Sweet Dreams

I can't make you love me

Jongin lowered the pillow that was covering his face. His eyes were all puffy and teary. D.O couldn’t help but feel as if his head was spinning, he didn’t expect things to turn out so wrong. D.O was still in shock that Jongin was in love with him; a friend he shared a stage with, secrets with and a dorm room with, was in love with him and only him. How could he be so blind not to see it!


“Can I please have a moment alone?” Jongin said as he squeezed the pillow tightly in his arms.


“Jongin can I please…” D.O was quickly cutoff by Suho, who silenced him before he could plead any further to the over emotional boy. Suho and D.O made their way out of Jongin’ room, D.O couldn’t help but turn to look at his friend, who looked as if he had lost everything that once made sense in his life.


“Junmyeon, my heart hurts so much right now, I feel so empty, I really don’t know what to do! Please tell me what to do! Tell me how to take the hurt away, please tell me how to stop my heart from feeling this way!” D.O for the very first time was crying out of reasons besides watching an animated movie or series.


“Stop blaming yourself…Look at me, you are a very caring and loving friend and I’m sure Jongin knows that. In time he will learn to accept our relationship.” Suho placed his hands on D.O’ now warm cheeks, pulling D.O’ gaze to meet his. Suho smiled at his lover and D.O couldn’t help but smile too.


“Aren’t you the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world?! Oh yes you are. Daddies precious wifey!” Suho teased D.O and D.O buried his head in the crook of Suho’ neck out of embarrassment.


“You’re such an idiot sometimes! You know how serious things are right now; I could lose my best friend because of you, because of us!” D.O began to cry again and Suho pulled him into his arms. Suho has never seen D.O this vulnerable, he really needed to make him feel better but thought Jongin was the only one who could make all the hurt go away.  


“Hush. Jongin will be ok, let’s go for a nice stroll outside.” Suho kissed D.O, causing D.O to smack him hard on the head.


“Ouch! What was that for?” Suho was shocked at D.O’ violent nature.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to kiss me in public?!” D.O kept pounding away at Suho’ head, causing Suho to chuckle.


“I knew it wouldn’t take long for violent D.O to show up again.” Suho teased and D.O forced Suho into a tight hug and then kicked his bum in a playful manner.


A few hours later D.O and the other members were called into Jongin’ hospital room by the doctor.


“Where is Suho?” Tao looked over D.O’ head to see if Suho might be behind D.O.


“He said he had to take an urgent phone call outside.” D.O explained as he closed the door behind him.


“Good evening gentleman. I guess one of you will have to fill in your other friend later. I’ve got some very good news and some bad news. The bad news is that Jongin won’t be going home with all of you tonight but the good news is that he will be free to leave tomorrow. All tests show that Jongin is on his way to a fast recovery and will be ready to go home.” The doctor smiled and patted Jongin' head.


“That’s fantastic news! Aren’t you excited to be going home Jongin?!” Luhan jumped onto Jongin’ bed and started wiggling like a worm.


“Yeah, I guess.” Jongin was too busy fiddling with his hands, that he didn’t have time to show any sign of jubilance.


 Luhan quickly stopped wiggling around when he saw that Jongin wasn’t in a very good mood. Shortly after the great news, Suho came in swinging and flinging the door wide open. Everyone was shocked at Suho barbaric like act. Suho was too busy grinning to notice the shocked faces.


“Guys I’ve got some great news. I’ve just received a phone call from Hyunkyun and he said that SM has arranged for us to move into a new dorm. He also said we can move in tonight! He has his people at our old dorm right now, moving our belongings to the new dorm!” Suho giggled and pranced around like a five year old. Everyone started cheering and hugging one another, Tao was crying as usual and Suho had to give him a huge hug just to calm him down.


“This is all so exciting! First the great news of Jongin getting discharged tomorrow and now a new dorm! Can someone please pinch me!” The happy Virus was clearly asking for trouble and Baekhyun was only glad to give Chanyeol what he asked for.


“Ouch Baekhyun! I didn’t mean someone must really pinch me!” Chanyeol turn to face Baekhyun and was now playfully wrestling with him on the ground. A roar of laughter filled the room when everyone saw Chanyeol getting pinned down by Baekhyun.


“Doctor can we all sleep in Jongin’ room tonight, until tomorrow morning. Please!” Tao begged.


“I’m sorry I can’t let you guys sleep in Jongin’ room. Hospital policy, but what I can do is allow you all to decide on which member can keep Jongin company tonight.” The doctor bowed before making his way out.


“That’s so unfair, that only one person has to stay in with Jongin tonight!” Sehun pouted.


“Let’s ask Jongin, who he would like to keep him company tonight?” Lay suggested and everyone else nodded in agreement.


Jongin stopped fiddling with his hands long enough to look at each member.


“I would like D.O to keep me company tonight.” Jongin pointed at D.O. D.O’ body went numb; he thought he would be the last person in mind that Jongin would ever want to stick around with for the whole night.


Suho’ smile quickly dissolved when he saw Jongin pointing a finger at D.O. What game was Jongin playing? He was very morose earlier on and couldn't stand being in the same room as D.O and now he wants him to spend the night!


Everyone turned to look at D.O’ now bulging eyes. He couldn’t believe that Jongin picked him out of all the other members. 


“So what will it be D.O? Will you stay with me tonight?” Jongin asked with a confident smile. Everyone was confused now, Jongin was sad not so long ago when he received the good news about him getting discharged tomorrow and now is all happy.

D.O hesitated before saying: “Ah…Yes, I would love to keep you company tonight.” D.O forced a weak smile and Jongin smile bewilderedly.


“I just want to say thank you guys. I really appreciate the love you show me every day. Not to be rude or anything but can I please talk to Suho and D.O in private?!” Jongin shifted his body so he could sit up straight on the bed. Everyone nodded and made their way out of the room, leaving Suho, D.O and Jongin to have some privacy.


“Can you both sit down beside me?” Jongin offered a vacant spot on his bed. D.O hesitated at first but then proceeded closer to his friend and Suho followed from behind. Jongin took a hold of D.O’ hand and then Suho’. He placed D.O’ hand on top of Suho’ and then bonded their hands with his.


“I think I overreacted earlier on; now that I have had some time to think about your relationship together, I think you both are well suited for one another. I love you both so much and nothing would bring me any greater happiness then to see you both happy. I think I’ve matured so much over the whole drama of Kris keeping me captive and I’ve come to realize that you can’t force someone to love you back.” As Jongin said the last few words, tears started streaming down his cheeks causing D.O and Suho to cry as well.




“Let me finish D.O. It’s not your fault that I’m such an idiot. I should have realized that you were just caring for me as just a friend and nothing more.  Suho please promise me one thing. Promise me that you will never do anything to break D.O’ heart or I will hunt you down and kick your .” Jongin’ face looked flashed and tears kept rolling off his now very dark red cheeks.


Suho wiped his own eyes dry before giggling a bit at Jongin’ last comment.”I will…I will take good care of D.O, I promise.” Then they all started giggling a bit.


“OMG…Guys you both look horrible.” Jongin pointed out at the two teary boys, who also thought Jongin looked even more frightening.


“Look who’s talking.” D.O pinched Jongin’ cheeks.


“Can I get a hug from the both of you?” Jongin opened his arms to embrace the two boys.



Later on that night when all the members along with Suho had left the hospital to check out their new dorm, D.O stayed behind as promised. D.O was preparing to sleep in his arm chair, as he was stretching out the blanket the nurse gave him. D.O set on the chair and covered himself with the blanket.


“Thank you Jongin for being such a good and understanding friend.” D.O was now covering his whole tiny body with the blanket and resting his head on a cushion.


“Don’t mention it.” Jongin smiled as he turned off the lights before climbing back into his bed.


“Good night Jongin.”


“Good night D.O.” Jongin snuggled in close to his pillow and drifted to sleep.


Later on that night Jongin had a dream…a dream that only made him even more confused.



“Please don’t leave me. Please tell me you love me too!” Jongin got up from his hospital bed and now was chasing after a shadow like figure that passed through the door. Jongin tried to open the door as quickly as he could before the figure could disappear for good. When Jongin opened the door he found himself surrounded by darkness, he looked behind; his hospital bed had also disappeared like the dark figure. Jongin found he was all alone in the dark vortex.


Jongin tried to open the door once more to call out for anyone out there who could hear him. “Is there anyone out there? I don’t want to be all alone.” Then suddenly Jongin heard soft footsteps behind him…when he turned, he saw a tall swanky blonde man, who had the most beautiful smile Jongin had ever seen.


“Please…Don’t leave me.” Jongin was now murmuring words in his sleep, this caused D.O to wake and then go back to sleep when he heard Jongin snore again.


The man smiled at Jongin before turning back to the direction whence he came from.  The man moved slowly and yet he was quickly fading away into the darkness. Jongin ran after the man shouting ‘Don’t leave me’ and then the man stopped abruptly causing Jongin to bump into him.


The man turns once more to look deep into Jongin’ eyes; the man was searching, searching for the boy who seemed as if he had lost everything he truly cared for. The man smiled once more


“I would never leave you. I love you.” Jongin’ face beamed when he heard those words and when Jongin smiles; tears are bound to follow.


The man stepped in closer to Jongin, closing the small gap between them before wrapping his arms around Jongin. Jongin couldn’t quite explain it, but he felt safe and loved in the man’ arms. He felt as if the man made him feel complete.

Jongin looked into the man’ hazel brown eyes and thought he had never seen anyone more beautiful in his life.  


“Kris…I love y-” Before Jongin could finish his sentence, he felt the man’ warm lips colliding with his. As the man started devouring Jongin’ full plump lips, kissing him slowly and passionately. Jongin felt the man’ tongue invading his mouth, Jongin could literally taste the man’ saliva. Jongin thought to himself that this was all so wrong but yet so right, how could he allow a man that held him captive to make him feel so weak and needy right now. The man held Jongin tightly in his arms before drawing his lips away from Jongin’. Jongin gasped for air and felt light headed. “Please don’t stop…Please kiss me again…


Jongin woke up covered in sweat, tumbled out of bed and fell flat on his back. His chest heaving as he looked around the room, everything seemed to be in its rightful place, no dark shadows anywhere. He crawled to his feet and saw D.O who was fast asleep. Jongin climbed onto the bed again and laid flat on his back. He stared at the ceiling, searching for answers…Jongin felt strange; he didn’t know why he had such an intimate dream about Kris, he had never looked at Kris in a romantic kind of way before and now his having romantic fantasies about him. He didn’t know why he was begging Kris to kiss him again in the dream but for some strange reason he wished he had never awoken from the dream.

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON…” Jongin murmured softly to himself before drifting back to sleep again.


A/N: Hello KrisKai lovers. Hahaha guys it seems as if Jongin is losing it. Things got a little bit steamy in the dream (in my opinion). Thank you all for: commenting, subscribing and viewing my fic.  Please don’t be afraid to comment I really enjoy hearing what you guys have to say :) XOXO




















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Chapter 16: this is heartbreaking...... i cant
Looking forward to updates ! :)
Chapter 17: Read this all night was too good to stop reading ^.^
Wow, I saw the last updated date for this fic was on 13 Apr 2014. N u wrote smthg abt MAMA 2014 with only 11 members without Kris. N I just shocked u know coz in reality Kris filed the lawsuit on May 2014. N I thought what u write really happen n it scares me out.
Chapter 16: I hope that you can possibly make a sequel * begging eyes*. I really like this story a lot and I ship KrisKai alot ! Fighting *_*
kyra81 #6
Chapter 16: Wow!! Unexpected ending... T_T but *sniff sniff * can you write a sequel??? #pleading eyes # Hwaiting!! >_<
Chapter 16: Oh no it ended. So bittersweet.
I hope when kris gets back they might form a relationship.
I loved this xD
Chapter 16: T_T so this is the end ...KrisKai I hope they can be more than friends in the future...