Chapter 4

Four Seasons

It wasn’t long until the men disappeared to go back to their work while the siblings waited for the volcano - who was their brother - that could explode any second.

Knowing his brother, the youngest knew that he wouldn’t get to talk back – not that he dared to – so he just tried to sneak up to his room while Minhyuk was still talking to the policemen. Without success, though.

“Lee Jeongguk, get your goddamn on the couch.” The older’s voice was quiet and calm which made him even more intimidating.



“He won’t hit him, will he?” Daniel made sure only his sister next to him could hear his whisper. The last thing he needed was the second born getting even angrier after hearing his words of distrust.

Sunny didn’t answer for several seconds. She was completely positive, the boy wouldn’t hurt the younger physically in normal circumstances but that was sure as hell not one of those. Every time he got mad, the second born was unpredictable, even for the oldest who knew him the best.

Neither Sunkyu nor her second youngest brother dared to come too close to the males. Both of them stood in the kitchen, which was linked to, not only the dining room but also, the living room.

The atmosphere was dangerously tense and it almost suffocated them.

Jeongguk silently sat on the couch, eyes fixed on the ground as he nervously fidgeted with his fingers. Every distraction he could get was a blessing in his eyes.

He didn’t look up when he perceived how the older grabbed a chair and sat down, back to front, while his eyes were glued on the younger.


“Go on. Explain me why policemen had to bring you home. Why were you involved in a fight? Go on, I’m interested.” There was still not the slightest hint of any emotion in the male’s tone, showing his siblings that he was furious about the whole situation.

It has always been like this. If he was just a little pissed, he’d hiss at the other person and maybe even threaten them. Not because he wanted to seem dangerous, but because he wanted to warn them.

But this time, he didn’t hiss. He seemed nonchalant and it was one of the worst things that could happen to the family.

“Min-” The girl didn’t finish her sentence when the boy shushed her and shot her a glare.

“I’m waiting.” Minhyuk’s eyes were once again focused on the boy in front of him. By now, his lip stopped bleeding and the bruises became more obvious.

The youngest on the other hand, only stared at a random spot on the ground before him, contemplating whether or not he should speak up. Both options could turn out to be the wrong decision.

After Jeongguk took a deep breath, the second oldest knew that he was about to say something so he just arched a brow and kept quiet. It would be senseless if he’d just assume that he started beating the other male because he was frustrated, without even knowing the younger’s story.

“I’m sorry.” The fourth born didn’t exactly know why he said that and if it’d help to soothe the older but he just briefly glanced up at the other male before he continued to stare at the ground.

“What for? What are you apologizing for? I want you to tell me why you got into a goddamn fight, for s sake.”

Although it perhaps was just because the younger hoped he was right, but he was almost sure his brother calmed down a little bit.

By now his other siblings happened to sit down on the couch and the armchair in the living room to observe the scene. Sure, they were just as mad at their brother as the second born but they also didn’t want something bad to happen.

Jeongguk!” His voice as calm as ever, Minhyuk crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Once again, the boy inhaled deeply.

“After I ran out of the house,” the male searched for another spot to stare at, almost as if the other one became boring. “I walked around in the town…and got lost. Then I somehow got to a place with many bars and clubs….and then I saw a drunk guy beating someone up, so I tried to protect him and we ended up fighting until the police came.”

Throughout Jeongguk’s whole explanation, none of his siblings dared to open their mouths. Neither Sunkyu nor Daniel wanted to direct Minhyuk’s wrath at themselves.

The few seconds where his brother kept quiet seemed like hours of hell to the youngest. Silence was sometimes scarier than loud screaming, especially when it was about his brother.

“How did you try to protect that guy?” The scary calmness in his brother’s words was finally gone and was replaced by a similar but not quite same calmness. The calmness his voice always contained.

Still, it was hard for Jeongguk to say the following words because he knew that the older would get angry again if he’d find out how he tried to protect him. Lying was no option. He was already in deep , making it worse with lying would be the dumbest thing he could do.

“I punched him.” Once again, the fourth born glanced at Minhyuk, an apologetic expression reflecting on his face.  

Rather than anger, it was disappointment he saw in the male’s face which got clear when the older let a sigh slip past his lips.

“Why?” His question was simple, yet hard to answer.

Diverting his eyes back to the ground, Jeongguk kept quiet. Just like everyone else did. All he could hear was the first born drawing out a small sigh in relief. 

Once again, Minhyuk sighed. No answer was also an answer.

“Listen, Guk.” His voice was much softer than it was a few minutes ago, indicating everyone that the worst part was over.

“That’s no fun. It seriously isn’t. I don’t like being mad at any of you and I hate being the mean one but what choice do I have when you do like that?” The second born arched a brow. He didn’t wait for an answer; he just wanted to make sure the other got his point. 

“I’m glad that you didn’t start a fight without a good reason but why didn’t you think before you act? There are other ways to stop someone from fighting. It doesn’t always have to be breaking his jaw.” His lips curved upwards into a small smirk. Maybe the policemen told him more than Jeongguk assumed they did after all.

“Next time, call the police and then you can try acting up against the other.  And even then, it doesn’t mean that you have to punch him. Just try to drag him away first.” Minhyuk ended his speech with a small shrug of his shoulders, his sister smiling proudly at both of them.

Although there was no sign of a smile on the youngest’s face, he nodded slowly as he finally dared to look at his brother, happy that he calmed down.

Nodding back once, the older slowly stood up and dragged the chair back to the table in the dining room. “Go, wash up. You look like .”

“B-Bomb.”  A small frown reflected on the girl’s face at his words.

“What?” He raised his eyebrow once more as he looked at her, leaning against the table before he looked at the youngest who slowly stood up from the couch to do what his brother told him.

“You’re grounded by the way.” The corners of his lips tugged upwards again as he smirked.

“What? Why?” By now the fourth born was not the slightest bit intimidated and instead his old, moody self. “You said I did it for a good reason.”

“Yes, you did but you approached the matter the wrong way. Besides, the guy you opunched wasn’t the only one you treated the wrong way.” The older simply shrugged, folding his arms in front of his chest.

“Are you ting me?” “Ew.” Sunkyu couldn’t help but chuckle at the choice of words, even though she had mixed feelings regarding the penalty.

“Last time Daniel got into fight, he was grounded for two weeks, be grateful that you are just for one week.” Taking an apple out of the bowl on the kitchen counter, he didn’t care the slightest about the other’s disappointment. “And he wasn’t allowed to use his computer or watch TV. You are but you have to do all the chores for the whole week. ”

“Can’t I just get the same penalty Daniel got?” None of the siblings enjoyed doing chores, especially not Jeongguk.

“No. Niel got into a fight for no reason, you had a good reason so your penalty won’t be as bad as his.”

“It’s worse.” Both of the boys could hear the third born laugh in the background, earning a glare from the youngest.

“It’s not. End of the discussion. Next time think before you act.” Minhyuk’s voice was accompanied by a slightly amused tone. Although he hated to be the mean one, there was no way he could change that, so there was no point in being too stern about everything, anyways.

“I wanted to meet some of my friends on Friday. ….To learn for school and stuff.” All of them knew exactly that none of them would learn anything.

“Seems like you have to learn alone then.” The smirk on his lips evident, the older shrugged and walked upstairs, ending the conversation.

The last thing, Minhyuk heard was the groan, the youngest let slip.

It didn’t take long until Daniel also went up. After making sure his brothers wouldn’t get into a fight, there was nothing he could do down there.


Sunkyu on the other hand, flashed the fourth born a small smile as she placed her hand on his back to comfort him.

“Go, wash up.” She didn’t dare to ruffle his hair like she always did in fear that she’d hurt him. Who knows where else he got hurt except his face?

“Are you hungry?” Her voice was as soft as ever when she walked towards the kitchen to heat the lunch up for him again.

She immediately stopped though when she felt arms, wrapped around her waist, that held her in place.

“I’m sorry.” Jeongguk’s voice sounded exactly like it did when he apologized to Minhyuk. He felt horrible. After giving her such a hard time, all she did was making sure he was alright.

“Jeongguk…” The boy didn’t let her finish her sentence. He wanted to make sure that he was truly sorry instead of letting her say that it was okay. It wasn’t. He behaved like a and she was still extremely nice to him.

“I’m really, really sorry for being an idiot the past few days. I’m extremely sorry.” A small smile decorated the girl’s lips at his words. “I somehow get the feeling you’re sorry.”

She was the last one to hold grudge against one of her brothers.

Simply turning around in his hold, she wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him back. “It’s okay. I’m not mad.”

Jeongguk’s lips also slowly curved into a small grin. “Thank you. Next time I’m like that, you can hit me with a bat.”

The girl couldn’t help but chuckle at his words. “I’ll make sure to remember that for the next time. Now go. Minhyuk was right, you look horrible. ”

She planted a small peck on her brother’s cheek before she let go of him and continued to go to the kitchen.

At the attempt to smile widely at her, the youngest couldn’t help but wince slightly at the pain in his lip.

Not even trying to do it again, he jogged into the bathroom to wash up and eventually change before he walked back down to eat.




By the way, since it seems like it's not fully clear why Jeongguk is moody, it's because....


I'm joking....

It's because he's as moody as Fall and

I know, I'm dumb...

And to finish this chapter off.....I'm goung to make your hearts go

hideandseeker I'm looking at u

Please don't hate me I only have you guys. Q-Q






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hi new subscriber here ^^....
i may cant check this out often...
but i'll be looking forward for ur updates..

Chapter 5: I actually started whimpering during the gifs. I had to run off with some water and take some deep breaths. The things that Sunny does to me, oh my god.

AND A GIF OF JUNGKOOK. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THAT, HUH? I feel like I'm dying here. . .

And the thing about Jungkook being hormonal because he's fall actually makes some sense. Fall is kind of unpredictable, with the sudden rain, and beautiful leaves.
Chapter 5: I couldn't imagine B-Bomb mad with a soft voice o u o
And the last part... Omgomg my feels *^* both being my bias and they hugged and- /squeals
Also Minhyuk gifs... Are you going to kill me ; u ;
Chapter 5: This story is so good and I love each and every one of their personalities.
And with Jeongguk hugging Sunny. That was adorable! FEEEELLLSSSSSSSSSS
Chapter 4: Yes yes, continue hitting me with that barrage of feels. Oh my god, those gifs! Sunny, and B-Bomb, and Niel... It's good that you didn't post a gif of Jungkook, because my poor little heart wouldn't be able to handle it.

Also, the story was really good. I'm still confused as to WHY he acted this way, but at least he knows he's doing wrong and feels guilty about it. But I'm scared for Jungkook, B-Bomb seems he would be pretty mad.
Chapter 4: I'll always wait x3
Chapter 3: I wonder why Jongkook's so moody. Maybe because his birthday is so closely linked with such a tragic day? I dunno. My guesses for this sort of thing usually tends to be way off. Anyways, update soon!
Chapter 3: Aah I love you Soonkyu and Minhyuk<33
And yeah, happy belated day to our B-Bomb heh. <3
Chapter 2: Aah poor family :"(
Minhyuk T.T
Chapter 2: It's such a great and touching story. Update soon author-nim~