Red and Yellow

I can't make you love me

“Luhan thank you again. I have to go.” Kris skipped out of Luhan’ room happily.


“Oh boy. What have I done.” Luhan covered his face with both his hands.


Luhan got out of his room and started looking for Xiumin. He looked for Xiumin everywhere inside the dorm hoping to tell him about his dilemma, even in the bathroom but he couldn’t find him. Then he thought it would be a good idea to look for him in the yard.

When he stepped outside, he saw Xiumin planting some roses in the garden.


“Xiumin! Xiumin!” Luhan ran over to Xiumin, who stopped everything he was doing to look at Luhan.


“What’s wrong princess?” Xiumin took off his gardening gloves and pushed Luhan’ bangs away from his face.


“I did it. I think you were right, I shouldn’t have.” Luhan was whizzing and trying to catch his breath.


Xiumin pinched Luhan’ arm, which caused Luhan to jump and rub his arm.


“Ouch! What was that for?”Luhan looked surprised.


“You cute idiot. I did warn you. Oh but no! Luhan wanted to play cupid. I just hope your arrow managed to hit kai!” Xiumin rolled his eyes and took a hose pipe to water his roses. He glared at Luhan, who went to take a sit on the porch bench and hung his head, causing his golden brown hair to bury his face.


Xiumin couldn’t help but feel sorry for Luhan. So he decided to turn off the tap and throw the hose pipe on the floor to rush over to Luhan’ side. He set next to the morose boy, pulled him in for a hug and a kiss on the forehead.


“I know you were just trying to help, but please don’t do this again, ok baby.” Xiumin started tickling Luhan all over hoping to get a smile or a giggle out of him. By luck Luhan started giggling and covering his body away from Xiumin’ greedy hands.


“OMG! This is beyond disgusting, so early in the day! Yuck!” Sehun looked as if he was going to vomit any second now.


Xiumin and Luhan started laughing because Sehun looked jealous. “Sehun, you can join us if you like, there is enough love to go around.” Luhan winked at Sehun. Sehun ran inside the house just to get away from these love birds.


“Do you want me to make you a cheese sandwich princess?”Xiumin kept rubbing Luhan’ back in a soothing manner and Luhan gave a small nod.


Xiumin and Luhan went back inside the dorm, when they almost reached the kitchen Xiumin stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes looked like they were about to drop out and bounce on the floor any second. Luhan looked at the surprised Xiumin and then looked straight ahead. What he saw made his eyes also want to drop out and bounce on the floor.


It looked like Kris was giving Kai a back hug in the kitchen and it also seemed as if Kris was whispering something into kai’ ear.


“Oh my word. What’ going on here?” Luhan felt as if he was in a bad dream, he wondered if Kris told Kai about their little conversation.

Xiumin made a backward turn to the lounge, he let it all out, and he was laughing so hard that he didn’t make a sound, the only way you could tell he was laughing, was because his body kept twitching. Baozi was very amused, he dropped to his knees and then rolled on the floor; Luhan felt his body going numb and felt as if he was going to have a . Luhan thought it would be a great idea to move in closer to hear what Kris was whispering.


“Kai, What are you making?” Kris whispered into Kai’ ear while holding him very close, his breath smelt minty.

“I’m making a chicken sandwich, do you want one?” Kai felt very uncomfortable in the giant’s arms, he tried to wiggle away but it seemed hopeless.


“Oh I have your jacket, do you want me to give it to you now?” Kai stopped wiggling, hoping Kris would let go on his own.


“Oh no, keep it. Think of it as an early birthday present.” Kris' hands slithered off of Jongin’ arms, all the way down to his waist. Jongin felt his heart racing, what was his hyung doing to him.


Luhan made a little squeaky sound and quickly covered his mouth with his hand. Kris loosened his arms around kai’ waist, making it easier for Kai to break free.


“Luhan, how long have you been standing there?”Kris’ heart was beating fast now, he felt like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Kai was able to move away from Kris towards Luhan.


“Not long, I was just here to make a sandwich.” Luhan pushed his hair back; kai stood behind Luhan and observed Kris.


“Did I interrupt something?” Luhan’ voice was trembling.


“Not at all, I think I hear D.O calling me, I’m coming D.O.” Kai smiled at Luhan and ran up the stairs.


Xiumin who was lying on the ground got up and stood next to Luhan. Kris gave half a smile to both the boys and scratched his neck, he wasn’t aware that Xiumin was lurking around the whole time.


“I’m going up to my room…to work on my painting…I guess I will see you guys later.” Kris looked at the ground feeling embarrassed, he wished it could open up and swallow him whole.


“Kris, don’t worry he will come around, just don’t come on too strong, you must give him a little space to breath.” Luhan placed a sincere hand on Kris’ shoulder and Kris nodded and made his way upstairs. Xiumin’ eyes followed Kris until he disappeared out of sight.


“Are you crazy?! The lies just keep coming!” Xiumin was shocked by Luhan’ never ending lies.


“What did you want me to say?! Come let me make you a sandwich, I will feed you.” Luhan rubbed Xiumin’ tummy.


“Oh ok, my sugar plum.” Xiumin gave in easy to Luhan’ sweet charm.


Kris went into his room, locked the door and ruffled his hair. He didn’t know why Kai was acting so cold towards him. But he just thought Kai was playing hard to get, obviously Kai’ not the type to openly express his feelings. Kris decided to take some blue paint, dip a paint brush into it, he painted a large heart on his wall and engraved ‘KrisKai forever’ in the middle of the heart.

Kris went all rosy cheek and remembered that he needed some red and yellow paint to complete his painting. So he thought it would be a great idea to pop into the art shop, so he locked his room and went out quickly.

Jongin who was sitting on the couch saw him leaving in a hurry and wondered what he was up too. Then Suho and Tao came into the lounge talking about how they couldn’t wait to see Kris' master piece. Jongin who was listening in on their conversation couldn’t help but grow curious about the so called master piece. So he thought taking a little look wouldn’t hurt.

So he went to Kris' room and tried to open the door but it was locked, then he remembered that there was a master key hanging on the wall by the kitchen. He quickly went down stairs to fetch it. When he got back by Kris' room he looked around to see if anyone was watching, then opened the door slowly.


When he fully opened the door, he felt like his stomach was going to drop. The room looked very dark and cold. What he saw next made him want to cringe. He looked around Kris’ walls and saw pictures of himself on the wall with cut out heads of Kris stuck next to his head.


When he was moving forward he looked on the floor and saw cut out heads of D.O. He bit his lower lip when he saw the heart shape on the wall. He felt like screaming now, and then he decided to take a look at the so called master piece painting on the canvas. At first he couldn’t make out what it was, then he realized Kris was trying to paint him.


“This guy is sick, his obsessed.” Before Kai could turn to make his way out of the room, he found Kris standing in the middle of the door way.


“What are you doing in my room?” Kris moved in closer, took the master key and locked himself and Jongin in the room. He then removed the master key from the door and placed it into his pocket.


“I was looking for you?” Jongin stumbled onto Kris bed. Kris placed the red and yellow paint on the floor, not taking his eyes off of Jongin.


Kai set on one edge of the bed, cowering like a freighted kitten.


“Jongin. I love you, I would never hurt you.” Kris kept moving closer towards Jongin. Jongin closed his eyes tightly and started crying.

“Jongin, I love… I love you… please say you love me too.” Kris placed his hand gently on Jongin’ cheek.


“Kris please let me go!” Kai cried out loud, his eyes all puffy now and red.

“Jongin, I know this looks bad but I did this for us. Plus you don’t have to be ashamed. Luhan told me you love me too. Kris grinned, he almost looked like some sort of dangerous monster now.

“He what? No! No! He lied. I never told him I love you…I don’t love you.” Kai moved further away from Kris.


“You don’t love me? How can this be, Luhan… I don’t understand why he would lie to me, his like my twin…I trusted him, what does he hope to gain from lying to me. Anyway, Jongin, this is all strange to me, what about that date we had? What about the hot chocolate you made me? Was that all an act…An illusion?” Kris was fuming now that he punched the side of the bed, causing Jongin to jump up.

“Hyung calm down. I don’t love you… I respect you.” Kai was trying to reason with the angry beast.

“Take off your vest!”Kris looked irate. Kai didn’t know what was going through Kris head but he decided to take off his vest.

“Put on that grey sweater on the bed.” Kris pointed at the sweater. Kai was amazed; he had been looking for this sweater for days.


“You really are sick, you know that?!” Kai moved towards the sweater, put it over his head and wiggled his arms in.


“Sickly in love with you.” Kris gave a creepy smile; his eyes looked hollow, almost as if he had no soul.


“What’ happening to you?” Kai folded himself on Kris bed, rocking himself back and forth.

“You did this to me, look around Kai. You pushed me over the edge. All I wanted from you was your love. Is that so hard to ask for. Stay on that bed, don’t move.” Kris opened the drawer; it seemed as if he was looking for something.


Kai looked around the room and then at Kris. He wanted to make a run for it. So he decided to move slowly off the bed and tiptoed towards the door, Kris who was observing him from the corner of his eyes, slowly picked up his baseball bat and followed behind.


When Jongin reached the door, he started screaming and banging the door, crying out for help. Kris swang the bat and knocked Jongin over the head, causing him to fall unconscious on the floor.


Kris hovered over Jongin’ unconscious body and whispered: “If I can’t have you… then no one else can.


Thanks for reading.





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Chapter 16: this is heartbreaking...... i cant
Looking forward to updates ! :)
Chapter 17: Read this all night was too good to stop reading ^.^
Wow, I saw the last updated date for this fic was on 13 Apr 2014. N u wrote smthg abt MAMA 2014 with only 11 members without Kris. N I just shocked u know coz in reality Kris filed the lawsuit on May 2014. N I thought what u write really happen n it scares me out.
Chapter 16: I hope that you can possibly make a sequel * begging eyes*. I really like this story a lot and I ship KrisKai alot ! Fighting *_*
kyra81 #6
Chapter 16: Wow!! Unexpected ending... T_T but *sniff sniff * can you write a sequel??? #pleading eyes # Hwaiting!! >_<
Chapter 16: Oh no it ended. So bittersweet.
I hope when kris gets back they might form a relationship.
I loved this xD
Chapter 16: T_T so this is the end ...KrisKai I hope they can be more than friends in the future...