Confession Night

Christmas Confession

"See you guys." Chanyeol waved to the other members. "Have fun, Chanyeol-ah." Suho waved. "Will do.." Chanyeol smiled. 

"Don't forget to say hi to Ahreummie." Baekhyun winked. "Yah, this punk!" Chanyeol hit Baekhyun's shoulder. 

"Oww!" Baekhyun rubbed his shoulder. "Just go before the two of you cause a ruckus." D.O rolled his eyes. 

Chanyeol smirked and did a handshake with Baekhyun. "See you, bro." 

"You too, Yoda." Baekhyun patted Chanyeol's back. 

Chanyeol walked towards a black SUV. He knocked on the trunk. Then, the trunk opened. He put his suitcase in the trunk and closed it. He ran to the passenger seat. 

He opened the door and went inside. He closed the door and put on his seatbelt. 

"Hey there, little brother." Chanyeol's older sister, Yoora greeted. Chanyeol looked up and hugged Yoora. "Noonaaaaaa.... I miss youuuu...." He squizzed his sister in his embrace. 

"Oh.. -chokes- God.. Let me breathe." Yoora hit Chanyeol's lap. Chanyeol let go of her. "How are you this evening?" Chanyeol asked. 

"I'm alright. Like always." Yoora changed the gear and finally drove. 

"How's mom and dad?" He asked. "They're alright too. They're excited to see you, of course." Yoora smiled. 

Chanyeol nodded. Yoora the radio.

"And, now since tomorrow is the beautiful Christmas, I'm going to put on EXO's First Snow. Have a lovely evening, listeners." Shindong greeted.

"Wahhh! Our song, our song, our song!" Chanyeol excitedly beamed and turned the volume up. 

When the chorus part came up, Chanyeol snapped his fingers. "Ah, Ahreummie! How's Ahreummie? Is she at the cabin?" He asked with glistening eyes. 

Yoora cleared and forced a smile. "O-oh. She's there." She replied. 

"How is she?" He asked. "Growing beautiful everyday like always." Yoora smiled. 

"That's good to hear. I haven't heard from her for a year now. I've missed her like crazy." Chanyeol pouted. 

"She misses you too." Yoora said. "Oh, noona... Check out what I bought her." Chanyeol fumbled in his backpack. 

He took out a red box. He opened it and showed his noona the present he got for Ahreum.

"Oh wow. That's so pretty~" Yoora beamed. "Really? Do you think she'll like it?" Chanyeol asked. 

"Of course. It's from you." Yoora ruffled Chanyeol's hair. Chanyeol giggled.

"What? No present for your noona?" Yoora frowned. "Pfft. Why should I buy one for you?" Chanyeol closed the box and kept it away. 

"This punk!" Yoora flicked Chanyeol's head. Chanyeol flinched and touched his sore, "Oww!" He then laughed, "Please, noona. The presents for my family comes first. Of course, I bought one for you. You should open it tomorrow yourself."

Yoora smirked and patted Chanyeol's arm. "I miss you, lil bro." 

"I miss you too, noona." Chanyeol touched Yoora's hand. 


After a couple of hours drive, they finally arrived at the cabin where Chanyeol's family and Ahreum's family would spend their Christmas.

"Wahhh! It's so good to be back!" Chanyeol closed the door. Chanyeol took out his suitcase and the two of them made their way into the cabin. 

Chanyeol and Yoora stepped inside. "We're here." Yoora greeted. 

Then, Mrs. Park and Mrs. Cho came out of the kitchen. "OUR SON!" She spread her arms. Chanyeol hugged his mother and lifted her up. 

"Omma! I miss you!" He said and set her down. "Wah.. Did you lose weight? I thought I was carrying Ahreum just now." Chanyeol elbowed Mrs. Park. She smirked, "Thank you for noticing." 

"Eyyy~" Chanyeol cupped Mrs. Park's cheeks and shook it a little. Chanyeol turned to Mrs. Cho. "Ommonim, how are you?" Chanyeol hugged Mrs. Cho. "I'm fine as always, Chanyeol-ah." She smiled. 

Then, "Park Chanyeol!" Mr. Park called. Chanyeol turned to his father. "Appa!!!" He ran and hugged his father. He tightened his embrace. 

Mr. Park patted Chanyeol's behind. He and Mr. Park pulled back. "You've grown old, appa!" Chanyeol teased.

"Babo~" Mr. Park lightly slapped Chanyeol's head. Chanyeol laughed. He turned to Mr. Cho, "Aboji~~" He hugged Mr. Cho. Mr. Cho hugged him back, "Wah. You've grown so much." He said. 

"Well, I can't get any smaller." Chanyeol joked. "Ahaha, right right." Mr. Cho said. 

"Wait, where's Ahreummie?" Chanyeol asked. 

"She's upstairs. In her room." Mrs. Park said. "Ah, okay. I'll go put away my suitcase and greet my bestfriend. See you guys." Chanyeol pulled his suitcase. 

Mrs. Cho looked at Mrs. Park. "Shouldn't we tell him?" 

"Let him found out on his own." Mrs. Park said. Mrs. Cho sighed. 


Chanyeol had put away his suitcase and backpack. He took off his jacket, leaving only the sweater Ahreum made for him. He stepped out of his room and made his way to Ahreum's room. 

He knocked on her door. 

"Come in." Ahreum gave the permission. Chanyeol opened the door and poked his head in, "You're not , are you?" He playfully asked. 

"Oh my God! Dobi, you made it!" Ahreum beamed. She jumped off her bed and walked towards Chanyeol. But, all too excited, she tripped on her own foot and fell. Luckily, Chanyeol caught her. 

"Oh God, you're still a clumsy dummy, I see." Chanyeol said. Ahreum giggled. Chanyeol lifted Ahreum up bridal style and closed the door with his foot. He set Ahreum down on her bed.

Ahreum moved her hands on Chanyeol's face. She touched his face and a gentle smile spread on her face. *He sure has grown more mature.* Chanyeol looked at Ahreum.

*Why is my Ahreum like this? Where is she looking?* He noticed that Ahreum's eyes are not fully focused on him.

"It really is you." Ahreum's eyes turned watery. "Yah, Cho Ahreum, why are you crying?" Chanyeol held her shoulders. 

Ahreum's tears streamed down on her cheeks. She pulled Chanyeol and hugged his neck. "I've missed you." She sobbed. Chanyeol softened and hugged her waist. "I miss you too, angel." 

Chanyeol sighed and tightened his embrace. Just as he opened his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed as he saw a walking stick on Ahreum's nightstand. 

"Uh, Ahreummie.." Chanyeol slowly pulled back. "Hmm?" She blinked. 

"Why is there a walking stick on your nightstand? Only blind people have those." He asked with a snort. "Isn't it obvious?" Ahreum asked.

Chanyeol's smile slowly faded. Chanyeol waved his hand infront of her face. He gulped, *No, it can't be!*

Ahreum felt the wind from his wave. She touched Chanyeol's hand and put it down. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted to, but I didn't wanna disturb you with your busy schedules." Ahreum said. 

Chanyeol touched Ahreum's cheeks and he focused on her eyes. "You're..."

Ahreum sighed, "Yes, Yeol. I'm blind. But-" 

Chanyeol stood up. "Why didn't you tell me?! How did this happen? How come I don't know? You were fine the last time I saw you! You said you're fine! Why are you like this suddenly?"

Ahreum puffed her cheeks. "Park Chanyeol, sit your down." She said.

"No!" Chanyeol barked. Ahreum blinked in surprise. He has never used that tone with her before.

"How could you, Cho Ahreum? I was so pumped to see you. And now, I got to know that my bestfriend can't even see me. Don't you tell me to sit down." Chanyeol was beyond upset over this. 

"Look, I know you're upset, but if you want to know. Sit down and I'll tell you every thing." Ahreum tried to calm him down.

"I'm not upset, Cho Ahreum~ I'M BEYOND ANGRY! I feel left out. I'm your bestfriend! And I don't know about this. THIS IS BULL, CHO AHREUM!!" Chanyeol snapped. 

Ahreum bit her lip. "AND HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL, PARK CHANYEOL? I'M THE ONE WHO HAS TO LIVE IN THIS SITUATION!" She snapped. Chanyeol blinked.

"Yeah, I'm blind! And I didn't tell you, YES! EVEN IF I DID TELL YOU, IT'S NOT LIKE YOU COULD TURN BACK TIME AND SAVE ME FROM BECOMING BLIND, RIGHT?!" Ahreum asked with an annoyed tone.

Chanyeol was speechless. She sighed. "I know it was wrong to hide this from you, but I had no choice. I didn't want to bother you with your busy schedule." She explained herself.

"My busy schedules have nothing to do with this." Chanyeol tried to defend himself. 

"Oh really? Cause I haven't heard from you in about a year~" Ahreum crossed her arms. Chanyeol gulped and his lips turned into a thin line.

"Stop kidding yourself, Park Chanyeol! Please. I'm just blind, not dead. I learnt to live with it. So, please. Be on my side and support me.. Like you always do." Ahreum's tone turned into a tired one. 

Chanyeol looked at Ahreum's face. She was about to cry again. His heart ached. He had always hated if Ahreum cried. Even worst, when she cries because of him.

Chanyeol walked towards Ahreum. Ahreum felt a weight dipped her bed. "Yeol?" She called. Chanyeol took her hand and put it on his cheeks.

"Do you even remember how I looked like?" He asked like a whisper. Ahreum chuckled, "How could I forget your ugly face? It's buried in my heart." Ahreum said.

She moved her hand to his ear. "I miss your Yoda ears the most." She tempted a joke. Chanyeol looked at her smiling. It melted his anger right away. 

Chanyeol's frown turned to a soft smile. "I'm sorry." He whispered. Ahreum touched his cheek and leaned closer. She kissed his cheek and smiled. 

Chanyeol smiled widely. He missed her way of saying, 'It's okay'.

Whenever Chanyeol makes a mistake and apologises to her, she says 'It's okay' differently. Instead of saying it, Ahreum kisses Chanyeol's cheek.

"I'm sorry too." Ahreum apologised. Chanyeol sighed, "It's okay. I should've been more understanding."

"I know right. You've always at that department." Ahreum stucked her lower lip. Chanyeol smirked, "What did you say, Cho Ahreum?" He tickled her waist.

Ahreum started squirming and laughing. "Oh my gosh! Stop it! Park Chanyeol, stop it! I'm dying~" She laughed harder. 

Chanyeol pulled back. Ahreum chuckled and calmed down. Chanyeol caressed Ahreum's head. "Haih.. Now, you can't see how handsome I've become after Wolf's comeback." He pouted. 

Ahreum giggled, "I don't need to. No matter how handsome you turn into, this is my favorite picture of you." She pulled her nightstand's drawer and pulled out her old, small album. 

She touched the braile numbers of the page and turned to a memorised page. "This picture." She handed the album to Chanyeol. Chanyeol took the album and looked at the picture. 

A soft smile spread his face. 

"This is your favorite picture? This is the picture that you remember me of?" He asked. 

"Yeah. I don't know why either. But yes, that's my favorite. You got so mad at me for hanging out with Kilee. Oh gosh, you were such a brat back then. I guess it's my fault too since I've always treated you like a baby." Ahreum shrugged. 

Chanyeol chuckled and turned to the other pages. He smiled at the memories they had together. 

"Dinner's ready!" Mrs. Cho's voice called. "Oh, good. I'm starved!" Ahreum patted her stomach and jumped off her bed. Chanyeol kept the book away. 

"Oh, right. I forgot. Could you please hand me my walking stick?" Ahreum asked. Chanyeol walked towards her. He took her hand and put it around his arm. "No need. I'll be your guide dog. No, wait. Guide wolf."

Ahreum scoffed. "Pfft. More like, guide Yoda." She laughed.

"This kid~" Chanyeol knocked on Ahreum's head. "Ow!" She rubbed her sore. "Hmpf. Go, guide wolf. I'm hungry!" She pointed to the door. "Woof woof~" He playfully barked and the two of them made their way downstairs. 

After dinner, Chanyeol sent Ahreum back to her room since she got a bit sleepy as she took her medication. She's so relieved after finishing the medication. She does not have to eat them anymore.

"Good night, kiddo." Chanyeol lightly patted Ahreum's head. "Good night, giant~" She smiled. Chanyeol chuckled. 


Morning came and it was Christmas Eve. 

Wearing only a t-shirt and sweatpants, Chanyeol went downstairs. He stopped infront of the Christmas tree and smiled, *Christmas Eve.*

Chanyeol lazily walked into the kitchen. He made his way to the fridge. He took out the carton of milk and poured it into a glass. He picked up one of the ginger bread and took a big bite. He drank the glass of milk as he chewed on the ginger bread. 

"Good morning there, ginger bread thief~" 

"Holy !" Chanyeol jumped. Ahreum lightly laughed. 

"How did you know I was eating a ginger bread cookie?" Chanyeol asked. Ahreum tapped her walking stick on the ground and made her way to the stool. She sat on it.

"I lost my sight. Not my smell nor my hearing." Ahreum replied. Chanyeol stucked his lower lip out. 

"Have you showered?" He asked. "Isn't it obvious?" Ahreum asked back. He cleared his throat. "You like my sweater?" She asked. "Mm hm." Chanyeol nodded. 

"Does it look good on me?" Ahreum asked. "Yeah. Why?" He asked back. "Nah. I can't really see what I'm wearing. I need to make sure I don't look like crap on Christmas." Ahreum said. 

Chanyeol chuckled. "You're wearing the sweater I bought for you.Of course, you'd look hot in it." 

"Oh, you bought this sweater?" Ahreum asked. "Yeap. I put it on your dresser last night when you were already asleep." Chanyeol drank some more of his milk. 

"Aww. Why didn't you say so? Thank you~" Ahreum thanked. "No problem." Chanyeol replied.

"Anything you want?" Chanyeol asked. Ahreum snapped her fingers, "Make your famous hot chocolate." 

"You should've asked that last night." Chanyeol said as he opened the kitchen cabinet. "Since when hot chocolates are only made to drink at night?" Ahreum raised her eyebrow. 

"Touche." Chanyeol started making hot chocolate. 

After a few minutes, the hot chocolate was ready. 


"Done." Chanyeol kept away the whipped cream. Ahreum slowly moved her hand and finally her hand touched the warm mug. She smiled and picked it up with both her hands. She gently sipped on the hot chocolate. 

"Mmm. Oh my gosh, how I miss this..." She closed her eyes and sipped on some more. 

She put the mug down and took out the small candy cane. She put it in . 

"Thank you, Dobi." She smiled showing her eyesmile. "You're welcome." Chanyeol smiled.

"I'm gonna go and shower first." Chanyeol washed his glass and put it away. "Alright." Ahreum nodded. 

"You're gonna be okay, right?" He asked. Ahreum chuckled. "I've been blind for almost a year now. I'll be fine. Just go." She waved. Chanyeol patted her back and went upstairs. 

Chanyeol showered and changed into his new white sweater he bought the same day he bought Ahreum's sweater.

After getting ready, both families gathered around the Christmas tree. 

"I was wondering what to buy for you guys. But instead, I bought something that all four of you could enjoy." Chanyeol smiled slyly. The four of them looked at each other. 

Chanyeol took out an envelope and handed it to Mr. Park. Mr. Park took it out and read it quietly.

"Oh my God! A trip for a cruise!" He beamed. "I knew you'd like it." Chanyeol winked. 

"What? Seriously?" Mrs. Park looked at the paper. "Yeah, it's all for four of you. The cruise is on February next year." Chanyeol said.

"Oh my. Thank you so much, Chanyeol-ah." Mrs. Cho caressed Chanyeol's shoulder. "You're welcome, ommonim." He smiled. 

"Yah, how about your noona? Why didn't you buy one for me?" Yoora crossed her arms. "Get a husband first, then I'll pay for your honeymoon." Chanyeol said. "Oh! That's a promise, right?" She beamed.

Chanyeol nodded. "Woo!" Yoora pumped her fists. He chuckled. 

"Here you go, noona." Chanyeol handed a big box to Yoora. Yoora unwrapped the box and opened to see what was inside. She gasped as she took out a brand new handbag. 

"How did you know I've been checking out this handbag?" She asked. "Puh-lease, noona. I'm your own personal sasaeng." Chanyeol waved.

Yoora lightly laughed and hugged Chanyeol. "Thank you! I love it." She pulled back. Chanyeol smiled, "My pleasure. Glad you like it." Yoora ruffled Chanyeol's hair.

"Yoora unnie, could you please help me hand out my presents to them?" Ahreum asked. "Sure, my dear." Yoora smiled. She handed the gifts. 

"I got you guys couple watches." Ahreum smiled. "Well, even though Yoora unnie picked them out, but still.. I hope you guys like it." 

"We love it, dear." Mrs. Park caressed Ahreum's hair. "Well, Yoora unnie already got hers." Ahreum smiled.

Chanyeol was waiting for his turn. Then, "Yeol, I'll give yours later." Ahreum said. "That's alright. I was going to say the same." Chanyeol drank his milk. Ahreum giggled.

"By the way, I'm really sorry, guys." Ahreum apologised. "What for?" Mr. Cho asked.

"Well, I can't see so I can't pick out anything nice for you guys. Thank God, Yoora unnie helped me." Ahreum smiled. Yoora patted Ahreum's hand.

"Honey, it's alright. Trust us, you being here with us already a Christmas miracle gift to all of us." Mr. Cho kissed Ahreum's head. "Thanks, appa." She smiled appreciatively.

As they played games and talked among them, soon lunch was served. 


At exactly six o'clock, Chanyeol changed into a more cozy dressing. 

Chanyeol stepped out of his room and walked towards Ahreum's room. He knocked on her door.

Ahreum twisted the doorknob and opened it, "Hi, handsome." Ahreum smiled. 

"Hey there, beautiful. You look nice." Chanyeol complimemted. "Good. Yoora unnie picked it out." She said. 

"Wait, I got something for you." Chanyeol said. "O..Kay.." Ahreum waited.

Chanyeol took out a scarf he bought for her.

He unfold it and wrapped it around Ahreum's neck. "Oh?" Ahreum blinked. 

"It's so soft." She smiled. "It's a new scarf I bought for you." Chanyeol said. "There. Perfect."

"It's warm. I love it. Thank you~" Ahreum gave a sweet smile.

"Oh, that's not your Christmas present." Chanyeol tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Oh.. Then, what is?" Ahreum asked. Chanyeol took Ahreum's hand and closed her door, "Let's just go to our usual place."

"Okay, then." Ahreum nodded.

The two of made their way out. "Be careful, you two." Yoora said. "Nae~" The two of them nodded. 

"Why does Chanyeol and Ahreum look somehow nervous?" Mrs. Cho asked. "Both of them are going to confess tonight. That's their Christmas present for each other." Yoora answered.

"Omo! Really?" Mrs. Park clasped her hands. "Why do you know?" Mr. Park asked Yoora. 

"Pfft. Please, appa. I'm awesome like that." Yoora flipped her short hair.

"They told you, did they?" Mr. Cho raised his eyebrow. Yoora giggled and nodded. They all laughed.

Chanyeol and Ahreum entered the snowy forest for their famous walks at night.

"Wait. We're here." Chanyeol said. Ahreum stopped. "Guide me." Chanyeol gently pulled Ahreum and let her palms touched a special tree. 

"Can you climb it?" Chanyeol asked. Ahreum nodded, "I remembered the branches. Don't worry." 

Ahreum started climbing the special tree. Chanyeol tagged along behind her. 

Every Christmas, Chanyeol and Ahreum will go into the forest and climbed a special tree that they found when they were ten years old. It has been a tradition that they will climb up to that tree and do a confession session. 

They get to confess about whatever they like. Whether it's about something they've hidden from each other, or their goals and dreams, or lies they've told whoever; Confession night.

"I think this is high enough. Right?" Ahreum asked. Chanyeol looked down. "Yeap. It's good enough."

Ahreum adjusted herself and sat down on the strong branch. Chanyeol looked at her, "You okay?" 

Ahreum nodded. "Are you okay?" She asked. Chanyeol nodded as he sat on the branch that made him faced Ahreum.

"Woo.. It's so cold." Ahreum trembled. Chanyeol chuckled. He took off his gloves and blew air into his palms. He rubbed his palm together and blew more air. Then, Chanyeol placed his palms on Ahreum's cheeks. 

Ahreum jumped a bit but smiled. "Mmm. Thank you." Chanyeol pulled his hands back and put on his gloves once again. 

"Oh, before we start, I want to give you your first Christmas present." Chanyeol said. He took out the red box and took out the charm bracelet he showed to Yoora yesterday. 

He took her wrist and clasped it on. "There. Perfect fit." He smiled and beamed. Ahreum blinked and touched the bracelet. She gasped, "Oh my. It must be really pretty." She said.

"It's prettier now that it's on your wrist." Chanyeol said. Ahreum cringed, "Aigoo. Cheesy Yeol!" 

Chanyeol and Ahreum laughed. "Thank you, Yeollie-ah. I love it~ I see you put all my favorite things as the charms on the bracelet." 

"Glad you love it." Chanyeol stucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"So, who wants to start first?" Chanyeol asked. Ahreum shrugged, "I don't know."

"Paper, scissors, rock?" Ahreum suggested. "Sure." Chanyeol nodded. 

"Paper, scissors, rock!" Ahreum put out paper and Chanyeol put out scissors. Chanyeol announced. "Ah, I won." 

Ahreum chuckled. "Okay. Then, you're first." She hugged herself. 

Chanyeol sighed. "Okay.. Umm.." He took a deep breath and exhaled. 

"Dude, what's holding you? You didn't kill someone, did you?" Ahreum lightly laughed. 

"Um, here goes nothing." Chanyeol took Ahreum's hands. "Cho Ahreum." He called.

"Yes, Park Chnayeol?" Ahreum smiled. "I'm going to do it. Today will be the day I confess to you that I have a mad crush on you. I've been liking you since we were kids." He finally let it out.

Ahreum's smile slowly fell. "What?" She nervously chuckled. "It's true." Chanyeol said. 

"But you've been in lots of relationships before." Ahreum pointed out. Chanyeol let go of her hands and sighed, "Well, that was just me trying to stop myself from liking you. But I couldn't. Why did you think I broke up with every one of them?"

"I don't get it. I mean, what is it that you like about me?" Ahreum asked.

"Well, since it is our confession night.. I'm just going to let it out." Chanyeol said. "Go ahead." Ahreum nodded. 

"First and foremost, it's your beautiful, amazing personality. I love that you are adventurous. You're brave and responcible. You're sweet and an awesome mind-reader. Second, I fell for your mesmerizing smile. It lights any time of my day. If you don't believe me, you can ask my members. If I ever have a hard time, I looked at your picture and I'll smile automatically."

Ahreum's mouth curved upwards and smiled softly.

"Oh.. Your beautiful eyes that shines brighter than the stars on the sky, my God. How do you even make them sparkle? I didn't know it was possible for humans to do that, but somehow you could." Chanyeol sighed. Ahreum giggled.

"I don't know what to say anymore, except I love everything about you. I stan Cho Ahreum and I don't know how to unstan her. I'm obsess over her and I can't help myself. I just.. Haih.. I.. Love you, Ahreum-ah." Chnayeol said. 

Ahreum's mouth parted a bit. *Did he just say...*

"Yes. I've said it. I love you and I'd die to be with you." Chanyeol spread his arms with a wide smile on his face. Ahreum smiled, hearing his sincerity. 

"Are you done?" She asked. "Huh?" Chanyeol looked down at her. 

"Are you done?" Ahreum repeated. Chanyeol cleared his throat and put down his arms, "Uh, yeah. I'm done."

Ahreum slowly climbed down from the tree. Chanyeol blinked at her with round eyes. "Ahreum-ah!" He called. 

Ahreum continued climbing down. "Where are you going?" Chanyeol too, started climbing down. 

Ahreum arrived at the bottom. Chanyeol was a couple feets away still, but he jumped and landed infront of Ahreum. "Ahreum-ah.. Come on. I thought we were suppose to be having a confession night." Chanyeol said. 

Ahreum turned her back on Chanyeol.

Chanyeol started panicking. "Cho Ahreum.. I'm sorry I confessed. I just felt like I had to. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I hated the fact that you thought my busy schdeules would come between us. I hated you for not telling me about your accident because you thought you would bother me while I'm doing my schedule. I just want you to know that you could never be a burden to me. You never were, and you never will. I love you. I actually like it more that you bother me. I actually know that you depend on me and not other boys. I actually feel like I'm the only one for you. I might not by your side always, but I promise I'll work hard for us to be together and after I get the money, I promise to stay by your side till the end. I love you so much it hurts. Please- Mm!"

Ahreum had turned around and pulled Chanyeol's jacket. She placed her cold, pink lips on Chanyeol's. 

Chanyeol's eyes widened but his eyelifs slowly fell and started kissing Ahreum back.

After a minute, Ahreum pulled away. She whispered, "Here's my confession~ I'm in love with you too. And you have no idea how happy I am that the feeling's mutual." She let go of Chanyeol's jacket.

"What?" Chanyeol blinked. "You heard me, babo. I love you. I love you to the moon and back. I love you more than Baek can love Yeol." Ahreum shyly smiled. Chanyeol's expression slowly lightened up. 

He smiled widely and held Ahreum's shoulders. "Say it again. That you love me." He demanded.

Ahreum moved her hands to his face and cupped his cheeks. "I love you, Yoda. I love you, Park Chanyeol~" 

Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Ahreum's waist and spun her around. "Whoaa!" Ahreum felt like she was flying. Chanyeol stopped and set her on the snowy ground. 

Chanyeol cupped her head, "I love you, shorty! With all my heart~" Without hesitation, he pulled her into a kiss. 

Ahreum wrapped her arms around Chanyeol's neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

Even though the weather was freezing cold, but somehow the two lovebirds felt nothing but warmnes of the kiss that was running through their body. 

The end :)

Hope you guys like it. 

Sorry if it's nothing much. I tried my best ^^

I'll try my harder for the future one shots.

Have a great day/night, everyone! :*

Love, exoeffect88

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Chapter 1: That... was... so... cute!! The song just made it better! Amazing!!
ChocoCaramel #2
Chapter 1: so sweeeeet ><