Ch. 8

He's my husband?

Jongin wakes up the next morning to the smell of fried eggs and bacons lingering in the air. He pulled on a pair of pants and head over to the kitchen to see Kyungsoo wearing boxers and an awfully huge tee while frying the bacons.

"Morning, Jongin-ah." Kyungsoo smiled. 

The younger male took a seat on the table before letting Kyungsoo serve his breakfast. Kyungsoo also made him coffee. Two sugar, no cream—just the way Jongin liked it. 

Jongin taught Kyungsoo was gonna leave him after serving him breakfast but he didn't. Kyungsoo took a seat beside Jongin before taking a sip at his own coffee. Jongin couldn't lie because he loved the feeling.

The feeling of having breakfast with Kyungsoo.

Jongin secretly wished that it would be like this every morning.


When Kyungsoo left for work, Jongin decided to follow him. He was worried about the doe-eyed male so just incase Kyungsoo faints along the way, Jongin would be there to catch him.

Kyungsoo, who didn't notice Jongin following him, went to work as usual at SM Arts High. Jongin was at the cafeteria, acting like a normal high school student. 

Some girls even turned their head direction towards Jongin because the male looked so handsome with his black jeans and white tee. 

About a few hours, it was close to 10am when Jongin saw Kyungsoo walking alone towards the food counter. He tried his best to not get caught by Kyungsoo (which succeeded) 

As Kyungsoo was sitting alone at the table, he looked around. As if he was scared a gang of robbers were gonna attack him in a few minutes. 

Kyungsoo then stood up and headed for the bin to throw away the remaining food when a group of guys (who looked like students? but by the nametag hanging around their necks, they were probably the teachers.) cornered him by the wall. 

Jongin saw Kyungsoo's face. He was scared. His face was so pale. 

One of the guy took hold of Kyungsoo's collar before tugging him closer. Kyungsoo was resisiting, Jongin could see the way Kyungsoo was trying to pull away from the grip at his collar. 

The guy shoved him on the wall hard before pressing his body against Kyungsoo's. Wait. What? 

Jongin gritted his teeth. 

Kyungsoo was closing his eyes, not because he wanted it. Because he was scared of what was gonna happen. Jongin noticed that. So the younger male dashed forward when the guy leaned in to kiss (or worst, touch) Kyungsoo at places which were inappropriate. 

Jongin pulled the guy off Kyungsoo before pushing him onto the ground. He kicked the guy at his stomach before pointing a finger towards him, "You." 

The guy (nametag reads Minho) was about to get up when Jongin stepped on his chest, "Don't ing touch my boyfriend." Jongin continued.

Kyungsoo's eyes were round and wide. 

Jongin finally released Minho and his friends and they left. 

The students around them who gathered were shocked because, who wouldn't know Kim Jongin who was a part of Dubstep even though he's not anymore? Questions filled the cafeteria. 

("Teacher Do is dating Kim Jongin." One of the students exclamined, and the other one replied, "I know. I saw the fight, gosh.") 

He grabbed Kyungsoo's hand before dragging him to the bus and went back home. 


Jongin spend almost the whole day sitting at the living room, remembering about what happened in the morning. When Kyungsoo excused himself to go to work at Luhan's bakery, Jongin hissed and told him to not go. ("Don't ing leave or I won't be ing happy.") 

So Kyungsoo texted Luhan a simple 'Jongin won't let me go to work today so I'm sorry, Lulu' 

He then received a news update about the recent fight at the high school and news were spreading wildly. 

'Jongin and Kyungsoo got back together?' 

'"Don't touch my boyfriend"?' 

'Jongin admitted to be Kyungsoo's boyfriend?' 

Kyungsoo bit his lips, debating with himself whether to confront Jongin about the news of not. Jongin might even scream at him. Or maybe tell him what he always wanted to hear. 

Just. Maybe.

So Kyungsoo did. He went to the living room and confronted Jongin. He sat across the male and cleared his throat. 

"If it's about going to work, it's still a no." 

Kyungsoo inhaled deeply before shaking his head, "I know. It's just—Jongin-ah.. I, uhm.." 


"Earlier today...." 

Jongin knew where this was going, but he just couldn't say it. 

"You said boyfriend.." Kyungsoo mumbled softly. 

Jongin wanted to scream and say something like 'yes I said boyfriend because you're mine and nobody else's and you're everything to me and I want you to be mine alone' 

But his brain screamed otherwise. 

His arrogant personality resurfaced and he snapped. He didn't know why, but he just did. Like, somewhat, the locks to his hearts was not going to let Kyungsoo in. 

"So? You really think we're dating now?" Jongin replied coldly. 

"It's—it's not like that—" 

"I told you. I would never date you, Kyungsoo."

"I'm—I'm sorry.." Kyungsoo felt his eyes started to water as he stood up, "I just wish for once, you would understand what you feel because I can see it, Jongin." and he left to his bedroom.

Kyungsoo slammed the bedroom door shut before curling under his blanket and crying. He was gonna lose it. He just didn't want this. Why would Jongin say boyfriend if he knew these rumors would happen? 

He cried out loud but tried to muffle his sobs with his blanket. 

Jongin, on the other hand, came back to reality as he realized what he just said. He sighed in frsutration before thinking of apologizing at Kyungsoo for snapping at him like that. 

As Jongin reached Kyungsoo's bedroom door, he heard the male crying and gosh, Jongin had never felt so guilty before. 


Kyungsoo pulled out his phone from his bag at around midnight because it was ringing non-stop. 

It was a phone call from Onew. 

Wait, Onew? 

He picked it up and Onew told him he wanted to have breakfast with Kyungsoo the next morning. 

Kyungsoo decided that maybe, it was better to keep his distance from Jongin from now on.

Yeah. Distance.

So he said yes. 

But deep down inside, there was a part of him who wanted to say no. 

No because he wanted to have breakfast with Jongin and only Jongin.


Jongin woke up the next morning and headed out to the kitchen. He noticed, Kyungsoo wasn't there. 

Was he sad about last night...? Jongin mentally slapped himself. 

The male then saw a piece of paper on the table and picked it up. It was a note Kyungsoo left for him. Maybe, before he left he decided to tell Jongin. 

'Good Morning, Jongin-ah! I made you breakfast. It's in the microwave. You can reheat it alright? Enjoy! Sorry. I had to leave early. I'm meeting someone. An old friend. Well, not that you would care but, yeah. Just so you know, I'm not going to work, so don't worry! See you at night, Jonginnie!' 

Jongin wanted to cry because no matter how harsh he was on Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo managed to smiled. Kyungsoo didn't forget to make him breakfast. Kyungsoo never forget to make him breakfast.

But most of all, Jongin felt like throwing himself off a cliff.

He opened the microwave and saw kimchi fried rice, one of his favorite Do Kyungsoo dishes, before bowing his head low and sighing. 

Kyungsoo wasn't there to have breakfast with him. 

And now, it's all his fault. 










Lots of big huge hearts; 

Ayi. <333

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Beau1996 1376 streak #1
Chapter 2: Plotting and planning - poor Kyungsoo!!😞
Shubha #2
Chapter 1: If i say i dont know much about these guys would you hate me, i know they are exo but i didnt know anything apart from that, i am obseesed with yunjae and binge reading their fanfics, but this is the firdt fanfic iam reading apart from yunjae fanfic... Sry ill try to know them better after this so dont hate me....
hoseokspotato #3
It feels so nice i loved it! thank you for writing this!!!
hoseokspotato #4
The happy ending thoo
hoseokspotato #5
2013 fics have a special place in my heart
Chapter 10: I loved it and the happy ending
Chapter 10: It is really nice fic uhuhu i like your style so much huhu easy to read this fic, kaisoo is the best thank to you for writing this hehe i woof you thank you authornim
doksoo1201 #8
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for writing this fic. I liked it!!!
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 10: This is great... love it. Happy ending for the two hehe
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 9: Finally Jongin