Getting Better

Twisted Realms Of Lies And Deceit

The next day I woke up with the same sharp pain in my head from yesterday. I looked around and realized that it was only 9 am.

Ugh why did I wake up so early. And oww.. Yun Bi really threw that ball with all her might.

I shuffled to the kitchen to make myself a cup of warm milk and some buttered toast. But I realized I didn't have butter. Why not make a trip to the supermarket? I guess I could use more groceries as well. I washed up, got dressed and as I was putting on my boots the door bell rang.

Okay weird. Who would visit me this early in the morning. Oh wait, could it be...?

I opened the door and standing on the other side was none other than Lay!

"Oh! Lay! What a pleasant surprise! I didn't think you'd come this early." I chirped

He grinned and stared at me from head to toe, "Going somewhere? You know you really shouldn't be going out in your condition. Or at least get someone to accompany you.."

"I don't want to be so dependent. I think I can manage myself. It's just a headache, it's not like I lost a limb or something.." I joked.

"Hey Min Young, don't joke about such things alright? And don't worry I'll accompany you to the supermarket. We can shop for groceries together." He suggested.

Okay weird. Boy of my dreams wants to hang out with me and he's treating me so well. I don't think my heart can handle this. Oh yeah I should ask him about the guy in my dreams. I'm 85% sure the mysterious man is Lay's long lost brother or something. But what if Lay thinks I'm a creep or something? Aish.. why is this happening to me..

"Min Young?? Hello? Don't stare into space like that. Are you alright?"

"U- Uh sorry! I was just thinking of something. Let's go."

While walking out of the lift, Lay put his arms around my shoulder out of a sudden. I was stunned and I looked at him, eyes wide open.

"Haha don't worry I'm not having any ideas about you, I just wanted to support you, what if you fall again like yesterday?" He reassured.

"O- Okay.."

Well if Dimple Boy wants to hold me why not? But I'm not used to this skinship.. Let's just see where this is going.

The car ride was yet again silent but this time the silence was not awkward but comfortable. I decided to break the silence and question Lay about the man in my dreams.

"Lay..?"I stammered, "You know about the man I've told you before in my dreams? Well I'm really sure he resembles you. A lot. And this has been occurring many many times. I wonder if you'd have any idea what this means?"

"W- w- what? I'm pretty sure you're just having weird dreams. I dream of my friends all the time as well. No biggie."

"No, Lay I know what I dreamt about. And it wasn't a regular dream. It was like the world was ending. Everything was in chaos. But when this dark creature is about to get me, I wake up."

"Min, I'm sure you're just having bad dreams that's all. Try not to over think okay? Let's not talk about this anymore." He said, raising his voice slightly.

With that he ended the conversation. I felt hurt. I mean, okay fine, he didn't want to answer my question but why did he have to be so repulsive? I guess I should stop asking him about it. He probably thinks I'm a major creep. 

At the supermarket we got my groceries and Lay offered to pay for it. I didn't reject him mainly because I didn't really want to speak to him after what happened in the car. On our way back to my place I guessed that Lay noticed my unusual quietness and I think he felt bad for what happened earlier.

"Are you alright? I'm sorry for raising my voice earlier.. I guess I was a lil grumpy because I didn't catch enough sleep the night before. Will you forgive me?"

"It's nothing. I'm not offended or anything," I lied,"I just didn't know what to talk about."

"That's good. I thought you were mad at me or something. Are you feeling better? Do you mind showing me around?"

"Sure why not. It'll be great to finally go for a stroll, get some stuff off my mind."

"Something's bothering you? Want to share it with me? You know they say half of your burden is relieved when you talk about it."

I laughed, "Where did you get that from? Are you making stuff up to get me talking? And I'll tell you when the time's right. Anyways let's get back to the house I'm freezing."





~*Author's Note*~

HELLOS FLUFFBUNBUN HERE I AM SUPER SORRY FOR GOING MIA ON PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY READ THIS STORY. I deeply apologise because I was on holiday. TT I can't really update the story as much as i can when we first started bc SCHOOL IS IN 3 DAYS HAHA F ME RIGHT :-) \\jumps off building Anyways, I WILL NOT abandon this story, it'll just be at a really slow pace D: next year is a super important year so it means less time on the computer 3 anyways super thankful towards y'all for sticking around MANY SARANGSSS <3 ((DO YOU LIKE THE POSTER?? :DD))





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Nice description & story! - Yuki