C J Chapter 4

Cute Jealousy

Chapter Four

Kyungsoo woke up extra early, and went to school earlier than usual. He wanted to get to school before Tao did; because he wants to avoid the panda boy as much as possible of course, he has been doing this for the past two weeks because Tao will always arrive there first and he will wait there for him at the school gate. Kyungsoo smile happily since he thinks that it is a great plan, since he has been able to avoid Tao, and sometimes he doesn’t even see the taller boy at all, in which he sometimes thinks that it’s odd, but often brush it off. As he turns around the corner there Tao was, standing at the usual place in front of the school gate. Kyungsoo quickly ducks back behind the corner wall.

“W-why is he here so early today?”  Kyungsoo panics, “I’m sure that I came as early as possible at the usual time…Don’t tell me he has notice it?”

 Kyungsoo slowly peeks out the corner to look at the tall blonde panda, looking very focus at his cell phone. Kyungsoo continue to watch and observe him, and come to conclusion that the Tao is probably reading a text message. He is relief that Tao hadn’t seen him, however, how is he going to get into school with Tao guarding the entrance? Before Kyungsoo could react, Tao’s head suddenly look up towards his direction and Kyungsoo could feel his heart pounds against chest before he quickly ducks back behind the corner wall again, pushing his back hard against the brick wall like he was a part of the wall.

‘Did he see me?!’  Kyungsoo squeeze his eyelids shut tightly, listening to the drumming of his heart in his ears. He really hopes not. He is not ready to talk to Tao yet.

After a few seconds (and calming himself down), Kyungsoo peeks out again to look again; Tao is still looking at his direction—a smile on his lips—and waving his hand, maybe he is caught now. He is not sure what to say to the panda boy. As he stares at the smiling Tao, Kyungsoo blush, and for some reason the short boy found himself having the urge to slowly raising up his arms to wave back at him. He has to admit to himself, Tao did look somewhat kind of, no a teensy-weensy—no even smaller then that bit …cute.

“You’re late!” Tao’s called out.

“Sorry~” voice shouts out from behind Kyungsoo, surprising him. He turns around to see a tall bleach blonde male with pale skin, wearing the same school uniform as him.  He has never seen him before. The student seems to have notices Kyungsoo, because as he walk pass Kyungsoo to the school gate, he gave him a smug look. Kyungsoo watch on as the unknown student walk up to the happy smiling Tao, then placing his arms around the panda boy’s shoulder before they both enter into the school gate.

Kyungsoo blinks a few times, very confuse at just what just happen.  He wonders who that guy with Tao was, he never seen him before; and why did he give him that smug look when he walk pass? Kyungsoo feel a small tight squeeze in his chest as all these wondering thoughts came in his mind. He places a hand on his heart. “Stupid, are you trying to kill me? I don’t like him, so stop doing that. I’m just…” Kyungsoo didn’t know who to finish his sentence, because he isn’t sure himself.



When he enters into his classroom, it wasn’t a surprise that he is the only one there. It’s still early after all. Kyungsoo sat down in his seat (which was towards the middle of the classroom) and folds his arms on the desk before resting his head on top of it. He is tired because of having to wake up so early every morning. He closes his eyes; he wanted a good nap before class start, but first he is waiting for it. After a few minutes, he heard a soft faint sound of a piano playing.

‘Ah…it’s that song again.’ he thought to himself, noticing the familiarity of the melody.

He’s been hearing the same song for the past two weeks ever since coming early to school. It is a very beautiful piece; it gives him a soft and warm feeling, not to mention the melody put his mind and heart at ease. It makes him wanted to sing again.

Ever since hearing the song, Kyungsoo has wanted to find out who is playing such a beautiful piece, but whenever he tries he get to the music room, the person disappear. In which, Kyungsoo thought that the music room might be haunted. However, Kyungsoo didn’t feel scared, because whoever or whatever it is that plays such a heavenly song that can calm his heart and mind must be a good person. And maybe it’s just not his time to meet this person yet. Before he knew it, he has fallen asleep.

“Soosoo ah…” The image of Tao appears from the darken space in front of him, as his voice echoes his name. Tao smile, a very bright and cheerful smile, the same one that he saw earlier. “Soosoo, I like you.”

Kyungsoo’s eye shot open, his face blushing red as Tao’s voice echoes in his head. He couldn’t believe it, he’s dreaming about Tao now.  He closes his eyes again, took a deep breath, then let out a soft sigh as he bury his face further into his arms.

It isn’t long until he hears several voices and footsteps of his fellow classmates entering into the classroom.  Oddly, Kyungsoo is glad, because he is afraid to be alone with his thoughts, afraid that he’ll discover something that in his thoughts about Tao. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to think about Tao in that way. The panda boy is on the top of his blacklist of things to avoid. However, when Tao’s name was mention in a conversation among his female classmates, Kyungsoo perks up in his seat, eavesdropping on the conversation.

“Hey, did you see that new student with Zitao this morning?” One of the girls said as she smiles happily. “I think he’s so handsome.”

“You mean that guy with white hair?” another girl said after she took a sip on the straw of her apple juice carton.

“Ah, him?” the third girl said. “I think I see him with Zitao a few times before. I don’t think his hair is white; it’s a little yellow too. I think its bleach blonde.”

“Does anyone know his name?” the first girl asks. “I’ve been seeing them together for the past week, and they both seems to be very close to each other. Are they friends?”

“He is a new transfer student, a first year student.” A fourth girl answers. “I heard that he is really popular among the first year students. His name is Sehun. Oh Sehun. It’s not surprising how he got popular so quickly. Good pale skin, handsome face, not to mention he is tall too. I heard that he’s a model.”

“Ah! Zitao oppa is working part-time as a model now too right?! Maybe they’re work together.” The ious girl spoke up. “Maybe that’s why he and Zitao oppa became very close since they work together.”

‘Transfer student? Model?’ Kyungsoo remembers the student from earlier with Tao. It must be him. The guy is a first year name Oh Sehun, and he’s a model, which wasn’t a surprise. However, what surprise him is that Tao is one too. Since he’s been clear of Tao, he did even know that Tao became a model (it should’ve been obvious since he is really popular in school now).  Curious about the relationship between them, Kyungsoo got up from his seat and walk over to his classmates.

“Excuse me,” Kyungsoo intrude into the conversation of the group of girls, and all their eyes turn onto him. He felt a little uncomfortable with the many pairs of eyes staring back at him, he felt expose, but he needed his question answer. “Um…can you…can you tell me when Sehun and Zitao started hanging out?”

One of the girl answers, “About just a week ago, I think. Everyone in school knows about it about by now.”

“Yeah, but it’s nice to see that even in a short time they seems very close,” another girl said with a smile. “It’s like they’re already best friends. Zitao seems to smile a lot whenever he is with Sehun.”

“I agree.” The third girl said. “Lately it seems that Zitao has been very depressed over something, even when we try to cheer him up, it didn’t help. However, ever since he and Sehun started hanging out it seems like he becomes very happy. They also stick together.”

“More like Sehun fallows Zitao oppa everywhere.”

“Who cares, having two handsome models in our hanging out together means two times the hotness to look at. However, Zitao oppa is still mine, so no touchy.” The girl wiggles her index finger side to side.

“What?! No way!” The girl shouts and stood up in protest. “I claim him first already!”

The girls started bickering away as Kyungsoo zone out to his own thoughts about everything he just heard. The more he thought about, the more he became more curious. He wanted to know if what he heard is true that all.  He wants to confirm it with his own eyes.



After first period was over, Kyungsoo stroll over to class 2C. He carefully peeks into the classroom, making sure that Tao would not see him, but to his surprise the Tao wasn’t there. As other students exited out the classroom, Kyungsoo ask one of them where Tao go.

“Ah, you just missed him. Teacher Hong, send him to take some papers to Ms. Kim at the administering office.”

Kyungsoo thanked him before heading back to his classroom. There is only fifteen minutes of pass time between each class, and walking to the office and back will take a few ten minutes, and five minutes has pass already. He isn’t going to risk being late to second period, which is Teacher Baek’s English class. If anyone is not in class on time, he’ll make them run the field while reciting one hundred pages poetry. No one wants to do that. He’ll just have to find Tao later.



Tracking someone down is harder then, trying to avoid them. The whole day Kyungsoo has been trying to track down the blonde panda with no luck.  Each time he searches the places where people had seen him, he missed him by a minute or two. Even during lunch break, there was no sign of Tao anywhere. Also, during P.E. (their shared class) Tao wasn’t there. It started to feel like he is playing hide and seek, except, Tao wasn’t even playing.  Kyungsoo gave up. If he couldn’t find the panda for the whole day, it’s unlikely for him to find him before school is over. Kyungsoo is heading back to class for the last lesson of the day, History.

“Kyungsoo?” a voice familiar voice call him from behinds. Kyungsoo shook a little from surprise of hearing his voice. It’s Tao’s voice. Apart of him is happy to hear his voice, but then he realizes that Tao found him. He started to worry. If Tao ask him why he has been avoiding Tao, he didn’t know how to explain it. He at telling lies, even Baekhyun (his co-worker) says that he is the easiest person to read, a like a very detail open book.

“Tao, who’s this?”

Kyungsoo turns around when he heard the second voice. Standing next to Tao is that person, the first year student, which he saw that morning with Tao, Sehun. Kyungsoo watch as Sehun casually place his right arm around Tao’s shoulders and lean against Tao, he’s head tilt slightly to the side as he look at Kyungsoo for a slight second before turning his attention to Tao. So everything that he heard from the girls from his class was true. The way they look right now, does make it look like they are very close friends. Kyungsoo didn’t like it at all; he could feel something bubbling inside of him from seeing them like that.

“Ah, I should introduce you guys.” Tao said with a smile. “Sehun, this is Soo—Oh, I mean Kyungsoo. We use to have class together last year.  And Kyungsoo, this is Sehun.”

“Ah~” Sehun said before looking at Kyungsoo and wave his other hand with a cheery smile.  “Hello, Tao told me a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

“You two…talk about me?” Kyungsoo seems surprise, hearing that.

“Yeah, everyda—“

“Yah.” Tao lightly hit Sehun, before turning his attention to Kyungsoo again. “Don’t listen to his nonsense.” Tao look at his watch before continuing, “Ah, I have to get to turn in these papers to Teacher Lee before class starts.” Tao remove Sehun’s arms off him and starts to back away from them.  “You guys should head to class too. Later.” And Tao rush off leaving Kyungsoo and Sehun alone.

Kyungsoo felt a little awkward being left along with Sehun. He wasn’t really good at talking to people that he just met.  Just as he is going to say something to make it less awkward, Sehun spoke up first.

“I heard from Tao that you two are really good friends since last year.”

Kyungsoo is surprise by why Tao would say that. He and Tao weren’t close, they weren’t even friends. He wonders why Tao told Sehun that they were close.  He looks away nervously; he wasn’t sure how to answer.


“I know it not true.”

He could feel a change in the younger boy’s tone when he said that. Unlike earlier, his voice is cold, and it sends chills up Kyungsoo’s spine.  Kyungsoo could hear Sehun’s footstep inching close to him, then stop.

Sehun slightly bend down to Kyungsoo’s right ear, “Stay away from Tao.”


YAY~ After 300 years, I finally updated. lol just kidding, its been only 3 months and few days, but it seems like forever since I last updated. I'm sorry everyone. School has kept me away. AND...There is absolutly no editing at all. I will try to edit when I have time (maybe someday in the future???). But, what do you all think about this chapter? Our confuse and super cute Soosoo is starting to admit he is falling for Tao's charm. Then there is Sehun...omg Sehun...

Anyways, let's all get OVERDOSE~♥ with EXO.......the feels is overwhelming.....really..look.


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after so long cute jealousy updated...so sorry orz


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Chapter 8: This is so cute!! It'll give me diabetes~~
Madhatter_pey #2
Chapter 8: ROFL Omg this is socute and funny. Poor baek doesnt know bout anything.
'Stay away from him' that's so y... Zitao making all the boys go crraizy!! Love it love it update soon. xxx
Dragneel09 #3
Yeah! Me too...i really love 93 and 94 liner!!!wohoo
Lena-chan #4
Chapter 8: I really like your story :) it's so adorable haha Taosoo is soooo cute ^^ please update soon
Chapter 8: Bwahahahaha..omg..kyungsoo is gonna kill baek 4 hitting on tao..in front of HIM!! hahahaha..dis should b fun to imagine on kyungsoo trying to kill baekkie..with suho looking at them with a sweatdrop ala chibi form from da cartoons...hahahahaha..update soon coz I really wanna know on kyungsoo will do to baek n etc..
star-fragments #6
Chapter 8: Loving this so far. Absolutely adorable.
Waiting for more. Please update soon. <3
ghellesome23 #7
Chapter 8: taosooooooo please, its so cuteeee :D
found you on tumblr! omigosh a fic on the maknae liner. Im so gonna love this. just gotta find time to read this now.