Chapter 2

Four Seasons

September 3rd, 2013.



It’s been two days since Jeongguk’s birthday and everything went back to normal – just like it always did. Although the first few days after his birthday, the youngest always got even more moody than he always is, none of his siblings said something about it. They were used to it anyways.

Out of all of them, Sunkyu probably had the hardest time dealing with the boy since Minhyuk was inherently nobody who cared about stuff like that – that is as long as nothing went out of hand – while Daniel always tried to avoid getting in between the two of them.

“Dinner’s ready.” The girl’s voice hollered through the whole house, for every occupiers of it to hear. It was unusual for them to eat together at the same time but she didn’t care, she wanted to have a dinner where everyone sat at the table and talked about their day and whatsoever, like normal families do.

It was Sunday and everybody was at home, giving her a great opportunity to use that day. She’d tried to get the family to do more stuff together since a few weeks now but things didn’t went like she wanted them to go most of the times.

After waiting for thirty seconds without any kind of answer, she let out a small, frustrated sigh. “Guys, seriously! Come eat.” Still no answer.  She couldn’t help but heave another sigh. It’s been the third time she tried to get all of them together but it never worked.

‘Those little bastards.’  This time, she was completely sure they’d eat together – even if that’d mean she’d have to drag them to the chairs and tie them up.  She didn’t hesitate when she ran up the stairs to call them.

Deciding that the second oldest would be the one who she’d convince the easiest since he’s the most reasonable out of the boys.

Sunkyu wasn’t surprised to see her brother lying on his bed with his earphones plugged in and a book in his hands, since he always did that when he was at home.  It didn’t take long before he became aware of her presence and paused the music to her what she was saying.

“B-Bomb, would you please come down to eat?” A small, gentle smile played on the girl’s lips as the words left her lips but it soon disappeared when she saw the slightly confused expression on the younger’s face.

He slowly shook his head before he focused on his book again. “I’m not hungry. I maybe eat later.” Once again, the girl let out a small sigh.

“Minhyuk, please.” It was rather rare for the girl to call her brother by his real name, she mostly did it when she was asking for something or was being serious.

This time it was the male who draw out a small, almost imperceptible sigh before he placed the book and his MP3-Player away and nodded slowly. “Fine.”

Her smile immediately returned to her face and a small triumphant ‘Yes.’ threatened to slip out of . “Could you please, if it’s okay, call Daniel as well?” The boy nodded once again before he walked out of the room, followed by Sunkyu herself.

Now the only one she had to call was the youngest.

Of course she noticed that the ‘little one’ behaved differently since his birthday and that he’d maybe rebel, but she didn’t care much about it. She already got two of them to join her – she already knew that Daniel would say yes because Minhyuk sure as hell wouldn’t let a ‘No.’ pass.

And that was also what she wanted to do. She wouldn’t let a ‘No’ pass – or that’s what she hoped she wouldn’t. Shouldn’t be that hard, should it?

Not wanting to already piss him of by simply barging into his room, the girl knocked and waited a second or two before she walked into the youngest’s room.

“Guk?” Sunkyu only peeked her head into the dimly lit room before she walked in, only to find her brother lying flat on his back, eyes fixed on the white ceiling and his headphones on. Waving first to get his attention, she flashed him a smile when she finally got it.

“We’re going to eat, would you please come down?” “I’m not hungry.” His voice was monotone and seemed bored. The oldest could clearly see that he neither ate nor sleep much the last two days, judging by the exhausted look on his face.

“Jeongguk, please. We’re all eating together today. I made Gamjatang.” Her lips still curved upwards, Sunny tilted her head.

“I’m not hungry, noona. Could you please leave my room now?” The younger pointed at his door before he put his headphones back on and played his music extra loud to make clear that he wasn’t interested in whatever she had to say.

Sunkyu, on the other hand, was slowly losing her patience. She’d tried to be as understanding and tolerant as possible the last two days but now she had reached her limit. Taking his headphones away, she didn’t pay attention to the mix of confusion and annoyance that reflected in his face.

“We’re ALL going to eat.  As a family. And you’re a part of that family so you’ll also eat with us!” “I--” The girl cut him off before he could finish his sentence. ”You haven't eaten in two days. It's impossible to not be hungry.” Her calm voice was replaced by a demanding and strict one.

Jeongguk only rolled his eyes before he yanked his headphones out of her grip and sat back down on his bed, leaning against his headboard. “Like I said, I’m really not hungry. Thank you.”

Anger and frustration boiled up in Sunkyu’s body and all she wanted to do was dragging him down to the table to make him eat with everyone else. Too bad she knew exactly that he was stronger than her and wouldn’t move an inch if she’d try. But she knew somebody who’d make him come down – regardless whether he wanted to eat or not.

“At least sit down with us if you’re really not hungry.” No response. “Jeongguk, that’s your last chance. Come down now or I’ll get B-Bomb to make you go down.” She knew exactly that he could hear every single word of her but chose to ignore it and that pissed her off even more.

“Three. Two. …Don’t think I won’t do it.” Still no response. “One.” Drawing out another sigh, she walked out of his room and down the stairs into the dining room.



The second oldest didn’t hesitate to stand up and walk into the room she came from, after hearing her story.

With a clearly frustrated expression on her face, she sat down next to Daniel while the two other boys argued upstairs. It was, however, only Jeongguk’s voice they heard but it wasn’t surprising since it was extremely rare for the oldest boy to shout or even raise his voice slightly.

The third born flashed her a small, reassuring smile to indicate that everything would be alright and she did the right thing.  If he would’ve been in her shoes, he’d have probably done the same. Dealing with a pubescent, rebellious younger brother sure didn’t sound very simple. Sunkyu only nodded once to show her silent gratefulness towards her brother’s genuinely caring actions.

Then everything went quiet all of the sudden and both boys came down the stairs – the older grabbing the collar of the youngest’s shirt from behind and leading him to the table.

Minhyuk pushed his brother not so lightly – still gripping on the back of his shirt – before he snarled a low ‘Apologize’.

Jeongguk briefly glared at the other before he looked at his sister and lowered his eyes. “I’m sorry.” Although it didn’t sound much like it, he really was. He knew he did wrong which made him even more mad at himself than he already was.  

The girl only nodded, not wanting to discuss it any further. Pushing him down on one of the chairs, the second born sat down beside him.

It didn’t take long until the siblings started eating the food that was made by the oldest. Everyone but the youngest. 

He motionlessly sat on his chair, head lowered and eyes staring at his own fingers that were simply resting on his knees. Jeongguk knew that his sister was staring at him with a worried expression plastered on her face but he still refused to eat.

His assumptions were confirmed when he lifted his gaze a few seconds later. Unlike the others, who were eating their food as if the past few minutes did never happen, she was watching her little brother with a small frown on her face.

Everyone could see that she was severely worried about the younger. Not only because of his behavior but also because of the fact that he was practically starving himself the past days, which was even more untypical for him since he was rather one to eat whenever he got the chance to.

Arching a brow he seemed to converse with his expression – almost as if he was asking her if something was wrong.  The girl simply shook her head and started eating, although still worried about the boy’s state.

Jeongguk looked around once again before he abruptly stood up, walked to the door, put his shoes on and walked out. He just couldn’t bear being stuck room with them, he needed some time for himself to calm down and think for a while.





So that's it for this week's update.

Jeongguk's not always like this, just saying. It's just that he's moody as f   fall.

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this lil' right here.

Gosh, I love that dance so much...


Stay awesome, dude.

and go away with your beautiful face it's not healthy for me.


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hi new subscriber here ^^....
i may cant check this out often...
but i'll be looking forward for ur updates..

Chapter 5: I actually started whimpering during the gifs. I had to run off with some water and take some deep breaths. The things that Sunny does to me, oh my god.

AND A GIF OF JUNGKOOK. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THAT, HUH? I feel like I'm dying here. . .

And the thing about Jungkook being hormonal because he's fall actually makes some sense. Fall is kind of unpredictable, with the sudden rain, and beautiful leaves.
Chapter 5: I couldn't imagine B-Bomb mad with a soft voice o u o
And the last part... Omgomg my feels *^* both being my bias and they hugged and- /squeals
Also Minhyuk gifs... Are you going to kill me ; u ;
Chapter 5: This story is so good and I love each and every one of their personalities.
And with Jeongguk hugging Sunny. That was adorable! FEEEELLLSSSSSSSSSS
Chapter 4: Yes yes, continue hitting me with that barrage of feels. Oh my god, those gifs! Sunny, and B-Bomb, and Niel... It's good that you didn't post a gif of Jungkook, because my poor little heart wouldn't be able to handle it.

Also, the story was really good. I'm still confused as to WHY he acted this way, but at least he knows he's doing wrong and feels guilty about it. But I'm scared for Jungkook, B-Bomb seems he would be pretty mad.
Chapter 4: I'll always wait x3
Chapter 3: I wonder why Jongkook's so moody. Maybe because his birthday is so closely linked with such a tragic day? I dunno. My guesses for this sort of thing usually tends to be way off. Anyways, update soon!
Chapter 3: Aah I love you Soonkyu and Minhyuk<33
And yeah, happy belated day to our B-Bomb heh. <3
Chapter 2: Aah poor family :"(
Minhyuk T.T
Chapter 2: It's such a great and touching story. Update soon author-nim~