Chapter two

Luhan the baby-faced reindeer

Sehun woke up in a foul mood. It may have been due to the feeling of rocks sitting on top of his eyelids as he tried to force them open, but it was mainly due to the fact that there was a finger obnoxiously poking his face and a voice talking too loudly into his ear.

Sehun was ready to send the owner of the voice to their grave but when he cracked an eye open, a (very manly) squeak escaped his lips as the first thing he saw was Luhan’s face hovering close to his. 

Oh, Sehun thought as he remembered.


Sehun swore that there was smoke coming out of his ears from the amount of strain his brain was going through.  He tried to not let his mind wander back to what he had just witnessed as he downed the promised can of beer. When he returned to the living room he was tempted to grab another can to shove down his throat because the reindeer-or Luhan (Sehun really needed that second drink) – was still standing there.

“I thought you were leaving?” Sehun stared dumbly as Luhan pawed the ground and grunted loudly.

Sehun frowned, could the reindeer even understand him?  Well it was Luhan but he also was a reindeer and-

“I can’t fly”

Sehun froze. He glanced at the reindeer which stared unnervingly back at him, before  doing a 360 to check to see if another nutcase had broken into his home.

“Luhan?” he asked hesitantly

“Who else silly” and then Luhan laughed, the reindeer laughed.

Sehun stared, feeling oddly calm -probably a sign that his logical mind had gotten fed up with all this insanity and decided to call it a day.

He watched as Luhan pawed the ground, took a few steps before leaping into the air only to drop back to the ground again. Sehun found it quite amusing actually, watching a great furry beast prancing around the room, though on second thought it was quite creepy too as the reindeer was also making human noises.

“I can’t fly” Luhan said again “I’ve tried-no”

Sehun had a bad feeling when Luhan began twitching oddly and he cursed himself for not looking away when Luhan shifted.

“It’s gone.”  Luhan stood up on two legs, once again the nutcase with the pretty eyes.

“What’s gone?” Sehun asked, deciding to ignore the incredible if not slightly disturbing spectacle he had just witnessed.

“My collar” Luhan replied as he felt around his neck “Father Christmas’s medallion is attached to it, without it I can’t fly.  I must’ve lost it when I fell”

“You mean you” he pointed a finger at Luhan “Can’t actually fly?”

“Of course not, what do you think I am? A magical beast?”

Sehun had the urge to ram his face into the wall.

“Right. What was I thinking” Sehun muttered.


After Sehun had Luhan finally put some of his clothes on, the pair moved to the kitchen.

“So” Sehun began, feeling hugely relived that the nutcase in front of him was finally clothed “Santa really exists”

Luhan nodded

“And you’re really a reindeer”

“Is it really that hard to believe?”

Sehun raised a brow but Luhan looked back with an equally puzzled expression.

“You used to believe didn’t you?” Luhan frowned “Didn’t you?”

“Yeah” now it was Sehun’s turn to frown

“Then why?”

 Sehun shrugged “I grew up?”

“That’s a stupid reason” Luhan frowned at him, shaking his head slightly.

And it was, Sehun realized- until he remembered that he stopped believing when he caught his dad eating the cookies he had left for Santa and putting presents into his stocking one Christmas. Sehun grimaced. Yeah that was why.

 “What do I do now?” Luhan asked, snapping Sehun out of his little blast from the past “I can’t fly back”

“Can’t you, I don’t know, walk back?” he shrugged as he sat down at the dinner table motioning for Luhan to follow suit.

“To the North Pole” Luhan raised a brow

 “Right, sorry”

Silence ensued before Luhan let out the most pitiful groan that Sehun had ever heard in his life and proceeded to slump on to the table burying his head in his arms.

“Um, are you okay?” Sehun asked uncertainly.

“I wonder if anyone knows where I am” Luhan mumbled pitifully. Sehun hesitated before reaching across the table to pat Luhan’s head awkwardly.

“What do I do now? I’ve never been out of the North Pole except on Christmas Eve” Luhan peeked up when Sehun said nothing “And even then I was with Father Christmas and everybody else.”

Sehun was king of awkward hugs and pats on the head, so when Luhan looked up at him with the most innocent pair of big sad eyes, it was only logical that it sent him into a mild panic.

“I’m sure they’ll find you soon” Sehun said quickly but his panic only escalated when Luhan’s eyes gained a glassy sheen

“But what do I do until then?” Luhan sniffled, effectively giving Sehun a miniature heart attack “Where do I stay?”


“I’ve got nowhere to go” Luhan wailed, wailed and Sehun was ready to dig himself a hole and fling himself into it because Sehun’s mental stability and low stress levels depended on him avoiding situations like these.


“What’s going to happen to me?”

There were sirens blaring in Sehun’s mind as he swore that that was a tear leaking out the corner of Luhan’s eye.

 “Um, you can stay here?”

Luhan froze mid-sniffle before a smile spread its way across his face

“Really?” Luhan stood up and reached across the table to clasp Sehun’s hand, effectively rendering him into an incoherent mess, so Sehun just nodded,

“Thank you so much!” Luhan beamed, shaking Sehun’s hand up and down with his before frowning “I don’t even know your name”

“Sehun” he mumbled in response

“Thank you so much Sehun ah” Luhan said as he shook Sehun’s hand one last time before letting go, all traces of the blubbering mess he was seconds ago now non-existent.  Sehun had a bad feeling pooling in his gut but he couldn’t bring himself to care because Luhan was smiling back at him, eyes crinkling into little crescent moons and adorable wrinkles forming at the corners of his eyes.

 He could get used to seeing that, Sehun thought, as a smile tugged at his own lips. 



By the time Sehun retreated back to his room that night, it was 4:00 am. Sehun glanced back when he heard Luhan shuffle in behind him.

 “Sorry, you’re going to have to take the floor” Sehun said as he pulled out a sleeping bag “I would give you the couch but the roof in the living room is you know”

“That’s fine” Luhan smiled “Thanks so much”

Sehun stared for a few seconds before looking away because wow, he just invited the shape shifting nutcase to sleep in his room.

“Um Good night” Sehun said before he promptly dived back into his own bed, hoping that sleep would nurse his sanity back to full health again.


Apparently it didn’t because Sehun had just woken up and his head was already aching. With as much grace as he could muster in his flustered state, Sehun rolled himself away from Luhan who was kneeling beside his bed.

“Good morning” Sehun finally said when he was a safe distance away

“Good morning!” Luhan smiled happily as he ripped the bed covers off of Sehun.

Maybe it wasn’t too early for another drink.



 “How did you not break any bones?” ?” Sehun asked as he screwed in the lost board on the roof and made sure that that the tarp was taut over the big hole, courtesy of the nutcase sitting beside him.

Luhan shrugged, gazing down at the snowy scenery below.  It wasn’t anything special really. Just some snow covered streets, trees and the other houses in the neighbourhood.

 “I have strong bones?”

Sehun snorted before standing up to admire his work.

“That should do until I call someone over to fix the roof properly”

“Sorry about that” Luhan mumbled as Sehun sat down beside him

“It’s fine, I would have never thought to climb up onto the roof anyway” Sehun cracked a smile “I like it up here”

“Me too”

It was nice, Sehun thought as he watched Luhan. For once Luhan didn’t look like some insane nutcase, he looked normal if not the teeniest bit adorable in Sehun’s clothes but Sehun would never admit that out loud.

“Sehun ah” Luhan nudged him


“Before, I looked everywhere in your house.” Sehun straightened up, feeling slightly perturbed at Luhan’s confession “But I couldn’t find your Christmas tree” Luhan frowned “Today is the 22nd of December. There are only three days to Christmas and you don’t have a Christmas tree up.”

“That’s because I don’t have one.” Sehun stood up

Luhan gawked back at him and Sehun tried not to laugh at the way Luhan’s mouth hung open

“Everybody has a Christmas tree! How could you not have a Christmas tree” Luhan waved his arms around wildly “You mean on top on not believing in Father Christmas, you’ve been spending Christmas’s all your life without a Christmas tree?” Luhan cried as if it was most horrible thing that he had ever heard.

“No, I had a Christmas tree at my parent’s house” Sehun made his way to the ladder and began climbing down “I just never got one after I moved out”

“How could you not get a Christmas tree though?”  Luhan continued eyes wide and Sehun had the slightest urge to push him off the roof. He had strong bones anyway right?

Sadly, the thought only occurred to him after Sehun had climbed back onto ground level.  

“Because I have better things to spend my money on?” Sehun replied as Luhan began scrambling down the ladder after him “Hey, careful or you might fall –“

Sehun wondered why he even bothered.

He watched as Luhan’s foot slipped and began flailing his arm around wildly. At first Sehun laughed but then his eyes grew wide as he was knocked to the ground.

Sehun would be lying if he said that he didn’t find the way their breaths mingled together utterly intoxicating.




I HAVE 100+ subs apparently. WHAT? OMFG! HOW? can't believe it but THANK YOU :D <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

and a HUGE THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO COMMENTED because you have no idea how each comment means to me AHGIFHAGUSIADHIGU 


 and ugh the christmas deadline is starting to look a bit agdfkasgfkasjfh BUT I WILL TRY MY BEST

anyway hope you enjoyed this chappie ^.^


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I think it'll be a while until my next update guys. School just started and Year 12 is just being a total . Sorry guys! I'll try my best >.


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Chapter 3: Where did you gooooo author-nim I love your story.... :c
jiosne #2
Haha, this is cute. Update soon.
Chapter 3: omg. wsbgsfagxbsja how can i comment ur stories properly. they r amazing just lik u. ;-; thank you so much for this fanfic. ill be waitng for the next chapter.
dont worry. i Forgive. i will always forgive you. x)
Chapter 3: Lovely babe
Update soon please!
Chapter 3: This is adorable!!! Where did you go :0 I cant wait for the next part!
fymermaids #6
Chapter 2: Please update;-; even if Christmas is long go now. just- pleaseeee!? ^*^
We missed you. Haven't you missed us? Christmas has long been over. Please make a valentine Drabble as special. Lolz kidding. Come back when your ready. Even if the season of mistletoe and ponsentia has officially ended, and the season of Cupid and chocolate is in the air I would like you to know that we're still here patiently waiting for your return even if it takes until the next Christmas ( hopefully not).
Chapter 2: Omg this is so cuteeee<3
margaloopsy #10
Chapter 2: Okay this is so cuteee