Chapter three

Luhan the baby-faced reindeer

Maybe it was the light, Sehun thought, or maybe it was because he was close enough to see Luhan’s eyelashes and the adorable peach fuzz on his face. Maybe it was also because Luhan was conveniently sprawled across Sehun’s chest, delicate pink lips hovering above his own and that Luhan’s nose and cheeks were rosy red from the cold, because as he stared up the angel above him, Sehun’s heart thudded a little faster.  

“You okay?” Sehun asked breathlessly, breaking the stunned silence that had fallen upon the pair.

 “Yeah” Luhan whispered back lightly

Sehun swallowed as his eyes fell on Luhan’s lips, those soft pink and perfectly shaped lips.

“That’s good” Sehun replied, feeling a bit dizzy from the way their breaths mingled together, because Luhan smelt like peppermint candies and fresh cinnamon and it made Sehun wonder if he tasted that way too, or perhaps even sweeter.

 Sehun was content staring at the glory that was the being sprawled on top of him but after a while it started to get hard to breathe and his back began to ache from lying on the ground when Luhan made no move to pick himself up.

“Um Luhan?” Sehun squirmed slightly “Could you um please get off me?”

“Huh?” Luhan blinked, as if Sehun’s voice had just brought him back from some mental wonderland.

“You’re getting um kind of heavy”

“Oh! Sorry” Luhan squeaked as he scrambled off him in an instance, face flushed and eyes darting around nervously as he continued to mutter apologies under his breath.

“It’s fine” Sehun said stiffly, also avoiding eye contact with the flustered deer as he picked himself up, because actually it was not fine. Luhan was not supposed to be this cute and have nice lips and smell like peppermint candies. He was supposed to be an annoying and crazy shape shifting reindeer and-

“Um I think we should get inside” Luhan suggested, interrupting whatever mental rant Sehun was involved in, before returning to fidget with his fingers and press his lips together and holy Luhan’s lips.

Who knew reindeers could have such nice lips.

“Y-yeah” Sehun mumbled “We should.”


 The first thing that left Sehun’s lips the next morning was “What the ” as he woke up to find a big furry reindeer on the floor of his bedroom.  He then decided that it must’ve been the effect of staying out in the cold yesterday for too long that had made him think illogical and impossible thoughts because really, there was nothing cute or anything even remotely attractive about the beast sprawled out beside his bed.

He stared; sleep disappearing from his eyes in an instant and his facial expression ranging from one of utter confusion to I-don’t-even-ing-know-anymore.

“Um Luhan?” Sehun asked, slipping out of bed.  He grimaced when he noticed that his sleeping bag had been shredded apart, down clinging to Luhan’s fur and covering his carpet.  He’d have to vacuum all that up later. Sehun winced at the thought.

Luhan’s eyes were shut and his flank heaved up and down with each breath so Sehun assumed that he was sleeping. Then again didn’t reindeers sleep standing up, or was that just horses? But what did he know about shape shifting reindeers anyway, Sehun shrugged as his frown face switched back to his I-don’t-even-ing-know-anymore face.

“Luhan?” Sehun tried again, this time nudging him with his foot.

The deer’s eyes immediately snapped open at the contact and Sehun nearly had a heart attack when  Luhan let out the most graceless snort or wheeze (Sehun really couldn’t tell the difference) that he had ever had the misfortune of hearing.

Yeah, definitely not cute.

“Um Luhan? Are you okay?” Sehun asked hesitantly when the reindeer stopped making noise.

Luhan blinked back at him before he snorted again and stood up. Sehun was about to ask if he was alright again but his voice died in his throat as Luhan promptly shifted.

“A little warning would be nice” Sehun muttered as once again a Luhan stood in front of him.

“Sorry what did you say?”

“Nothing” Sehun sighed.

“Sorry about your sleeping bag” Luhan apologized as the both of them studied the mess “I must’ve shifted when I was sleeping.”

Sehun tried not to stare as Luhan started picking off the down stuck to his skin.

“Uh it’s fine. Don’t worry about it” Sehun replied, gluing his eyes to the space above Luhan’s left shoulder “Why don’t you go and take shower?” 

As Sehun went to grab a change of clothes, he caught Luhan attempting to get rid of the down stuck in his hair; blowing air into his bangs and shaking his head vigorously.

Yep, definitely not cute.




Luhan was still in the shower when there was a knock at the front door. Sehun having collapsed back into bed with hopes to return to dreamland, only groaned and muttered death threats at whoever was outside before curling himself deeper into his bed covers.  However the knocking only grew more obnoxious and loud and so with a heavy sigh he slipped out of bed.

“I am going to stab you in the face” was what Sehun said when he opened the door to find his good friend Jongin smiling back at him.

“About time” Jongin exclaimed “It’s ing freezing out here”

“It’s six in the morning. What do you want?” Sehun growled

“Can I come in?”

“No” Sehun barred the door with his arm as Jongin took a step forward


Sehun mentally shrugged. Oh maybe because he had a shape shifting nutcase hiding out in his house. Yeah, maybe that was it.  

“Now’s just not a good time” Sehun shook his head “So could you please kindly piss off”

A smile slowly spread across Jongin’s face and Sehun had the urge to slam the door in his face then and there.

“You’re hiding something” Jongin grinned

“No I’m not”

“Then I don’t see why I can’t come in” Jongin said coolly as he ducked under Sehun’s arm and quickly disappeared into the house.

“What- Jongin wait!” Sehun spluttered dumbly before slamming the door shut and chasing after his little of a friend.


“What happened to your roof?”  Jong in asked once Sehun found him in the living room.

“Please off”

“You’re always so mean to me Sehunnie” Jongin gasped in mock hurt as he made himself comfortable on the sofa.

“Why are you here?” Sehun asked exasperatedly

“I came to visit you”

Sehun snorted at this.

“You touched Kyungsoo’s kitchen again didn’t you”

Jongin nodded sheepishly “He just needs a few hours alone, don’t worry I’ll be gone by –“


Both heads snapped round to see Luhan standing in the hallway; hair still a bit wet and damp skin that glistened under the light.

 A sly smirk shaped Jongin’s lips as he spotted Luhan, who looked very much like a deer in headlights with wide eyes and a bewildered expression.


“So” Jongin began “Who’s this Sehunnie?”

“Whatever you’re thinking, stop.” Sehun shot Jongin a pointed look before he turned to Luhan

“Luhan meet my friend Jongin and Jongin meet Luhan”

“Hello Jongin, nice to meet you” Luhan smiled shyly and gave a little wave.


“Did you two f-“

“He’s my friend” Sehun said firmly.

“Yes and I see that he used your shower”

“Yeah, so?” 

“And he’s wearing your clothes.”

 “Whatever you’re thinking, I beg you to stop “

“Did he stay the night?”

Jongin turned to Luhan when Sehun only sent a pillow to his face in response “Did you stay the night?”

Luhan nodded slowly “Well I stayed the night before too”

“Really now”’ Jongin grinned at Sehun

“It’s not what you think Jongin. We did not do what you think we did”

“What did he think we did?” Luhan asked innocently, because not only was he a nutcase but he also had to be a shape shifting airhead.

“Oh my god, he is adorable” Jongin exclaimed before giving Sehun a hearty pat on the back “I am proud of you son”

“I told you we didn’t do anything” Sehun threw another pillow at him

“But he looks so young, are you sure he’s even in college” Jongin frowned, taking the flying projectile to the face like a man “How old are you Luhan?”

“Twenty five”

Sehun proceeded to spit out the non-existent drink in is mouth while Jong in choked on his own spit.

“You’re older than me?” Sehun said incredulously “And by four years?”

“Wait, you didn’t know? I thought he was your friend”

“I’ve only known the guy for like a day”

“Only a day and he’s already staying over?”

“Yea-wait what?” Sehun spluttered

“I’m proud of you Sehunnie” Jong in grinned as he ruffled Sehun’s hair and he wondered why Jong in’s face didn’t split open from all the stupid grinning and smirking he did.

 “I give up” Sehun muttered as he stood up

“Are you going to the kitchen? Could you make me a-“

“No I’m going call Kyungsoo so he can come get your dumb out of here”


“Yehet asshat.” 


Christmas hasn't passed yet. What are you talking about. It' s not like it's been like a month or something pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft nah



o and next chappie will probably(?) be the last chapter? We'll see how I go.........LOVE YOU MUNCHKINS<3

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I think it'll be a while until my next update guys. School just started and Year 12 is just being a total . Sorry guys! I'll try my best >.


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Chapter 3: Where did you gooooo author-nim I love your story.... :c
jiosne #2
Haha, this is cute. Update soon.
Chapter 3: omg. wsbgsfagxbsja how can i comment ur stories properly. they r amazing just lik u. ;-; thank you so much for this fanfic. ill be waitng for the next chapter.
dont worry. i Forgive. i will always forgive you. x)
Chapter 3: Lovely babe
Update soon please!
Chapter 3: This is adorable!!! Where did you go :0 I cant wait for the next part!
fymermaids #6
Chapter 2: Please update;-; even if Christmas is long go now. just- pleaseeee!? ^*^
We missed you. Haven't you missed us? Christmas has long been over. Please make a valentine Drabble as special. Lolz kidding. Come back when your ready. Even if the season of mistletoe and ponsentia has officially ended, and the season of Cupid and chocolate is in the air I would like you to know that we're still here patiently waiting for your return even if it takes until the next Christmas ( hopefully not).
Chapter 2: Omg this is so cuteeee<3
margaloopsy #10
Chapter 2: Okay this is so cuteee