Go! Wizards!

At the school,

Jacky: Yo! What's up? Mamoru and Aiki come to school together?

Melly: And they are holding hand!

Aiki: So what? We just-

Jacky: But no one told us when?

Melly: Yeah, you're so quick!

Aiki and Mamoru: No, we-just


Aiki and Mamoru: NO!!


Aiki: No!


Mamoru: What's the matter?

Reina:Oh~ it's just Minato destroying the school!

Aiki: What? Minato?

Melly: Un-huh, and she's screaming your name over and over.

Aiki: I have to go and stop her!

She ran a bit but Reina stopped her.

Reina: Don't go now, it will only make the situation worst. She's angry with you, remember?

Mamoru: Yes. Hey! How did you know?

Reina hit him on the head.

Reina: You've been in the same class for 5 years now and you don't even know my skills?

Mamoru: Sorry.

Jacky: Yeah. Reina is so....genius, this time, we could see the future scences too!

Melly: And I'm good also right, Jacky?

Aiki: What? See the future scenes?

Reina: Yes. By the way, do you want to see Yuki and Seiya?

Aiki: Yes!

Reina said a spell and a scene appeared on the floor.

Mamoru: Whoa, it's cool!

Reina: Told you so!

Aiki: Look! They're coming this way!

Jacky: Let's tease them!

Aiki, Melly, Mamoru, Reina: of course.

Reina: Hey! Karuta's coming and he's gonna see them! Let's stop him!

Aiki: Yes, we must, but how?

Melly: Leave this to me!

Reina: Yeah, Melly has also gone genius! We read books together yesterday for this purpose but I foretell and know my spell but I don't know Melly's spell. Let's just look at the magical scene.

Aiki: What? Karuta is that near to them already? Just 2 turns away?

Melly: Off i go!

Mamoru: Aren't you gone yet?

Melly hit Mamoru on the head.

Melly: Suzuko hara, kinomi flaeo-go!

To Seiya and Yuki,

Yuki: Hey, stop holding my hand! They will see!

Seiya: Who care?

Yuki: I care!

 Seiya: So?

Yuki: So-they'll tease us!

Seiya: Therefore?

Yuki: Therefore, let go of my hand!

Seiya: No!

Yuki: Yes!

Seiya: No!

Yuki: Yes!

Back to the friends,

Aiki: Oh~ what a sweet couple!

Reina: Like you!

Mamoru: By the way, where's Leo?

Jacky: Somewhere.

Reina: That is what I don't care. i only care  about our two couples.

Aiki: OMG, will you stop teasing?

To Karuta,

Melly: Hey! Morning!

Karuta: *Who's calling?*

Melly: Hey! Stop walking! I'm here!

Karuta: Who are you?

Melly: I'm Melly! Up here! Weeeee......

Melly jumped down.

Karuta: Hey! That's cool!

Melly: Will you have a ride?

Karuta: O....Okay!

After a while, Yuki and Seiya arrivedat school.

Aiki: Hi-ya~ you two become couples, right?

Seiya:Yeah~ and you too, right?

Yuki: Aiki and Mamoru?

Jacky: Un-huh.

Seiya: Where's Melly?

Reina: She's here! Look!

Seiya: Where?

Jacky: On the floor!

Yuki: Whoa~ it's cool! But- what are they doing near my house?

Reina: That's cause Karuta wantedto go. And if they don't come back quickly, the bell's gonna ring and they're gonna be dead! OH MY GOD!!!

Yuki: WHAT???

Reina: Oh~ nothing, just the two's dead.


A/N: Enjoy please!!!

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Chapter 1: Reading again coz its really funny XD
Chapter 16: Haha! Update soon~
Chapter 16: cool! Update soon! ~
Chapter 15: Please update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 11: Hope you update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 10: Hope you update soon~ XD >.<
Chapter 9: lol! Reina!
Chapter 10: Update soon! :D
Chapter 8: Haha! Yuki and Seiya! Aiki and Mamoru! XD >.<
Chapter 3: Yuki falls in love???! OMG!!!XD >.<