
The Best Friend Zone 2




I sat quietly at the cafeteria while the others ate. Yura was eating quietly next to me and she was giving me worried looks.


“are you sure you’re okay?” she asked and I nodded


Though I am not okay…


This doesn’t make any sense. Am I really in love with Hani?? but what about Yura?? I don’t want to hurt her… I was sure I am in love with her. She is my girlfriend for crying out loud!!! But what is with this heightened feeling with Hani?!


Hani didn’t answer either the question that LuBaek gave… so I am stuck… thinking what she might have answered..


“where are they?” Baekhyun asked and looked around.


“Kyungsoo probably pulled Hani to eat somewhere, where they’re alone.” Kai grinned and I felt my heart race at that. Kyungsoo and Hani alone!?


“oh wait there they are!”  Luhan yelled and I turned around… but when I did…


I felt something like a glass… shatter to pieces.


Kyungsoo and Hani were holding hands… their fingers were interlaced once again, at one hand Kyungsoo held on a drink and on Hani’s other hand she held a small paper bag.


It hurts. More than a scar, more than a burn…. It hurts more than those times I had felt hurt when she was with Kai…


“OHMYGOD!!!!” Luhan squealed


“woah woah woah… what’s this?? Are you official now???” Chanyeol asked and I held my breath.


They can’t be together yet right??? I mean, Kyungsoo just came 2 days ago!!!


“guys!!” Hani whined, she looks so embarrassed and cute. Why did I not notice before how cute my best friend could be!?


“what??” Luhan, Baekhyun and Chanyeol replied in a teasing manner


“we’re not yet official…” Hani mumbled but I saw the loophole in her words…




I don’t want that to happen…. I just don’t…






“so there’s this relay race in today’s segment of the school festival. I think it’s around 3 in the afternoon…” Chanyeol said


“LET’S JOIN!!!” Luhan and Kai yelled in unison and Sehun, Hani and Kyungsoo sighed.


“like a kid as always Kim Jongin.” Hani and Kyungsoo said in unison.


“jinx!” they both exclaimed


“jinx!” they said again


“TRIPLE JINX!” Hani was the first to say and then she laughed afterwards. Aigoo, her laugh is so precious and cute. I could listen to it all day.


“aish.. you win… what should I buy for you?” Kyungsoo asked smiling


“nothing. I just have a request..” Hani grinned and I saw Kyungsoo pale… what is it??


“guess you know what it is huh??” Hani asked and she sounded really playful and happy.


“Moon Hani I swear…” Kyungsoo started but in a flash Hani had pinched Kyungsoo’s cheeks


“LET ME PINCH YOU WITHOUT YOU PULLING ME AWAY!!!” Hani said and pinched on his cheeks harder. It looks funny to me although a part of me hated it…


“YAAAAAAAH!!” Kyungsoo yelled and pulled Hani’s hands away with a frown.


“AHAHAHHAHAHA!!! YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE!!!” Luhan and Baekhyun said


“Kyungsoo’s ears are red though HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Chanyeol laughed and so did Kai.


“aish.” Kyungsoo pouted and I heard the strangest thing ever…


Hani squealed…


Like the way she used to squeal when she sees something she likes, for example, when we accidentally met at the mall before, where Baekhyun bought her a minion doll… yep… she squealed just like that…


“YOU’RE SO CUTE KYUNGSOO!!!” Hani yelled and held on Kyungsoo’s cheeks. Just then she stopped.


“I---I mean… I ----uh…. Well…. Uhmm….” Hani was then flustered. HAHA! now she looks cute!!


“DAN DAN DAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!” Kai said and we all looked at him


“this happens every single day back when we were in Japan.” He said and Hani gave him glares


“what do you mean??” Luhan asked


“well… how do I put it?? Princess would always be lost in a sea of feelings for Soo, she’d compliment him and all that but then after a few seconds she’d be shy about what she did.” Kai laughed and dodged and incoming physics book.


“YAH!! DON’T THROW THAT BOOK AT ME!!!” Kai whined and Hani just rolled her eyes before huffing and looking rather annoyed at Kai.


“hey. My cheeks hurt.” Kyungsoo suddenly said and Hani looked at him. In a flash, her annoyed eyes were gone to caring and sorry eyes.


Before, when it was Kai…. I felt really hurt and jealous. Now with Kyungsoo… I AM MORE HURT AND JEALOUS.


Because what happened next made the others scream but made me freeze.


Hani caressed Kyungsoo’s cheeks lovingly, I could feel the love even if I am 100 ft. away from them…






Not all of us joined in on the relay race. It was Sehun, Kai, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and I who joined in. Luhan and Hani were left watching on the side with Yura, while Chanyeol was nowhere to be found since he was talking with our coach.


Every minute I would glance at Hani and Yura, they seem to be great friends and Hani looks excited about what she was telling Yura, I wonder what’s it about?


I took a glance at Kyungsoo. He looks nice, and just like what Kai had said; he’s a prince for a princess like Hani. I admit, Kyungsoo is good-looking, he’s also cute, maybe a reason why Hani had a crush on him.


“ALRIGHT PLAYERS!!! Here’s the rules!!” the referee said and we all faced him. We were at the open field of the school and I could see the obstacles that we needed to pass.


“pass by every obstacle in a quick pace. First player to get to the last obstacle and finish it wins!!” he said and everyone had lined up, ready to run.


“ON YOUR MARK!!!” he counted


“GO JONGIN!!!! GO KYUNGSOO!!! GO CHENCHEN!!!!” I heard someone yell and I turned to see Hani. WHY AM I THIRD?!? AND I AM JUST A NICKNAME NOW!??


“GET SET!!!”


“GO BAEK!!! GO SEHUNNIE!!!!” Luhan screamed and I saw Sehun sigh but he smiled right after.


“GO!!!” the gun was shot and we ran for dear life.


The obstacles were quite easy. First were the eight to ten tires where we gotta put our feet in simultaneously, next was the monkey bars and don’t ask how they got there from the playground.


“GO KYUNGSOO!!!!” I heard Hani yelled and I looked ahead to see Kyungsoo was already in the hurdles, jumping over on the third one. I immediately quickened my pace….


I can’t lose to him.


I ran over and jumped as fast as he did and I heard Hani shouting my name.


“WOO!! CHENCHEN IS LIKE THE FLASH!!! GO CHENCHEN!!!!” she yelled and I couldn’t help but smile. It was the final part of the race and there was a box inside. Kyungsoo and I looked at each other; wondering what the box held in store for us.


“HEY YOU’RE GONNA LOSE IF YOU JUST STAND THERE!!” Kai suddenly waltzed in and picked something from the box, I got startled so I picked something as well… it was a paper….


I rolled it open and in bold letters I read:




 Someone special?? Bring?? To the finish line??


I saw Kai and Sehun look around for people, is it the same task for everybody??


“WHERE THE HELL IS CHANYEOL!?!? HE’S THE TALLEST GUY I KNOW!!!” Kai yelled and ran away.


Guess not.


Now back to me… bring someone special… I looked around and my eyes landed on Hani. she was looking at me with a curious look and I turned to the paper again…




My feet ran on its own…. I was running towards Hani…


Bring someone special… it definitely fits her… she’s special… very special….


I smiled when I neared her, she smiled back and I saw her reach out for me, I was about to grab her hand when a figure ran past me…


It was Kyungsoo…




have you guys read the Gakuen Alice/Alice Academy Manga?? if you have then this game scene is familiar to you yes?

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atia1412 #1
Omg, how can I just found this fic!! I am crying, screaming, mostly feel excited. At certain chapter (back in TBFZ 1 too) I feel like wanna pull my hair, screaming 'why are these two like this, it hurts me!!!!' You wrote it well, I love your stories so much. Is it really ended already? I kinda want both of them, Chen n Hani to end up be together, goshhhhhh. Anyway, your stories, they are great!
Namyaa #2
Chapter 33: So How did IT end? Clueless here :/
Chapter 13: And now it's Kyungsoo ! My bias !!! Omg ...
Chapter 6: Oh my God ! It's Kai we're talking hereee !!! *pullshair*
Chapter 1: yooohooo came here straight away from the first book ^^v heheh but god glad this book already completed fuhh. and yyeahh beter chen's pov
Chapter 32: Tell you the truth, I actually cried while reading the part where Chen sing. Sobbing like an idiot =.= Lucky I'm alone if not people will think I'm crazy XD
Chapter 17: Awhmaigawd!!!!!!!!! BRING SOMEONE SPECIAL!!! My feels for that manga!! Why you do this to me!!!!! xD
Chapter 33: Ok what happened to kyungsoo?? Like really!!! I totally ship them