C J Chapter 4.5

Cute Jealousy

Chapter Four.Five


Instead of taking the public bus, Kyungsoo had decided to walk to work. He needed time to think, and the best place to think is walking in the park, where it’s a little quieter. It didn’t matter if he was late to work, Suho hyung will understand (and maybe Baekhyun will nag, but who cares about him).

“Stay away from Tao.”

Those words repeated over and over in Kyungsoo’s head ever since. It’s like those words were imprinted in his mind and there is no way to erase it. After his little run into with Tao and Sehun, the owl-eyed boy feels a little uneasy, there is something about them that make Kyungsoo worry, especially with Sehun being close to Tao. Another thing, Tao is also acting strange now. When they met earlier, Tao didn’t hug him nor did he call him ‘Soosoo’. Maybe it’s that he’s so use to being call that by Tao for over a year, and now hearing him simply just saying his name, it just feels a little odd. He kind of misses it…

“What the hell am I thinking?” Kyungsoo shook his head, when he realizes what he was just thinking about. “I should be happy that he’s not fallowing me anymore…”

In front of him he sees Tao and Sehun cuddling, and Kyungsoo feels a stab in his heart, and anger boil over him. Looking down he sees pebble and quickly picks it up and threw it straight at the two male. Instead of hitting either of them, the pebble went through them and over a small bush and hit something that made a loud cry from behind it. A body emerge from behind it, hands on his head (where the pebble his head).

His eyes widen after realizing what he did, scared of whoever it is Kyungsoo made a dash for it, luckily the person had his back turn. He’s doesn’t going to get in trouble, but couldn’t believe he hit someone. As Kyungsoo ran off, he did not realize that his student ID fell out of his pocket.  It is now in the hand of a stranger.

“Do Kyungsoo, Second Year at Yeoleum International High school.” The stranger smirk after reading the name and looking at the picture of Kyungsoo on the student ID. “This will be interesting.” He places the student ID card into his pocket as he yawn and stretches out his arms. “It’s been a while since the last one. But damn…” He places his hands on his head. “Did he have to throw it so hard? I feel a bump here. Maybe I should go see a doctor.”

“KAI~KAI AH~” a high pitch voice calls out the stranger’s name. He turns around to see a little sparkly fluffy golden ball of light of the size of a tennis ball flying towards him.

He smile and waves that the fluffy ball of light, “Hi Tinkerbell. Where have you been?”

“YAH! I’m not Tinkerbell, stop calling me that! And I should be the one asking you that! You ditch me again!” the fluffy ball twitches side to side in the air.

Kai places his hand in front of him and open his palm for the sparkly fluffy golden ball to land on. “But Tinkerbell suits you more than your actual name thou. It’s cuter since you're hair is blonde.” The fluffy ball lands on his palm as a small tiny body emerge from it as well as a pair of glassy clear wings on its back.

“First of all, I’m a boy and Tinkerbell is a girl’s name. Second, I like my name. Lastly, stop slacking off! You’re still in training, have you forgotten?”

“Alright, alright. Sorry. Sheesh. You keep on acting like my you’re my mom Lay. I just want to take a nap.”

“Half a day is not a nap. It's sleeping. You worry me. You’ll never get things done if you keep doing this.” Lay wings starts to flutter, lifting his tiny body into the air. “You want you get your wings right? If you keep slacking off, it’ll be centuries before you’ll get it.”

“You’re such a worry wart Lay. Don’t worry I got this.” Kai smile confidently. “I already found someone. You want to see?” he pulls out the student ID card from his pocket and shows it to him. “He is our target this time.”

Lay studies the student ID card carefully before looking back at Kai. “Are you sure, he doesn’t look like it.”

“Oh, I’m sure.” Kai place his hand on his head again. “That rock he threw seems to be proof of it. It stills hurts.

Lay flew up to Kai’s head and look at the bump before settling himself onto Kai’s shoulder and sat down on it. “Well, you deserve it for ditching me.”

“Oh come on. I said I was sorry. You're not forgiving me?” Kai pouts. 

Lay shook his head. "Nope. I don't feel like it right now."


Hello again~ and Welcome new Cute Jealousy readers. WOO~ Can't believe this story have over 120 subscribers. YAY~ Sorry for the long wait and just a short update. I know know. But we have two new character introductions. Finally it's KAI~♥ and also Lay too ♥ I wanted to introduce them in asap and plus many of you were wondering when Kai is coming. You guys happy? And what is happening? Training? Wings? and a little tiny Lay with wings? You'll just have to find out. hehehe..


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after so long cute jealousy updated...so sorry orz


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Chapter 8: This is so cute!! It'll give me diabetes~~
Madhatter_pey #2
Chapter 8: ROFL Omg this is socute and funny. Poor baek doesnt know bout anything.
'Stay away from him' that's so y... Zitao making all the boys go crraizy!! Love it love it update soon. xxx
Dragneel09 #3
Yeah! Me too...i really love 93 and 94 liner!!!wohoo
Lena-chan #4
Chapter 8: I really like your story :) it's so adorable haha Taosoo is soooo cute ^^ please update soon
Chapter 8: Bwahahahaha..omg..kyungsoo is gonna kill baek 4 hitting on tao..in front of HIM!! hahahaha..dis should b fun to imagine on kyungsoo trying to kill baekkie..with suho looking at them with a sweatdrop ala chibi form from da cartoons...hahahahaha..update soon coz I really wanna know on kyungsoo will do to baek n etc..
star-fragments #6
Chapter 8: Loving this so far. Absolutely adorable.
Waiting for more. Please update soon. <3
ghellesome23 #7
Chapter 8: taosooooooo please, its so cuteeee :D
found you on tumblr! omigosh a fic on the maknae liner. Im so gonna love this. just gotta find time to read this now.