Wake me up when summer ends


Chapter 3: End of Summer









“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Dara read the qoute from the piece of paper the stranger left along with his handkerchief the night she went to a club with Bom









Weeks after and she still carries it with her



It helped her to go through the nights of nightmares. She held on to that qoute and found her strength to face the next coming days, days without Jaejoong by her side








It was a puzzle if it was meant for her, but it does apply to her situation.

She wiped her cheeks dry and looked at the sparkling stars








"I think this is a sign for me to stop all this foolishness and move on" her thinking was more clearer







"There's nothing I can do to make you come back.. and I knew that from the start" her voice filled with sadness








"I was just too hard-headed. I didn't want to face the reality because it would crush my soul and take away all the hope left in me."







Tears, surprisingly weren't even coming out of her eyes






"And all my inhibitions should come to a stop. I should stop being a burden to the people who cares for me and start moving on."













The next morning she took the first flight and flew back to Busan

Finally, summer is over










She went straight to the hill  which Jaejoong's family owns. She and Jaejoong used to go there everytime they would want to escape the harsh world and just be with each other. There was a mailbox where she addresses her letters to Jaejoong. She was going to check if all her letters were being sent to that mailbox
















"Wait... why is this half-empty? Where are my other letters?!!" she was sure it was full of letters before she went on vacation to Seoul






Her eyes widened by the second






"Jaejoong must've taken them" her voice sounded hopeful but died the minute she realized what she had just spoken









"Stop this nonesense Dara.. I thought you're going to move on now?"

"Besides... you know in your heart.. That it's impossible"


















"Oh!?? How convinient of you to bring your along" I snubbed the moment I stepped inside Jaejoong's car,
Seeing Wang Ji hye sitting at the front seat beside Jaejoong let out the devil inside me
I'm not sure how he found out that I'm in a club partying but I bet Nickhun was the one who called him to fetch me seeing how wasted I was earlier. I feel numb and dizzy from all the alcohol I had taken
"You'd really choose her over me??!!! Don't you know the 3-month rule after a break-up?!! You've just broken up with me last 2 weeks ago and yet you already have a to play with??!!" I raged out, tearing up but tried to smile mockingly
"Just shut it Dara!!!!!" he yelled while Ji hye seemed to be calm and composed
That only made me to boil up
"Do you think I would just let you and be with this ?!! Damn it!! But I might wish you well if you both go to hell tonight!!! This instant!!!!!!!"
"Sooner or later you will have to accept that Jaejoong is no longer yours" Ji Hye butted in 
"B-bwoh??! BWORAGO!!!???" 
"Dara.. if ever I have to go to hell, I'll be with Ji Hye"
That pierced her heart to pieces. How cruel Jaejoong can be. Saying that without any hesitation.
Have he really fallen for Ji hye?!
Dara lifted her chin up. Hiding her crushed pride and wounded ego.
"Well in that case. I would really pray that you'd only go to hell. Promise, I'll be the first to visit your grave"
End of flashback
In the end, she never got to visit their tombs, not even once
Jaejoong lost controll of the car after he tried to contain the two girls that were already fighting at the back. The car smashed and hit a concrete wall
Dara was left blinded by the broken window
But someone with a pure heart donated his eyes to her.
After 10 months of treatment she recovered her eyesight but wasn't at it's best state anymore.
She has to use glasses or contact lenses just so she could see clearly
It was only then that her family confessed that Jaejoong and Ji Hye died from the accident. And that her eyes were of Jaejoong's.
She was told by her mom that his family flew to Japan where they would be burrying him. And didn't tell anyone where they would be living.
"Jaejoong.. can you hear me??" she took the letters out and let them be carried away by the gushing wind
"I'm here to... set you free, to move on" she closed her eyes "But I promise, I won't let go. I will never let go of the memories we've shared, all our memories.. I will forever keep them in my heart. You'll always be in my heart."
"You know.. there's a stranger who helped me to find the strength to finally face my reality. Ah... he's more of an angel rather than a stranger" she lay on the grass, staring up the skies
"He said that I can't cry for the rest of my life and should move on"
"Ah.. so you're the owner of these letters" A man holding a bunch of envelopes appeared in front of her
She stood up immediately and scanned his face
"Sorry if I read them without your permission"
Their eyes crossed and lingered for a moment
"Wait.. I think I've seen you before" said the man
"Ahhh... you're the girl outside the club. The one that was crying. Am I right? Do you remember me? I was the one who lent you a handkerchief" 
Dara stood frozen.
Those smokey eyes.. that y lips..
"Jaejoong" she can't help but say his name. 
The man really look a lot like Jaejoong
"Ah ani... actually"
"I'm Kris, his cousin. You must be Dara, he'd always mention you whenever we see each other before."
Should I write a prequel? A sequel?


Well.. I hope you enjoyed reading this fic. Sorry if it's a bit short and disappointing.
Thanks to all who took time to upvote, commented and subscribed to this story.
Love you guys!!
I really mean it.



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Chapter 3: OMG Krisssss... sequel pleaseeee... i am so late to be here tbh
Chapter 1: why it's so sad....
Chapter 3: yes! yes! yes! a thousand times yes!
sequel juseyo!
Chapter 3: kyaaa!!! krisdara!
Chapter 3: I dont expect him to be dead, that was heart crushing author, i want more please!
ant12345 #6
Chapter 3: i love it!!!!! ahhhhhh...im going crazy. this is juat too..ahhh!! cant evn...dhjsigsus
Chapter 3: Jaejoong, died... donated his eyes to her... Jaejoong love her...Iknowit and i can feel it...Please Authornim.. make a SEQUEL... pleeaasseee....
ShaiRa1009 #8
Chapter 3: wahhhhh THIS IS GREAT story waahh,,,
poor dara carrying too much burden
Chapter 3: Oh my god...he died...my jaejoong was died...why he broke up with dara??why???
Thanks for the story:)
dockie8ph #10
Chapter 2: "Tears are supposed to clean our eyes, after that you would see everything clearly" -- i like this line! very good one