Hey, Hey, Aiki, accept it!

Go! Wizards!

At Aiki house....

Aiki: Mom! Dad! Seiya! I'll go now!

Aiki's Mom: Dear, it's still early and the driver's not here yet!

Aiki: It's okay! I'll walk school!

Aiki's Dad: Walk? Do you realise what you're saying, dear? We're living far away from the school!

Seiya: That's right, have you gone nuts, Aiki?

Aiki: I'm not nutty yet!

Please mom~ let me walk!

Aiki's mom: Okay! Okay!

Aiki's dad: Who says so? I say no!

Seiya: Me too!

Aiki's mom: but it's healthy to be walking!

Aiki's dad: N-O spells no! Aiki, you're very very rich and have you ever seen any rich girls walking to school? And-

Aiki: I don't care! I just want to be a normal girl. I have had enough of this being-locked-up-princess lifestyle! You never know my feelings Dad!

Aiki's dad (smiles): You've really grown like me! I've done that with my mom too. Okay, if you really want to go you can go. But...

He turned to Seiya.

Aiki's dad: Seiya, you must go with her.

Seiya: Seriously? Really? Sure? Did I hear wrong?

Aiki's dad: Just shut up and go now! Aiki's even gone!

Seiya: Sir, Yes Sir!

After half an hour, Seiya and Aiki are still walking.

Seiya: OMG, we've walked a whole 30 minutes!

Aiki: So what?

Aiki: Yeah-me too.

Seiya: Who let you walk?

Aiki: Cause I want to.

Vroom~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(vehical noise)

And a guy on a curon ( a motorcycle-like vehicle) came in sight. and that guy happened to be Mamoru.

Mamoru: Hi! Why are you two walking?

Aiki: Nothing, just because I've never done it so I wanted to try.

Seiya: And I came here just because of her. And now we both are tired.

Mamoru: So come on my curon! I'll sent you school!

Aiki: Really? Thanks!

Seiya: Well, I think I'll just walk! You two can go together!

Aiki: Don't tease me!

Aiki and mamoru's face went red.

Seiya: Hey, what's happening? Why are your faces red?

Aiki and Mamoru's face went dark red.

Seiya: So bye~ I 'm going that way!

Mamoru: But school's nearer this way!

Aiki: He want to go to Yuki and---

Seiya: AIKI!!!

Mamoru and Aiki: Bye~

Aiki: Good luck with your Yuki!

Seiya: Good luck with your Mamoru too!

Aiki: SEIYA!!!

Mamoru smiles.....

Aiki: What do you mean?

Mamoru stopped his curon.

Mamoru: it means that I....I....

At that time, Minato came near to them.

To Seiya

Seiya: How's that two going? Mamoru should have proposed by now! Ha Ha Ha

Just then, he met Yuki.

Seiya:*I'll propose Yuki too!* Hi! Yuki~Good morning!

Yuki: Er... Good Morning, why are you here? I mean why are you walking?

Seiya: To meet you

Yuki: Shut---Shut---Shut up your-

And Seiya hugged her.

Mamoru: I-love-you. Can you be my girlfriend?


Minato: WHAT-THE!-

(A/N: Seiya proposed to Yuki too!)

Minato: Stupid Mamoru just wait and see, I'll destory all of you!

Minato turns and ran away.

Aiki: Minato~ he's just kidding!

Mamoru: No, Aiki, I'm not kidding.

Aiki: But---

Mamoru: Please Aiki, I really love you! Can you please say yes/

Aiki: I-I-I I don't know....Minato....

Mamoru: She's not the point, You can just tell me what you think. You can say no too...(smiles)

Aiki: Er...Okay,

Mamoru: Thank you!

To Seiya and Yuki.

Yuki: Hey, don't hug me. Hey stop!

Seiya: No, I won't, not if you don't say yes!!!

Yuki: Stop!

Seiya: No~

Yuki: Yes!


Yuki: Yes!

Seiya: What, you said yes? Hurray!

Yuki: Ni,I-I mean

Seiya: Yes, you mean yes!

And Siya stopped hugging her. As soon as her hugging, Yuki ran away....

Seiya: Yuki, wait for me!~

A/N: I will update soon!

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Chapter 1: Reading again coz its really funny XD
Chapter 16: Haha! Update soon~
Chapter 16: cool! Update soon! ~
Chapter 15: Please update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 11: Hope you update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 10: Hope you update soon~ XD >.<
Chapter 9: lol! Reina!
Chapter 10: Update soon! :D
Chapter 8: Haha! Yuki and Seiya! Aiki and Mamoru! XD >.<
Chapter 3: Yuki falls in love???! OMG!!!XD >.<