
The Best Friend Zone 2



The next day… okay. I’m just going to skip to the part where we all went to Hani’s house cause what happened in school today doesn’t really matter. They just gave us lectures and points to review for the final exam.


To be very honest, I haven’t thought about College Entrance Exams yet.


Heck, I don’t even know what course I should take. I was thinking Conservatory since I love music and would like to learn more about it. I was also considering Business Management or Entrepreneurship. But I’m not sure about those two yet.


Maybe, mass communication? Since I’m talkative and outgoing?


“so who’s going with who?” Baekhyun asked.


“we have three cars so…” Luhan started and looked at their car, my car and Hani’s car.


“I’ll go with Hani!” Baekhyun smiled


“Chanyeol hyung, go with Chen.” Sehun ordered. It would seem like he doesn’t want others in his car besides Luhan.


“fine. Kai! Come with me too!” Chanyeol dragged Kai who was already getting inside Hani’s car.


“YAH!!” Kai yelled and glared at Chanyeol who smiled and dragged him over.


“the cute ones get to ride on the cute car.” Baekhyun said and stuck out his tongue and everyone rolled their eyes.


After a few turns and stoplights…


We finally arrived at Hani’s new place. This is the first time I’d be able to go here. It’s a huge condominium that I bet has a penthouse up top.


We gave the valet our car keys and they gave us a number and then headed for Hani’s place.


“wow.” I said


“oh right, it’s your first time to come here…” Kai said and walked to the kitchen like he owned the place. I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy again, it was like that before for Hani and I… we visit each other’s home and just waltz around like it was no big deal.


“princess! Can I change?” Kai asked


“yeah, your clothes are in the third dresser.” Hani replied and again… there’s that pang of jealousy. I know I shouldn’t feel that way with Kai anymore but I can’t help it...


We all walked to the living room and everyone took a beanbag chair, well almost everyone since Chanyeol and Sehun sat on the floor. There was a glass coffee table at the middle and then the television was hanging on the wall.


Everyone took out their notebooks, books and calculators and Sehun grabbed the remote to open the tv.


“GET OUT AND GET FOOD.” I heard Hani say and I turned to see her dragging Kai out of her room, he was now wearing a black shirt with a dog print and some sweats.


“what do you have?” Kai asked


“just grab something edible.” Hani replied and shut her door.




We started the study session a few minutes after Hani finished changing. She was mainly teaching Luhan, Sehun and Baekhyun while I teach Chanyeol and Kai. But we sometimes talk to clarify our solutions.


“no. I told you. It’s divide and then subtract. Not the other way around.” She protested


“but isn’t that for mode?” I asked


“mode is the other way around. You subtract then divide for mode.” She replied


“no. I’m pretty sure that’s what Ms. Young said. Divide and subtract.” I countered


“aish. You idiot. How are you supposed to divide------ wait..” she said and then looked at the problem closely.


“so? Am I right?” I teased but she shoved the paper at my face.


“shut up I’m checking.” She replied and I frowned but I could help but feel happy. This was like the old times.


“LOOK HERE MORON.” She called and pulled my shirt before pointing at my notes.


“it’s DIVIDE first.” She said and I looked at her, she looked triumphant.


“fine.” I mumbled and she grinned before smacking me on the forehead. YA!!


“WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” I yelled and rubbed my forehead


“for being stupid.” She replied and continued to talk to Baekhyun and Luhan.


AISH!!! IF ONLY I DIDN’T LOVE YOU I WOULD’VE CHOKED YOU BY NOW… though I won’t really do that… it’s just a figure of speech.




Hours passed, junk food were eaten, pizza was ordered, a movie break was initiated, homeworks were re-made, tests and quizzes were corrected and clarified…


It was 8:30PM and LuBaek were feeling drowsy.


“Luhan, we can study tomorrow. I need to take you home.” Sehun said and dragged Luhan to stand up.


“fine.” Luhan replied with a pout and scratched his eyes like a kid.


“thank you Hani… I’ll see you tomorrow. Sorry for the trouble.” Luhan yawned and Hani laughed


“it’s okay. Go get some rest.” Hani replied and therefore, Sehun and Luhan went out.


“HEY WAIT!!! We’re coming too! We got no ride home!” Chanyeol yelled


“where’d Hani go?” Baekhyun asked and I turned to see Hani was gone.


“NO. GO HOME KIM JONGIN.” We heard her say and Kai went out of Hani’s with a frown.


“haha! you got thrown out. HANI!! WE’LL BE LEAVING WITH HUNHAN!!” Baekhyun yelled from the hallway.


“sure!! Just lock the door okay??” Hani yelled back.


Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kai were at the door already and Kai turned to me.


“are you coming?” he asked and I hesitated for a while.


“uhm… I think I should help her clean up the mess before I go home.” I replied and averted my eyes. I don’t know why but I did.


“okay then. But Jongdae…” Kai said and I looked at him. He looked serious.


“don’t confuse her. She’s having enough trouble in her hands already. Too many decisions to make so I hope you won’t make it harder.” He said and then left.


What did he mean by that?


I stood there for a few more seconds before going to the living room and picking up the trash. I was moving the beanbag chairs to their original position when----


“J-JONGDAE?!” Hani shouted and I looked up to face her, she had a towel in her hands and she had her hair tied in a messy bun.


“w-what the… I thought you left with the others…” she mumbled


“well… I thought I’d help you with cleaning. You know? Like old times…” I said and then there it is…




“oh. Uhm. Well.. you didn’t have to. But thanks.” She said and smiled.


I continued to put the trash together while she swept the floor. I didn’t notice she was behind me when I stood up so I accidentally bumped into her.


“WAAA!” she yelped but I caught her in time. I held on her waist as she supported herself and gripped my arms.


“you okay?” I asked and I heard her sigh in relief before nodding… only then did the two of us noticed our position…




I saw Hani turn pink and I felt my cheeks go hot so I immediately stood her straight up.


“uhm. Thanks.” She said and moved away. I moved away as well, it was like we were in sync but we were awkward. Someone give us the Awkward Award.


“so.. I guess… I’ll go…” I said and maneuvered pass her, making sure I won’t bump into her or something.


I was about to put my shoes on when --------


“hey.” She called softly that I barely heard it but thank god I did. I turned to her and she seemed to be contemplating about something…


“hm?” I asked


“why don’t you… I don’t know… stay…. For the night….” she said and my eyes went wide. IS THIS FOR REAL!?!? IS SHE SERIOUS!?!?


My heart started to pound so loud I bet because of the quiet atmosphere she could probably hear it. My eyes felt like they’re gonna pop out, I wanted to gape but then that would look dumb on my part.


“a-are you sure?” I asked her and I felt my throat was getting dry. DON’T BE A SSISY KIM JONGDAE!! THIS IS A GOLDEN OPPURTUNITY!!!


“y-yeah… I mean…. If you want… it could be…” she stopped and played with her fingers.


“just like old times.” We both said at the same time and then she looked up to meet my eyes.


There it is… that heart-stopping, time-controlling, stomach-churning feeling…


“so… if you want. You can stay.” She said and I smiled.


I don’t need to think about this offer…. So I put my shoes down and walked back in the space of the living room…





“I’ll stay.”






hey guys!! QUICK NOTE!! I'll be gone for maybe about two weeks!! I'll be going to the province to attend a wedding and that'll last for five days and then before that.. starting tomorros is Midterm Week... so please wait for a while for the next update.


THANKS!! I hope you bear with me :) LEAVE COMMENTS!!! :)

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atia1412 #1
Omg, how can I just found this fic!! I am crying, screaming, mostly feel excited. At certain chapter (back in TBFZ 1 too) I feel like wanna pull my hair, screaming 'why are these two like this, it hurts me!!!!' You wrote it well, I love your stories so much. Is it really ended already? I kinda want both of them, Chen n Hani to end up be together, goshhhhhh. Anyway, your stories, they are great!
Namyaa #2
Chapter 33: So How did IT end? Clueless here :/
Chapter 13: And now it's Kyungsoo ! My bias !!! Omg ...
Chapter 6: Oh my God ! It's Kai we're talking hereee !!! *pullshair*
Chapter 1: yooohooo came here straight away from the first book ^^v heheh but god glad this book already completed fuhh. and yyeahh beter chen's pov
Chapter 32: Tell you the truth, I actually cried while reading the part where Chen sing. Sobbing like an idiot =.= Lucky I'm alone if not people will think I'm crazy XD
Chapter 17: Awhmaigawd!!!!!!!!! BRING SOMEONE SPECIAL!!! My feels for that manga!! Why you do this to me!!!!! xD
Chapter 33: Ok what happened to kyungsoo?? Like really!!! I totally ship them