The first mission

Go! Wizards!

The next day at school,before the school started.

Reina: OH MYGOD!!!

Yuki: WHAT!!! What you see this time?

Reina: Sop Sop Sop, I see us, Sop Sop Sop, washing the toilet!

Melly: What? It can't be.

Yuki: Yah! We're the new wizards remember?

Aiki: Even though we have to do it, I won't!

Jacky: But Reina's fortune telling used to be come true.

Melly: Oh~ Jacky, you're so right.

Karuta: Yuki, I will help you clean!

Yuki: Just stup up! Stick-

Seiya: Clam down Yuki!

Yuki's face went red again.

Yuki: None of your business!!!

Seiya: Ok!

Seiya touched his hair.

Sunddenly, all the other girls ran towards Seiya.

Girls: Ah~Seiya~

Aiki laughed at her brother softly and looked back.

Boys: Oh my Aiki, you look beautiful today too! And you look more cute when you laugh! <3

Aiki: Get off of my way at once! Or else....

All boys ran back to their seats and the bell rangs as the teacher entered. Seiya went back to his seat beside Aiki.

Mr Louis: Good-

Students: Good morning teacher!

Mr. Lousi: Good night, no, good evening, no, good afternoon-Ah~good morning! Please sit down! Let's start our lesson.

               Oh! By the way, I have a mission for the new wizards!
The wizards: What is it?

Mr Louis: Now listen very carefully! It's important and urgent!

Yuki: What is it?

Mr.Louis:You all must go at once without delay ok?

The wizards: What?!

Mr. Louis: Clean the toilet.

Aiki: But.....

Mr Louis: No but.

Seiya and whole class laughs expect Karuta.

Karuta: Mr.Louis, can I go with them?

Mr. Louis: No.

Karuta: Sop.....My Yuki....Sop

The wizards went out of hte room.

Aiki: I cam't believe the teacher told us to do this. This is so rediculous! How could the daughter of a wealthy man clean the toilet? What the...-

Melly: Oh! Let's stop complaning,-

Jacky: Yeah, let's do our work quickly.

Reina: Why don't we find spells to do this misson? After all, it's a misson, so we can use spells!

Yuki: Oh Reina, you're such a genius! Let's go to the library to find the spell we need!

Jacky ,Aiki, Melly and Reina: Ok!

The all ran away,...

Leo: Wait!-

But they were all gone.

Leo: I know the spell. Sign~

Leo: Rico amano kiloi minoi go mega pyinsalatt!

The toilet suddenly became clean.

Leo: It's still smelly. Sign~Kushika xiang make better mega Pyinsalatt!

And suddenly, the toilet smelt of cool lily. After a while, the other wizards arrived.

Yuki: Why are you still here?

The others ran too the toilet.

Aiki: WHAT!!!!!

Melly: The toilet is cleaned!?

Jacky: Did you do that, Leo?

Yuki: Don't tell me you really did it , Leo, I might be too surprise and die!

Leo: Then, you go and die. I really did this.

Aiki: That was a good job!

Leo: By the way, did you learn anything from the library?

Aiki: No, that's why we come back so quickly to let you come and help us find.

So, the wizards went back to their class.

Mr. Louis: What the! How did you clean it that quickly?

Jacky: That's because we used a spell.

Karuta: Oh~ my Yuki is so good!

Seiya:Oh you all must be very intelligent because I've never heard of spell to clean-

Mr.Louis: There is, but it isn't very well known! And is almost forgetten!!!

Students: Wow! That's what I call a wizard!

Mr. Louis: Anyway, please recite the spell back to me and clean the classroom. Melly?

Melly: Uh? Er...

Mr. Louis: How about Jacky?

Jacky: Er....

Mr. Louis: Yuki?


Leo: Rico amano kiloi minoi go mega pyinsalatt!

And of course the classroom went clean and spotless.

The whole class: Wow! Cool!

Mr. Louis clapped his hand.

Mr.Louis: Well done, dear!

At that time, the bell rang, Mr.Louis smiled and left.

A/N: Next chapter will be update soon. Please comment. Love you guys!!! <3 <3

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Chapter 1: Reading again coz its really funny XD
Chapter 16: Haha! Update soon~
Chapter 16: cool! Update soon! ~
Chapter 15: Please update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 11: Hope you update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 10: Hope you update soon~ XD >.<
Chapter 9: lol! Reina!
Chapter 10: Update soon! :D
Chapter 8: Haha! Yuki and Seiya! Aiki and Mamoru! XD >.<
Chapter 3: Yuki falls in love???! OMG!!!XD >.<