
I can't make you love me

Kris stared at the ceiling while lying on his bed, think about how Exo won the 2013 MAMA awards and how Jongin was so emotional. He can't stop thinking about the moment he held Jongin in his arms even though it was for a short while.

Kris just can't stop think about how attractive Jongin is;his perfect pink lips so plum, his beautiful half moon eyes and the fact that his not afraid to show his emotions is a great plus for a great life time partner to kris. Kris' eyes fell shut and he took in a large breather. These feelings must be love and he couldn't help but question them. But what he was sure of was that they must be feed before he explodes."My greed for Jognin must be fed." He murmured to himself.

 Kris is woken up from his dream world by a loud knock. It was Suho,"Hyung are you in here?". Kris and Suho were lucky because they both each had there own rooms in the dorm as leaders, while the other exo members had to share.Kris wouldn't mind sharing his room with Jongin, but rules are rules. But he can't help but grow jealuos that D.O is sharing a room with Jongin.

Kris rolled out of his bed with an I don't give a damn look, opened the door. "Hey how can I help you?",he forced a smile.

 "Oh we about to have a dance off down stairs in the living room and also play twister, so I was wondering are you gamed?" Suho said with a great big smile as he punched Kris' arm in a playful manner.

Kris glared at his bed and then said maybe he will come and join them later.He still puts up this cold guy image, which everyone knows is just an act. Inside his a big marshmallow all fluffy and caring. "Suit yourself then...we gonna have so much fun", Suho winked.Kris rolled his eyes, before he could turn back to his bed...he heard a fimilar laugh 'Jongin'! Jongin sounded like he was having fun, Kris decided maybe he will join them after all. So that he can see what was making Jongin laugh in this manner.

 When Kris got down stairs, he saw Jongin dancing with D.O and Jongin was laughing at D.O' awkawrd hip movement.There it was, Kris thought to himself as his eyes became as large as a full moon. That sweet, sweet dorky laugh and he loved the way Jongin' vein pop out on the side of his neck when ever he laughed. Jongin was slapping D.O' back in a playful manner,"Hyung let me show you how its done" Jongin stood infront of D.O, so focused an serious and started to swaying his hips in a side to side motion and then rolling his lower torso in a slow motion. Kris felt like melting as he sighed and started turning dark red, his cheeks were more swallon now then before, he knew Jongin would be the end of him. The way Jongin moved his hips made him want to just cave in and die.

 "Nice moves Jongin, wow magnificent.Bravo" Kris continued with a slow clap before getting disrupted by Chanyeol, "Hey its Kris hyung. Glad to see cold guy is here to join in the fun, come hyung dance for us.". Kris smiled and looked around his bandmates."Hey guys the dancing machine is about to start." Beakhyun chuckled and everyone laughed as well. Kris shot a cold glance at Beakhyun and began to talk:"Guys do you know this dance called the 'Dougie'?!"

 Luhan closed his eyes and shook his head,"Not this dance again.". Kris started and was dancing the 'dougie', the dorm was filled with laughter. Sehun was roliing on the floor with tears running down his face at how Kris'  body looked so awkward when ever he does his random dances. "You're so silly hyung" Tao said as his face turned red from the embarrassment. Kris searched the living room, searching for the boy who made his heart skip a beat. There he was, the sweet angelic boy was laughing. Jongin was laughing so hard that his face turned red and his eyes closed up and little tear drops were falling down. Kris grinned at the sarisfaction that he made Kai laugh. Suho came in the living room with a twister mat and a spinner,"Nice to see Kris came down to grace us with his presence and his killer moves.

 Anyway let's have more fun with twister! Whose with me!" Everyone one was like; 'yeah!yeah!' And they all were jumping around like little kids in kindergarten. "Let's do this! WOOO!!" Lay said while rolling on the floor then jumping around and ends it all with a backflip. Everyone thought he was high on something.

 "Ok guys,wooo! Thank you Lay for that beautiful performance.This is how the game is going to work; we will have two couples at a time and I will give each person an instruction and you have to ensure you keep your balance, also make sure your elbows an knees don't touch mat or else you out!" Suho said as he placed the mat on the floor in the middle of the living room. Kris looked around the room and saw Jongin an thought this was his chance to get closer to Jongin, Kris quickly moved his gaze away from Jongin when he was him looking his way. Kris ran his fingers through his styled blonde hair and his lips.

"Any takers" Suho looked around. "I will have a go!" Xiumin picked up his hand, waving like a mad man. Luhan just ran over to Xiumin' side and put his arms around Xiumin' waist, showing that he will also go first and that Xiumin was his.

"Ok are you READY!" Suho started spinning the spinner.Both boys smiling at each other on either ends of the mat."Right hand on red" Suho shouted. Both boys put their right hands on a red circle. Luhan gave Xiumin a wink and Xiumin blushed. "Ok left foot blue." The boys managed to do as told. "Left hand on green" the two boys were getting closer that the was less room for movement. Kris started fantasising about how it would be him and Jongin in that tight position. It sent shivers of pleasure down his spine.

Xiumin started wiggling his nose. "What's wrong Xiumin?" Luhan pouted.
"My nose is itchy, please scratch it for me Lu-ge" , Xiumin' eyes went bigger.He had Luhan were he wanted him. Luhan moved his left hand from the green circle and didn't realise that he was making a huge mistake. "Your out!" Suho shouted, Luhan hit Xiumin on his head,"You tricked me!". Xiumin danced around sing he won. Every one laughed and then he pulled Luhan for a hug. They both laughed and seat down.Kris couldn't help but chuckle a bit and wished that maybe one day he and Jongin would also grow closer.

 "Ok guys any other takers...?" Suho said. "I'll go next" Jongin stood up from his seat with a smirk on his face. Kris face lite up and then he couldn't help feel the rushing sensation in his body. He was going hot and cold. He his bottom lip. This was his chance to get near the boy.

"I"ll also go next", another hand shoot up...


Hey guy' its joey I just put the "rated M" thing for precaution. ;) xoxo

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Chapter 16: this is heartbreaking...... i cant
Looking forward to updates ! :)
Chapter 17: Read this all night was too good to stop reading ^.^
Wow, I saw the last updated date for this fic was on 13 Apr 2014. N u wrote smthg abt MAMA 2014 with only 11 members without Kris. N I just shocked u know coz in reality Kris filed the lawsuit on May 2014. N I thought what u write really happen n it scares me out.
Chapter 16: I hope that you can possibly make a sequel * begging eyes*. I really like this story a lot and I ship KrisKai alot ! Fighting *_*
kyra81 #6
Chapter 16: Wow!! Unexpected ending... T_T but *sniff sniff * can you write a sequel??? #pleading eyes # Hwaiting!! >_<
Chapter 16: Oh no it ended. So bittersweet.
I hope when kris gets back they might form a relationship.
I loved this xD
Chapter 16: T_T so this is the end ...KrisKai I hope they can be more than friends in the future...