Wake me up when summer ends
Seoul... the capital and largest metropolis of  South Korea
I sighed as soon as I stepped outside the taxi cab. It wasn't my first time in Seoul but today was the first after a very long time
My eyes squinted on it's own as I scanned Bom's apartment.
It was tall and high, luxury all over it.
I took out a paper inside my pocket.
"Room 21. You already have the keys right? I'll meet you after my class. Yeah, summer classes ain't fun at all. So you have to play with me when I get home.
"Don't go anywhere arra, just wait for me!" was written in the paper
21??? Tccchhh... the number I hate the most
Bom by the way is my cousin. She's been living alone ever since her parents have to move to America to expand their business
And me.. well my parents sent me here to "enjoy" summer
As if!!!
I haven't enjoyed summer since of last 3 years ago..  and never will in the next years of my life.
I'm already tired from the stress of long travel and when Bom gets home.. for sure I'll lose all the energy in me.
I took the elevator and went straight ahead to her unit so I can take a rest before Bom force me to do stupid things just for me to forget 'that summer'
As soon as I got in, I slumped my things in the guest room where I'll be staying. Took some clothesout  from my travelling bag, then entered the bathroom
I fixed myself in the bathtub, feeling the soothing warmth the hot water was sending my body. Time passed by without me noticing.
My body lay hidden under the bubbles
My sight slowly became blurry until darkness was all I can see
"Dara" I heard someone whisper
It was deep and y. Very manly
"Hmmm" I groaned, liking the tingles his voice was sending me
"Dara.. you know I love you so much right?"
"Of course" I answered, my eyes still shut
"Do you love me?"
"Yeah, I do."
"If you really do will you give me some space for the meantime?"
"What the ??? Why would you want some space? Are you cheating on me huh??"
"DARAAAAAA!!!" the voice was already shouting but sounded rather feminine
"NO!!! You're not breaking up with me. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I went hysterical
"DARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" this time the voice was louder
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"I shouted at the top of my lungs
I felt my cheeks sting. My eyes couldn't recognize my surroundings for awhile at first. 
But as I rubbed my eyes with my hand, Bom's image became more clearer
She was sitting at the edge of the tub
"I'm sorry Dara.. I thought it was the only way to wake you up" Her eyes seemed apologetic
The slap wasn't so hard but was strong enough to get my wits back
Her one hand tried to reach me but I tapped it away
"It's ok. No offense taken" I talked, my hand still on my left cheek
Huff huff
I heard her sniffing. Oh ......... now I made Bom worry
When I looked at her, I saw tears starting to roll down her face
"! I'm sorry Bom.. ugh.. I didn't meant to worry you. I swear I'm not angry or anything" I tried to comfort her uneasiness
"I'm really sorry Dara. I really didn't slap you to get you hurt..." she sobbed
"I know. I know.. really, thank you for waking me up" I smiled to assure her that it was nothing
"Here" she handed me a towel "finish up before you get cold ok. I'll wait outside"
When Bom dispersed I drained the water first then took the shower to rid off all the remaining soap residue on my body
I saw a glance of my reflection in the mirror when I headed towards the door.
I haven't looked for a long time at any mirror in the past 3 years.
Afraid that what I'm going to see might haunt me forever
Then it struck me
My eyes.. no...
...that beautiful eyes. Why is sadness written all over it?
"Jae" I muttered
Suddenly I felt my knees weakened. Fell on the ground the instant I heard my voice speak his name
It made a loud sound I guess, that's why Bom's was now knocking on the door. 
Panicking that something have happened to me
The door opened and drew her in. She ran to me and knelt
"Are you ok? Are you feeling dizzy?" questions kept coming from her
My tears fell without any prior notice
I shook my head in opposite direction
She slumped and let her support her weight
Heavy sighs can be heard. All were coming from Bom
"Is it about.." yet another sigh
"Yes.. it's still about him." I finished. 
It was obvious that she was going to ask about him
But was too cautious that I might get offended
Her hand went to my back and started carressing it up and down.
"I think it's time for you to let go Dara" she was trying her best in choosing the right words
A bitter smile formed on my lips
"It not that easy"
Her face became more gloomy than mine
"I don't know how to say this that won't hurt you in any way but..
...you have to face the reality and forget him" 
I felt knives stabbing my heart, piercing my soul to pieces
I snorted
"No way!" I said softly but convicted "He'll come back.. someday he'll be with me again!"
@dakotasanify-well here's the update!! Keke
---So I've decided to put this up with a few more chapters. Hope you'll have a good time!  ^_^
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Chapter 3: OMG Krisssss... sequel pleaseeee... i am so late to be here tbh
Chapter 1: why it's so sad....
Chapter 3: yes! yes! yes! a thousand times yes!
sequel juseyo!
Chapter 3: kyaaa!!! krisdara!
Chapter 3: I dont expect him to be dead, that was heart crushing author, i want more please!
ant12345 #6
Chapter 3: i love it!!!!! ahhhhhh...im going crazy. this is juat too..ahhh!! cant evn...dhjsigsus
Chapter 3: Jaejoong, died... donated his eyes to her... Jaejoong love her...Iknowit and i can feel it...Please Authornim.. make a SEQUEL... pleeaasseee....
ShaiRa1009 #8
Chapter 3: wahhhhh THIS IS GREAT story waahh,,,
poor dara carrying too much burden
Chapter 3: Oh my god...he died...my jaejoong was died...why he broke up with dara??why???
Thanks for the story:)
dockie8ph #10
Chapter 2: "Tears are supposed to clean our eyes, after that you would see everything clearly" -- i like this line! very good one