::I Won't Ever Leave You Alone By Yourself Again::

Colors of Love

Yoona: Should I not marry him?

Taecyeon: Yoon ah....you said you loved him..

Yoona: When you love someone it doesn't mean that you have to have them.

Taecyeon: Why..why is this happening so suddenly? What is this? What's been going on between you two?

Yoona: Should I not Taecyeon?

Taecyeon: I...want you to be happy...If you don't marry Joong Ki it's not like you're going to come to me....as much as I want you, I want you to go with your heart..

Yoona: We've come a long way haven't we?...you, me, and Joong Ki...

Taecyeon: When I look at you guys I can see how Joong Ki loves you. As much as I hate him, I think he's the only one that can make you happy.

Yoona: .....But can I make him happy?

Taecyeon: .......Joong Ki isn't the type of person to do anything unreasonable..

Yoona: ......


Yoona is drunk and Taecyeon takes her home and sees Joong Ki waiting in front of Yoona's door.

Taecyeon: Song Joong Ki!

Song Joong Ki: Is she drunk?..why are you taking her home? You should've called me.

Taecyeon: Why? you don't trust her alone with me?

Song Joong Ki: I do trust her. I just don't trust you.

Taecyeon: Here! you take her inside! 

Song Joong Ki: Bye.

Taecyeon: Hey! What did you do?

Song Joong Ki: What are you talking about?

Taecyeon: You shouldn't make your wife-to-be cry all the time..

Song Joong Ki: .....Mind your own business

Taecyeon: I'm going! Take good care of her!

*Joong Ki lies Yoona down and covers her with a blanket. Joong Ki sits beside Yoona and stares at her with worried eyes.*

Joong Ki: *thoughts* Yoona..are you having a hard time? I'm sorry...I won't let you be alone again.

*Joong Ki puts his head on Yoona's arm and closes his eyes*


The next day, Yoona arrives late to the office.


Krystal: Yoon! this is the first time seeing you be late for work.

Yoona: Sorry, I had a little thing to take care of.

Victoria: Yoona sshi, here are the stats for tomorrow's meeting. Have it ready by tomorrow morning. And...never ever be late again. If this happens one more time, it's coming out of your paycheck.

Yoona: ...yes.

Nichkhun: This is Yoona's first time being late, it's not like this happens on a regular basis. Aren't you being too serious about this, Victoria sshi?

Victoria: NICHKHUN SSHI, I'm team leader. I was just reminding our employee not to be late for work it's not something to be let slide.

Song Joong Ki: This is a work place not a playground. Everyone go back to what you were doing. Yoona sshi, try not to be late next time.

Yoona: .......yes..

Song Joong Ki: Yoona sshi, come with me to the conference room, I need to speak to you seperately..

*Yoona and Joong Ki are alone in the conference room*

Yoona: Sorry for being late...you can take it off of my paycheck..

Song Joong Ki: Don't worry about. Did you eat breakfast?

Yoona: ....no not yet

Song Joong Ki: You should never skip breakfast. Sit down and eat this fruit salad.

Yoona: ....Isn't this your fruit salad?

Song Joong Ki: I don't eat fruit salads.

Yoona: ....Joong Ki..you bought this...for me?..

Song Joong Ki: ...Mmm! I knew you were going to come without eat anything, so I bought it just in case.

Yoona: Hehe thanks~

Song Joong Ki: How was your sleep?

Yoona: ....

Song Joong Ki: Haha you still snore in your sleep?

Yoona: 0.0 .....what?....

Song Joong Ki: Nothing~ Hurry and eat~

Yoona: 0.0


Krystal: Minho ah~ I wanna go shopping today after we get off work~

Minho: Again~? We already went shopping two days ago~

Krystal: I want to go again~ I want to pick up more things for the trip~ Hm~?

Minho: Okay~ But today is the last day, okay~?

Krystal: Mm~ Okay~ Hehe~


*Yoona calls Taecyeon*

Taecyeon: Yoon ah~ do you still have a hangover?

Yoona: Taec...didn't you take me home yesterday?

Taecyeon: Yeah~

Yoona: Then how does Joong Ki....

Taecyeon: Ah! I met Joong Ki in front of your house when I took you home.

Yoona: *thoughts* "gasp" Joong Ki knows I still snore when I sleep >.< ahhhhhhh so embarassing.

Taecyeon: Yoon ah~ Let's go have a drink again~ today?~

Yoona: I still feel a bit woozy from yesterday~ let's have another drink some other time~

Taecyeon: Okay~ You must be working hard~ Don't forget to eat~

Yoona: I know~ thanks, I'll see you later.


Victoria and Nichkhun are being called together into the conference room.

Company President: Have a seat you two.

Nichkhun: Is there a problem president?

Company President: The reason that I called you two is because you two are technically team leaders. Victoria is our partner so she co-manages the top sales. Nichkhun, you and Joong Ki are our main managers at this company. We have a big project coming up that will profit our company very much. I've already informed Joong Ki about this and he will be a big help to you two. I want you two to work together to make this project happen, get ready to start on it after Christmas break.

Nichkhun: ...president..you want both of us to work on it together?...

Company President: Why what's wrong with you two working together? Is there something going on between you two? If there is, take care of it and don't let it affect the company. This is business, not a something to be toyed with.

Victoria: Okay! Let's do it. We'll do our best president.

Company President: Good. I believe in you guys. Don't let our company down.

Victoria: Yes president.

Company President: You two may go.


Nichkhun: Victoria sshi, you really want to work together? the two of us?

Victoria: Why? I like us working together. If you don't want to then quit.

Nichkhun: ....


After work is over, everyone is going home. Joong Ki gets off work earlier than he usually does and offers to take Yoona home.

*Joong Ki runs up to Yoona and holds her hand*

Song Joong Ki: Yoon ah..i'll take you home..

Yoona: Joong Ki, don't you have to work to finish?

Song Joong Ki: But I just wanted to take my Yoona home...

Yoona: ...Joong Ki ah...

Song Joong Ki: It's been a long time since I've taken you home huh?...I'm sorry...From now on I'm going to walk you home more often..

*Yoona and Joong Ki walking home hand in hand, enjoying the Christmas lights*

Song Joong Ki: I remember back when we were in school, I would always take you home....you always waited for me at the school gate with an apple for me to eat...you said that apples are good for the mind so everday I would eat the apples you brought me....they were the best apples I've eaten in my life...because you personally brought it for me..

Yoona: Hahaha of course I remember~

Song Joong Ki: ...We came wayy long didn't we?

Yoona: 10 years

Song Joong Ki: It's been that long and I still love you as always

Yoona: hehehe me too

Song Joong Ki: Let's not waver....even if something goes wrong without our control...our hearts can't change

Yoona: Mmm

Song Joong Ki: I've been thinking, we should go greet our parents before we go on the London trip

Yoona: Oh yeah, my mother called the other day asking me to bring you over

Song Joong Ki: Okay, how about we go tomorrow?

Yoona: Don't you have to stay back late tomorrow?

Song Joong  Ki: Yoon ah~ I'm team leader~ I can skip if I want to~ hehe

Yoona: Heehe~


The next day at work, Yoona asks Jang Woo about a blind date with Jessica.

Yoona: Jang Woo sshi! How's work going so far?

Jang Woo: It's going well, hehe I heard you're getting married~

Yoona: Yeah~ hehe~ 

Jang Woo: I'm so jealous. I'm forever alone

Yoona: Jang Woo sshi, I have a friend that is single....do you want to maybe have a blind date?

Jang Woo: *gasp* Is she nice? Is she pretty?

Yoona: Yes~ She is very nice and pretty~

Jang Woo: Okay!~ Set me up!~

Yoona: Okay~ Is tomorrow at 7 p.m. okay?

Jang Woo: Perfectly fine with me~ Hehe 


*Yoona calls Jessica*

Yoona: Jess~ guess what~

Jessica: What?~

Yoona: You are going on a date with Jang Woo tomorrow night at 7~

Jessica: Really? What is he like? Describe him to me~

Yoona: He's very funny and nice, that's all I can tell you~ the rest you have to find out for yourself~

Jessica: What if I don't like him?

Yoona: I'm sure you'll like eachother

Jessica: We'll you said he's funny, and I do like funny people

Yoona: Just go on tomorrow and see how it goes

Jessica: Okay I'll give it a shot

Yoona: But I'm going to be gone tomorroe

Jessica: Where are you going?

Yoona: Me and Joong Ki are going down to see my parents

Jessica: Oh Okay, tell your parents I said hi~

Yoona: You should come down to my parent's house this summer, they really miss you

Jessica: Okay~ I'll come visit them this summer and I'll bring Krystal too

Yoona: Okay~ They'll be happ to hear that you're coming


Song Joong Ki: Yoon ah~ let's go~

Yoona: Okay~ I'm all set let's go~

Krystal: Are you going to your parent's house?

Yoona: Yeah

Krystal: When are you going to be back?

Yoona: Late tonight

Krystal: Okay, drive safely~

Yoona: Mmm


Jang Woo waits for Jessica at a resturant

Jang Woo: Jessica sshi?

Jessica: Jang Woo sshi?

Jang Woo: Hi~ nice to meet you~

Jessica: I'm Jessica Jung

Jang Woo I'm Jang Woo Young but you can call me Jang Woo~ Can I call you Jessi?~







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