
Colors of Love

Taecyeon came to Yoona's house.

Yoona: Taec...

Taecyeon: Are you really going to marry Joong Ki?!


Taecyeon: You're not giving me a chance to love you.

Yoona: I've known Joong Ki for 10 years...this is something me and him should work out together.

Taecyeon: Okay, since you two have known eachother for that long..do you love him? Are you going to marry him?

Yoona: I...I loved him ever since we were in school...

Taecyeon: So you're saying that you'll marry him?! Are you really okay with living as his wife? all he wants to give you is money!

Yoona: Joong Ki is a person who likes to succeed..but when he loves someone..he does his best. He just doesn't know how to show his emotions.

Taecyeon: Wooah, you're going to marry him.

Yoona: To be honest I...I do want to marry Joong Ki..

Taecyeon: If you keep on doing this i'm going to start to hate you. Don't make me hate you.



Song Joong Ki and Yoona meet and discuss about the marridge.

Yoona: Joong Ki, we've known eachother for 10 years right?...haha i remember when we said we'll marry eachother after we've grown...i thought about you, me, and us...You are the only person that i'm comfortable around, if i have a burden you lessen that burden, you know me the best. You are my bestfriend, and the one I love.

Song Joong Ki: Thank you Yoona...

*Song Joong Ki hugs Yoona*

Song Joong Ki: Let's stay like this for a while longer.

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