Chanyeol-Birthday Gift. {Fluff}

May the imagination begin.

Slowly and subtly, I opened the vintage-styled door and guided Chanyeol into the small cottage. A pang of sweet scent hit us the moment the door creaked open. Intricate white flower petals were hanging neatly in rows, adding a sweet and happy vibe to the cottage. Plates of delicate handmade cookies and chocolates were lying on the wooden table, filling the entire table with different shades of beautiful colors. Cool autumn breezes gently blew into the cottage, making the atmosphere slightly damp yet incredibly comfortable.  


Stumbling over his lanky legs, the tall giant struggled to figure out the route into the cottage as he gawkily swept his hands in the empty space in front of him, trying to feel the surrounding through his sense of touch. I could not help but to chuckle at this sight, Chanyeol simply looked too cute to resist. How I wished I could just leap onto him and kiss his seductive lips right now.


As gentle as I could, I pushed Chanyeol down onto his king-sized chair and planted a soft kiss onto his lips before unravelling the cloth that was tying against his eyes. Instantaneously, the dork opened his enchanting eyes. He did a quick scan around the entire cottage, trying to comprehend what just happened after his girlfriend had abruptly kidnapped him away, blindfolded him for hours and brought him to a place that he did not even know its existence. “What… What… is… this?” Chanyeol stuttered nervously, with his eyes still staring at the intricate wall designs and preparations. Smiling sweetly at him, I scooted towards him and blew his ears slightly. Chanyeol giggled and shrugged at the ticklish sensation, yet he remained seated, excited to know what was going on.


“It’s your 21st birthday, my dear.” Chanyeol’s eyes lit up upon my reply. That silly giant had been so busy with his Growl promotions and music shows that the thought of his 21st birthday had totally slipped his mind. Rubbing his neck sheepishly, Chanyeol giggled, “AHHH! So you prepared all these for me, jagi ah?” I nodded happily, just like a child who had gained recognition for behaving well. “Hope you like this, my prince!” I whispered softly across his ears. Chanyeol smiled widely, showing his neat rows of teeth which he was very proud of. “I do, my dear. Of course, I do.”


Munching on the cookies that I have made, Chanyeol mumbled in between the chewing, “So dear, where is my birthday gift?” I looked up, slightly shocked by his question. It was then I realized something was missing from this birthday party, a birthday gift! I tried to hide my embarrassment as I hung my head low, afraid that Chanyeol would spot my tomato red cheeks. I could not believe that I had forgotten about Chanyeol’s birthday gift! Aigo, the preparation of birthday party had been too overwhelming that the thought of buying a birthday gift had slipped off my mind. How embarrassing.


Chanyeol continued to nudge my shoulders, signaling that he was still waiting. Sheepishly, I looked at Chanyeol with a pair of apologetic eyes. Chanyeol looked back at me, his eyes never left mine. Just like a puppy, he looked so irresistibly cute with his pair of huge bright eyes that were sparkling with happiness and excitement. Awkwardly, I spoke, “Errr… eerrrr… Channie… I… I have forgotten about your …. birthday gift.” Scratching his ears, Chanyeol let out a loud chortle. The atmosphere was intensely awkward. Sensing that I was probably upset and guilty about the absence of a proper birthday gift, Chanyeol stood up from his seat and kneeled right in front of me. Cupping my hands with his huge palms, Chanyeol elevated his head so that he could be of eye level with me. He ruffled my hair and flashed his signature wide smile. “My dear, I don’t need a birthday gift. Because I already have the best gift on Earth.” He paused and pointed to me. “You’re my best birthday gift.” Chanyeol ended his words by pushing his lips onto mine.


Author's Note: How is this fluff one shot guys? :) I hope you guys like it! Btw, I wrote this because it is Chanyeol's 21st birthday!! Chanyeol ah, chuka hae! Please grow well and give more happy virus to EXO! <3

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Chapter 1: i like it ~ nice job ^^
mauge92 #2
Chapter 3: Awwwww this is sooooo cuteeee!!!!!! Great chapter
mauge92 #3
Chapter 1: Really nice chapter, you shouldnt stop here
Chapter 1: I like this story. Please continue???