hands together in the air, drawing everyone’s attention to her, “Because of the unexpected tragedy, I think it’s the best if I stopped this class now. Remember, arguing is not the best way to solve your problem. Class dismiss!” she clearly said.

I could sense the sentence was surely dedicated for us; the never-good step-sisters. A sigh escaped my mouth once again and I began to walk to the door with my backpack shifted on my shoulder. I could see Jongup trying to walk me but instead, he just sent me with his eyes; maybe he knew I need time for myself.

The door was crowded with students racing to get out. Some of the students were pointing at me who was waiting to get out a metre away from the door while whispering among her friends. I clearly saw every movement of their hands but I acted like I didn’t even know they existed; like always. I walked through the door when there’s no more queue between it.

After a few minutes walking alone at the hallway, Bomi came running to me with someone beside her. “Sunbae, are you okay?”

I growled inside. How could you say I’m freaking okay after all these? I never thought to fight with her, at least not in public. I hummed as a reply.

“Sunbae, I ha–”

“Bomi, Naeun, nevermind; I’ll take care of her from now. Thanks for the concern though.”

I could hear someone interrupted Bomi’s sentence. Her friend must be Naeun. I looked up and found Amber was thanking Bomi and Naeun with her hands on their shoulder.

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I don't think I can update this story for the mean time; at least until the national exam finished. My mate wants to focus on her study. Mianhae


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YongNa #1
Chapter 5: The emotions left me already (-_-) btw,you keep making cliffhangers (_ _)
YongNa #2
Chapter 4: Wait,who's the main character here? Is it Jay or is it SuHyun? I'm confused (--")
YongNa #3
Chapter 2: Ehheyy~what happened to my Kyung Soo Oppa?? (ㅋㅋㅋ)
Chapter 1: aaa xD cant wait for more, author-nim.. update soon~ hwaiting!