The Screaming Crows (3)

The Brilliant High

“Or...should I tell them first, Key?” Onew continued.
Key frozed.
“I heard your grandmother and grandfather’s discussion. They’re so afraid we planned to visit the lake, because there’s a wide forest there. Then your grandmother said about a massacre,” Kyu added.
Key looked at Kyu, panicked.
“What’s going on here? Tell us, Kyu!” Taeyeon started to feel annoyed.
“Amber, tell us! It’s not like the usual, hide something...” Victoria looked at Amber. Amber looked hesitant. She almost said something until Onew said first.
“It happened 93 years ago, at 1920. The exact year with the funeral first built. Or...the funeral built because of the incident. It’s for the victims of the massacre,”
Key looked really pale.
“S...stop it!” 
Kyu looked really angry with Key now,
“We’re detective club member, Key! We don’t hide information! Why you act like that?!”
Key looked at him, more panicked.
“I…I’m not try to hide the information, hyung!” 
“Then what is this? What is something about massacre? I don’t understand!” Sungmin also annoyed too. 
Key’s emotion finally blew,
“Because it’s cursed! It’s really a creepy story and this village is cursed!” he shouted like crazy.
Silent. Everyone too shocked to say anything.   
“C…cursed?” Victoria said slowly.
Key’s body trembling.
“Yes … it’s cursed … Since that incident …”
“That’s why there’re no teenagers here, right?” Onew said and Key nodded.
“Yes …” 
“Why you hide it?” Taeyeon walked to him, asked slowly.
Key shook his head,
“Because I don’t wanna ruin our first holiday. You’ll be scared and …” 
Kyu sighed, he stood next to Key.
“You don’t have to hide it. It’s the part of this village. This village’s history,” he said and Key looked at him.
“But it’s so scary…That’s why I don’t tell you, guys. It’s really a dark history. I don’t wanna you get wrong perception about this village. I want to show you my entire beloved village. This beautiful village …” 
Amber sighed,
“Oppa … There’s nothing to do with the past. From what Onew oppa, Kyu oppa and I got from the web, you can’t call it a curse. It’s more … this village has bad influence for the younger villager …”
Key shook his head quickly,
“So that means this village is cursed!” 
Kyu looked at him,
“Slowly. Tell us the complete story. I wanna know. As a member of detective club, I’m interested with it,” 
“Yes. I’m interested too. Please tell us. Immediately,” Taeyeon glared at him.
“Don’t lie anymore,” said Sungmin and Victoria together. 
Key gulped.
Taeyeon grumbled. Key brought them to the priest. 
“Why?” she asked, annoyed. Key looked at her.
“Because…because I don’t wanna be cursed…” he said slowly and Kyu closed his face.
“Aigoo Key, jinjja…”
“Oh, please, Oppa…” Amber shook her head.
They walked to the temple. Along the street, they heard many strange conversations.
“Hey, don’t you hear about that newcomer? They already moved,”
“I already said them that they can’t raise a baby here! Beside that, their ten years old boy…”
“You know about Mr. Park? His son is sick now! He gets that really creepy disease!”
“What? Really? But I already told him to move his son to the other city! How can …”
Key also met a really old woman, who said to him,
“Ah, you come back! Huh? Are there your friends? You now the rule, right? Bring them back before the fifteenth day,” she said, while looked at The Brilliant High members.
“I know, halmeoni. Many thanks…” Key replied slowly.
Taeyeon looked at Key, confused
“The fifteenth day? But we already here for three days and …”
Key nodded, looked gloomy.
“We still have time,” he said. 
“Time?” Taeyeon frown. Key didn’t reply.
Victoria looked at that old woman, who stared at the members.
“But Key? What’ll happen if we still here after the fifteenth day?”
She never expected that Key’s answer will be really hideous.
“We’ll die.”
“Save my son, Mr. Lee! Please save my son!”
“The only way is bring your son to the other city quickly, Mr. Park!”
“But I don’t believe the legend! We moved here because we don’t believe any legend!”
“Mr. Park, don’t say something like that! Just do what I said before!”
“But I…”
The Brilliant High members reached the temple and heard a really odd conversation. A man begged to an old priest with worried expression. He almost cried, while his wife, who stood behind him, carried a five years old kid, who cried loudly. He looked really pale and vomits many times. 
“Please, Mr. Lee, please!” 
“Yeobo, Dong Wan still vomit! I can’t stop it!” her wife said, looked almost cry too. 
Mr. Lee, the priest, looked both of annoyed and pity. He almost replied when he heard The Brilliant High’s arrival.
“Oh, Key!” he shouted at Key. Key smiled a little then walked to him.
“Mr. Lee, can we talk for few minutes?” he said and Mr. Lee looked at Mr. Park and his family. 
“But I… Mr. Park, I’ll come to your house to finish this. But I hope, you’ll prepare your son to leave this village. Your son will be healthy as soon as he leaves this village. Just believe me,” he said and Mr. Park looked at his wife. His wife nodded while still hold her tears,
“Let’s do it …” she replied slowly.
After Mr. Park and his family left, Mr. Lee looked at The Brilliant High,
“Let’s sit here,” he said and sit on the bench under the tree. 
Mr. Lee rubbed his forehead, looked really tired. Key and the other kids sat around him.
“Mr. Lee, my friends and I decided to visit this village,” he said and Mr. Lee nodded.
“Yes, but you can’t stay for ...”
Key stopped him,
“Yes. I know the rule. Or the legend rule,”
Mr. Lee surprised.
“Key! Why you said like like that?”
Key sighed,
“Mr. Lee, this is strange. This is unnatural. The curse...”
Now Mr. Lee who stopped him,
“Yes! We can’t avoid the curse! You know it well!”
“But I don’t understand, Mr. Lee! The curse makes our village isolated! There’s no visitor who can stay longer. There’re no kids and teenagers here. If there any other way to stop the curse...” Key said and Mr. Lee shook his head.
“There’s no way to stop the curse! We already tried many ways. Ancient rite, even sacrificial rites...” he said slowly.
“Sacrificial rites!” Taeyeon and Victoria shocked.
Mr. Lee nodded,
“Yes, sacrificial rites! We’ll sacrifice one people every month and...” but he didn’t continue after saw Taeyeon and Victoria’s expression. They almost vomit. Even Amber’s face turned really pale.
Sungmin still didn’t understand.
“But Mr. Lee, why this village is cursed? Why bad things happen? We already heard about The Jeongwol Massacre and we wanna ask...”
Beyond his expectations, Mr. Lee’s expression changed. His face turned pale and he looked really angry.
“Key! Did you tell them about that incident?”
Key’s face turned really pale too. He didn’t answer and both of Kyu and Onew quickly said,
“We searched for that incident by ourselves, Mr. Lee. But, is the curse relate to the incident?”
“We wanna ask you about that incident,” Amber continued.
Mr. Lee shook his head,
“You’ll be dissapointed then! Because I don’t wanna tell you about it!”
“But Mr. Lee...” Kyu said and Mr. Lee stood up and looked at him,
“Listen, young man. We already suffer from that creepy incident. For almost one century the curse already gave us so much suffer! So you better don’t say even a word again about that!” he shouted.
Kyu shocked. Every member shocked too. Mr. Lee left them after that and no one couldn’t say anything.
They came back to Key’s grandmother and grandfather’s house and had lunch together.  They didn’t see Key’s grandfather. After that, they decided to discuss everything in the bedroom. After the door is closed, Sungmin looked at Key,
“Key, is the forest has a relation to the massacre?” he opened the discussion with asked question. Key shocked.
“ do you...”
Sungmin shook his head,
“You can’t lie anymore. I already saw your strange behaviour when I asked about the forest. Kyu already gave me strange looks too,” he glared at Kyu and Kyu shrugged.
“Mianhae, Sungmin. I wanna tell you but I’m afraid it’ll give big stir among us,” he said and Sungmin sighed.
Kyu looked at Key.
“Remember, Kyu. We’re detective club. I know our club is still...yeah, amateur but I don’t like someone hide an information. Even if that information is really hideous and disturbing, it’s important to a detective to know everything,”
Taeyeon smiled at him,
“Hey hey Kyu, you looks really serious,” 
Kyu laughed,
“Of course!”
Kyu looked at Key once again. Key bowed his head. Kyu patted his shoulder.
“So, will you tell us the complete story?”
Key looked at him and shook his head.
“I only know that there’s a creepy incident called The Jeongwol Massacre and it happened in the forest. But I don’t know for why it happened and how,”
Onew looked dissapointed. He sighed.
“Ah...I thought you know everything. I only found about that incident’s name and there’re more than 50 peoples died at that incident,” he said.
“50 peoples ?!” Key shocked. Taeyeon, Victoria and Sungmin shocked too. Onew nodded.
“Mmm. But I couldn’t find for what reason that massacre happened,” he sighed once again.
“Think. What made that horrible incident happened? Are they, I mean the people who died at that day, did something bad?” Amber said and everyone shook their head.
“I think the reason is deeper than that,” Victoria said. Sungmin nodded.
“Yes. A simple reason won’t make you kill almost 50 people, right?” he added.
Everyone didn’t say anything after that. Suddenly they heard something and Key opened the door a little and peek a boo. Everyone followed him. 
They could see Key’s grandfather came. His face looked pale and tired.
“What’s happen?” Key’s grandmother looked worried.
His husband looked at him and answered,
“Mr. Park’s son died,”
Key’s grandmother surprised.
“Who... Did you mean, Dong Wan?” she asked and his husband nodded.
“Yes. Five minutes before he left the village. That creepy disease...”
The Brilliant High members shocked.
“Dong Wan? The boy we just saw one hour ago?” Taeyeon asked and Key nodded. 
Kyu and Onew looked at each other then nodded.
“I think we finally know the reason behind the massacre,” they said together.


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seoexo_01 #1
Chapter 24: Please update soon....
zuzuaikha #2
Chapter 22: Add some kyumin !!! I love ur story !! Especially the crow thing ! Cool !
lolalovetae #3
Chapter 22: New reader here! Omg i love your story! I didnt even sleep until now because i wanted to finish this story. Update soon!
P.S : If possible, add some romance in the story. *sneaky mode*
leyne_saranghae #4
Chapter 22: i'm curious right now…..
Chapter 22: nooooo its make me really curious now
when will you update?
please update soon
Chapter 21: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh please update soon i really curious nowww
leyne_saranghae #7
Chapter 21: you know i really like this fic!!!!
I like when they start to investigate the myterious….
ohhhh… i feel the adventure
exotaenglove #8
Chapter 20: Please update!! I freaking love this story!! :-) :-D
Chapter 20: what's event is that???
Yeaaa I like this!!