Sorry, Minato

Go! Wizards!

Anthor P.O.V

Once again, i accounded that the friends arrived at school one at a time. And as usual, when Aiki and Seiya arrived at school with their grandest car, all the girls surrounded Seiya and all the boys surrounded Aiki. Today too, Mamorou and Minato were holding hands and walking together. But as they were walking pass Aiki and her fans, mamoru's face went dark.

Aiki: Oh my gods, get out of my way and LET ME OUT!!!! I HATE THIS!!! MOM!!!

Seiya: Oh Aiki, please don't shout like this! You look like an old lady who has just come out of the jail!

Aiki: How could you call me like that? Dork!

Seiya: Yuki, Aiki just called me a dork!

Yuki: L-Like-Like I care!

Seiya: Dear, your face is red again!

Karuta: None of your business! Seiya!

Seiya's fans: How dare you talk to our Seiya like this?

Karuto: Yeah! He's yours and Yuki is mine!

Yuki: I've never heard of that!

Melly:Oh~ they're really noisy right? Jacky!

Jacky: Yeah! But it's lively!

Melly: I agree with you!

As usual, Leo was reading his book, wait a minute, how about Reina?

Reina: OH MY GOD!!!
Aiki: SHUT UP!

Reina: But!~


All these were watched by Mamoru without without him even noticing.

Mamoru:* Why am I looking that way?*

Minato: Waht's the matter? Mamoru?

Mamoru: Er, nothing!


Aiki: Thank god! It'slesson time now.

Mamoru: Ok! We'll have to be sepreated now! Minato!

Minato: Why did the bell ring?

Aiki: Hi there! Mamoru! What's the first lesson?

Aiki sat.

Mamoru: Well it's history lesson.

Karuta: Oh~ My dear Yuki, you're so poor to have to sit with a devil!

Yuki: Shut yout mouth or else-

Seiya fans: How did you just talk to our Seiya? You stupid Karuta!

Seiya: Yuki, thanks!

Yuki: For what?

Seiya: Talking for me!

Just then, Mr. Louis came in.

Mr. Louis: hello! Everyone's having a good night? Oops- it's day!

Students: Good Morning teacher!

Mr. Louis: Good.....

Yuki: Morning sir.

Mr.Louis: Yes Good Morning! Let's begin our lesson! Open your spell book!

Aiki: But teacher,m isn't it history?

Mr.Louis: Yeah-Oh~ Sorry! Open your history book. Where are we? Let's see, oh yeah, Irinani. She is the bravest girl.......

Aiki: (Why are you staring at me? Mamoru? Am I an alien?)

Mamoru: (Sorry, nothing)


Mr.Louis: That's all for today, bye!

Reina: Cool! It's lunch!

Minato: Let's go and eat!

Mamoru: O....Ok!

When Minato and Mamoru went out, Mamoru pulled Minato into an empty room.

Minato: Whao! Where are we going?* Maybe he bought a present for me!*

Mamoru: Er... Where should I start?....It's that Minato, Let's broke off!

Minato: Oh~ Mamoru, don't tease me,-

Mamoru: I'm not kidding, I m serious.

Minato: But. But why? Did I do something wrong?

Mamoru: No, you didn't, I just sort of fell in love with another person, sorry.

Minato: Who? Aiki right? That brat, I'm gonna...

Mamoru: Sorry Minato, we're over. mamoru walked out, leaving Minato's jaws dropped.

A/N: My next chapter. I will update soon! Enjoy! <3<3


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Chapter 1: Reading again coz its really funny XD
Chapter 16: Haha! Update soon~
Chapter 16: cool! Update soon! ~
Chapter 15: Please update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 11: Hope you update soon~ XD ^.^
Chapter 10: Hope you update soon~ XD >.<
Chapter 9: lol! Reina!
Chapter 10: Update soon! :D
Chapter 8: Haha! Yuki and Seiya! Aiki and Mamoru! XD >.<
Chapter 3: Yuki falls in love???! OMG!!!XD >.<