Ch. 5

He's my husband?

The surrounding was intense and all Kyungsoo wanted to do was run away from both of the male who were gripping his wrist. 

"Let go of him, Jongin. You don't even love him!" Onew hissed and tried pulling Kyungsoo away. 

"Of course, I wouldn't love a nerd like him but he is my husband to be anyway so hands off, Onew."

Kyungsoo wanted to cry because it hurts being called a nerd. He wanted to just run away, "Stop it! Both of you, leave."



"Dyo? Isn't that his cat's name?"

Kyungsoo shaked his head, "It's my cat's name and my nickname, now go away."


"I said LEAVE!"

Onew and Jongin quickly let go of his wrist. Onew stared at Kyungsoo before turning his heels and headed off to the lift. Jongin, on the other hand, stood there and sigh, "So we're not going to look for clothes for our wedding?"

Kyungsoo groaned, "Why do you even want this wedding so much? God, Jongin-ah. You don't even want to get married and now, you're so giddy for the wedding and—" 

"Hey. I just want to maintain my title in Dubstep. Do you ever think I would marry you if it wasn't for my father who keep forcing me? No. There are tons more beautiful, hot, young girls out there, or maybe even guys, waiting to get laid, and here I am, stuck in a stupid marriage with a useless bookworm who looks like a—"

"Then tell your father that you don't want to get married. Cancel the ing wedding and go all the es you meet."

Jongin gasped. Kyungsoo never curse, well that's what Jongin heard from his friends. 


Kyungsoo thought he totally lost Onew. 

But the next day, when he opened his door and saw Onew sitting (sleeping) beside his door frame, a new bouquet of flowers in his hand, his jaw dropped.

Was he here since yesterday? 

Because Kyungsoo didn't even come out of the house after the fight (was it a fight?) with both Onew and Jongin. So yes, he was shocked seeing Onew sleeping infront of his door. 


Onew didn't move. 


Still no movement. 

Kyungsoo shook his shoulder gently, yet Onew didn't wake up. He placed his palm on Onew's forehead and, oh , Onew has a very high fever. Kyungsoo wanted to carry him in, but Onew was too heavy for Kyungsoo. 

The doe-eyed male sighed for the third time before trying again, and failing miserably. Again. 

"Need help?" 

Kyungsoo turned around to see his neighbour, Xiumin, smiling.

"Can you help, hyung? Don't you have anything to do?" 

"Nah. I'm just bored at home so I decided to go out for a morning jog, whatever. Let's get him inside." 

Xiumin placed Onew's hand around his neck while the other hand was around Kyungsoo's and they brought the male to Kyungsoo's bedroom. 

As the two male placed Onew on the bed, Kyungsoo ran to the kitchen to get a bowl of water and went back to the bedroom, getting a small towel before dipping it in the water and twisting it, drying it off the liquid and placing it on Onew's forehead. 

"Is he your boyfriend, Kyungsoo-yah?" 

The bowl almost fell on the ground. Luckily, Kyungsoo managed to place the bowl on the nightstand and looking at Xiumin.

"He—He's a friend." 

"A friend?"

Kyungsoo nodded.

"I always see him here. Really? A friend?"


"Don't you think he might be into you, Kyungsoo?" 

Kyungsoo choked. 

"Hyung! Don't say such things!"

"It's true. Getting you flowers on valentines day, wow. I'm impressed. Even Chen doesn't do that to me." 


Gosh, Xiumin just wanted to facepalm himself right now. 

"Yes. Today is valentines day, Kyungsoo." 

"But.. I'm not even special to him..."

"Don't you see it, Kyungsoo? He's in love with you."

Kyungsoo's eyes got bigger, and it's almost as if his eyeballs were gonna pop out any minute now. 


After Xiumin left around 10, Kyungsoo went to his bedroom and sat beside Onew. He gently ran his hand through Onew's hair, pushing away all the strand hairs and looking at the other male. 

"Why are you doing all of this, Onew-yah..." 

He traced his fingers down Onew's cheeks. 

"I'm not even special to you..." 

He leaned down, pressing his lips gently on Onew's cheeks. Kyungsoo let his lips lingered there for a while, and he didn't realize Onew was smiling.


When Onew woke up around 3 in the afternoon, it was raining. 

He stood up and walked outside the room, looking for Kyungsoo, "Kyungsoo-yah?" 

Where is he? 




"You're awake."

Onew turned around and saw Kyungsoo in an apron, "Were you cooking?" 

"No. I was trying to chase the fly away." Kyungsoo snorted and spoke sarcastically. 

The elder male let out soft chuckles and Kyungsoo smiled, "You hungry?" 

"I'm starving." 

"I made you pasta. Is that fine?" 

"That's great. I eat anything you make." 

Kyungsoo tried to ignore the great feeling in his heart. 


After Onew finished eating, he did the dishes ("I can do it, Onew-yah." "No, Kyungsoo. Let me do it.")

When they both finally finished the dishes and cleaning the kitchen and all, Kyungsoo sat down on the couch and Onew, who had no intention on leaving, sat down beside him. 



Kyungsoo puffed his cheeks and Onew said normally, "Thanks. For kissing my cheek." 

The younger almost choked and he looked at Onew, "I thought— But— you! You were sleeping! I—"

Onew chuckled. 

"Gosh, this is so embarrassing." Kyungsoo fanned himself with his hand and puffed his cheeks again. 

"Kyungsoo.. Look at me.." 

And Kyungsoo did. He stared at the male infront of him and yes, he had to admit, Onew was handsome but no one was ever as handsome as Jongin. 

He must've been thinking of Jongin again and didn't realize a pair of lips against his own. 


Was Onew kissing him...? 

Kyungsoo gasped and pulled away, "What—What are you doing!"


"Don't play with me, please." 

"I'm not, Kyungsoo. I'm not." 

Kyungsoo knew Onew was serious. Because Onew isn't the type who would play with people's feelings. 

So when Onew simply lifted his chin up with his finger, Kyungsoo's eyes fluttered close and Onew kissed him again.

It wasn't that type of kiss where people were trying to rush. The kiss was slow and sweet and Kyungsoo wanted to cry so badly because he finally felt loved. 


After god knows how many minutes of making out on the couch, Kyungsoo was already laid on the couch and Onew hovered on top of him, lips to lips and hands interlacing with each other, a quick knock was heard on the door. 

Onew got off the male and Kyungsoo went to the door and opened it—

—only to meet his bestfriend Luhan with his boyfriend... Sehun—

—who was Jongin's bestfriend.

Luhan blinked when he saw Kyungsoo's flushed face, along with red lips and his shirt was going to fall off his shoulder already. 

"Are you with... Jongin?" 

Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, earning a look for Sehun. 

"You look like you just finished making out."

The doe-eyed male bit his lips shyly before looking at the pair, "What is it that you wanted?"

"Oh! We just came over to ask how are you... since the wedding is off.." 

"The— what?"

"Didn't you read the updates? Jongin cancelled the wedding.."

Wow, Jongin. You really cancelled it. 

"And he got—"

"Baby, who's that?" 

Kyungsoo smiled, and turned his head back, looking at his boyfriend (yes, it's official, i guess since they made out already) "It's a friend of mine. Wait up, alright?" 

"Who is that, Kyungsoo..?" 

"Oh. It's... Onew." 

Sehun was gonna choke, like really. 

"You're... boyfriend?" 

"Well. I guess."

Sehun sighed, "Well. Then. We're going." 

"B-But—" Luhan stammered but Sehun already dragged him away. 

What did Sehun mean by 'the wedding is off'? 

Kyungsoo kept pondering with his thoughts and he didn't even realize Onew was back-hugging him. 

"What's wrong, Kyungsoo-yah?"

The male flinched and shook his head before closing the door and going back into his apartment, Onew hugging him tight as they fell on the couch. 

The wedding is off. But Kyungsoo didn't want the wedding to be off. He wanted it. He really wanted it.

He wanted to be Kim Kyungsoo.




Gosh. I'm so mean. What have I done.

One thing. Don't leave me yet readers. This story will get interesting, I promise.

So I'll try and update tomorrow.

Since I'm busy with school. 

So see you tomorrow. 


New readers, new subscribers. HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY DUNGEON.

Commenters, upvoters, subscribers and readers. PLEASE CONTINUE TO HAVE A GREAT JOURNEY IN MY DUNGEON.


Lots of love; 

- Ayi. <33


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 2: Plotting and planning - poor Kyungsoo!!😞
Shubha #2
Chapter 1: If i say i dont know much about these guys would you hate me, i know they are exo but i didnt know anything apart from that, i am obseesed with yunjae and binge reading their fanfics, but this is the firdt fanfic iam reading apart from yunjae fanfic... Sry ill try to know them better after this so dont hate me....
hoseokspotato #3
It feels so nice i loved it! thank you for writing this!!!
hoseokspotato #4
The happy ending thoo
hoseokspotato #5
2013 fics have a special place in my heart
Chapter 10: I loved it and the happy ending
Chapter 10: It is really nice fic uhuhu i like your style so much huhu easy to read this fic, kaisoo is the best thank to you for writing this hehe i woof you thank you authornim
doksoo1201 #8
Chapter 10: Thank you so much for writing this fic. I liked it!!!
Nicole121314 #9
Chapter 10: This is great... love it. Happy ending for the two hehe
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 9: Finally Jongin