Chapter 3

Four Seasons

The streets of Seoul were as busy, loud and luminous as always. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry, no matter what they were doing. Kids, trying to get their parents to buy stuff they’d throw away a week later, were dragging them along to the next shop. Couples, looking as peaceful and loving as they could, tried to show off how happy they were with their partner. The only one who didn’t seem like he was in a hurry, was a sixteen years old boy who stormed out of his own home half an hour ago, leaving his completely guiltless and confused siblings behind to wonder if or what they did wrong.

Once again, his phone rang. It was probably the eighth time his sister was trying to call him. Jeongguk was sure that she was by now running forth and back while trying to find reasons why he’d simply walk away. Maybe she’d even say the reasons out loud so she’d simultaneously try to calm the second born down so he won’t run after the boy and god forbid Minhyuk gets to be the first one to get ahold of the youngest. All hell would break loose.

And Daniel? He was probably trying to calm his older brother down as well but on the other hand cursed the younger for causing such a chaos.

Instead of just putting his phone back inside, the young boy simply turned it off completely. He didn’t want any distraction. Jeongguk knew he was being way too sensitive about everything that happened the past few days. Hell, he wasn’t even sure why exactly he was sensitive and it pissed him off so freaking much that he was. The boy knew he was always moody, but it bothered him that he could smile like an idiot and be an angel in one moment and the next he’d slam the door to his room shut and not let anyone in, at the time around his birthday.

Small rays of sunlight still lit up the streets while the sun was slowly setting. Although the rays of sunlight were quite petty compared to the darkness that was slowly but surely starting to surround the city, it was still fairly warm.


Just as every other time, the young boy was slowly getting tired of just walking into random directions for hours. But let’s be honest, who wouldn’t? To be honest with himself, he didn’t even know about the part of Seoul he was currently in and he was pretty damn sure he’s never been there before.

Ever since he was younger, they had their little ‘comfort zone’ which they never exit alone and if they did, it wasn’t far away.

The only one, who left said zone, was the oldest boy who often had to get the cars to wealthy customers, but that was also quite rare. It wasn’t like the garage, Minhyuk worked in, was famous enough to attract that many rich people.

Looking around for a few seconds, the fourth born soon realized that there were way too many clubs and bars for his usual liking. But after thinking about it for a brief moment, the idea of getting so drunk that he’d easily drown his worries didn’t sound too bad.

Jeongguk was completely sure that he’d regret it later and that he’d not only get decapitated when the second born would find out, but he’d also get in trouble with the police if somebody would find out that he was still a minor.

Usually he wasn’t as careless as now; he was actually quite the contrary, he was cunning but reasonable. But he didn’t feel like his usual self anyways.

Even before getting close to the bar that quickened his interest, he could smell the strong scent of alcohol in the air. There were a lot of people standing in front of it – probably wanting to get drunk before they go to the club next to the building he was heading to.



Once again, the boy looked around before he let out a small sigh. ‘What the actual am I doing here? I must’ve gone mad. I--- .’ After seeing all the teenagers – some of them seemed to be younger than himself – the desire to get drunk immediately disappeared. Jeongguk knew how fast he could get addicted to something and alcohol was definitely not something he was keen to get addicted to.

Saying that some of them seemed like apes going crazy, would most likely be an insult to the animals. Not only that they were screaming, vomiting, randomly dancing on the street or slowly getting rid of their clothes, they also seemed to start fighting.


It didn’t take long until one of the numerous males, fell onto the ground with his nose bleeding quite hard. His ‘friends’ didn’t even try to help him and instead led some of the girls away, laughing at the other’s misery. In front of him, a violent looking man who seemed to be in his early twenties or maybe even a bit younger. He looked like one of those typical bullies you’d usually see in movies. Although he wasn’t that well-build, he appeared to be more interested in victimizing other kids more than his school or his job.

Before he even knew it, Jeongguk was standing in front of the male who was still lying on the ground – trembling from both fear and pain - as he tried to protect him from the other, visibly stronger, man.  The boy on the ground didn’t look much older than Jeongguk himself but he was obviously more drunk than he was.

“The playground is over there, kid.” Spit and the stench of alcohol came out of the perpetrator’s mouth, making it hard for the raven haired boy not to retch.

Upon getting the younger’s fist rammed into his face, the drunk stumbled back while cursing violently. “You ing little bastard.”

Being called a kid was definitely in Jeongguk’s top ten of things that piss him of – and it was also on a pretty high rank.

Due to the contact with the older’s jaw he couldn’t help but flinch as the pain in his hand slowly rose up. It was definitely not as easy as it looked in the movies. Their bones basically just clashed against each other and although the boy was sure that the drunk was hurting more than he was, he couldn’t help but let out a small groan. Still, he didn’t show the slightest bit of regret in his actions.

Ever since he was a little boy, his older siblings taught him that hurting people for no reason was the dumbest thing to do. And watching somebody being beaten was just as bad as hurting that somebody. Sure, there were other methods how he could help – for example talk – but he wanted to let all his anger out. And he just found his victim.

As he quickly glanced at the boy behind him who was slowly getting up and stumbling backwards to get himself safe, he realized, that the culprit kicked him in the side, a little too late. Another groan escaped his lips as he fell onto the ground. He didn’t stay down for long though, since the offender immediately tried to attack him once again.

Lucky for the younger that he was a swift one. Seeing the other stumbling once again when he hit nothing but air, Jeongguk didn’t hesitate to kick his stomach, causing now him to fall.

It seemed like some of the bystanders panicked and called the police as the fight of the two boys continued.

No matter how often the raven haired boy tried to stop the fight every time the other was lying on the ground, the older jumped up to his feet and started to attack him again. It wasn’t until the police tore the two of them apart with force.


Looking at the perpetrator, it was visible that his injuries were bigger and more numerous than the one’s Jeongguk had. The younger only had a few bruises here and there and his lip was slightly bleeding, but it wasn’t something he couldn’t deal with.


They took both of them police station to ask them about everything that happened. To the other’s luck, he was taken away to a drunk tank fairly quick since it was close to impossible to get any information of him in the state he was in. Unlike the younger, who was still completely sober and able to report everything that happened.  To his misfortune, the boy – he shielded earlier – didn’t show up, even though the fourth born was sure he knew about it

He flashed the officer a small smile as he nodded when he was asked whether he’d like them to bring him home.

Usually he’d say no because the last thing he wanted was Minhyuk to find out but the young boy didn’t know another way. He hadn’t the slightest clue how he could get home and sooner or later the older would find out anyways. The policemen said they’d send further information on the case – for example things like, whether the offender would report the younger or if the boy had a chance to report the perpetrator – as soon as possible.


Much to Jeongguk’s dislike, the two policemen who brought him home, also wanted to talk with his parental guardians; to be sure that the boy wasn’t lying and that they really were in charge of him. And they wanted to reassure his brother that everything was fine and that he wasn’t severely hurt.

There was no expression on the elder’s face as he talked to the men in front of his door. He almost seemed nonchalant about everything – but the youngest knew exactly that he was about to explode of anger. Sunkyu and Daniel were silently standing behind the boy, curious of the commotion that was happening outside but also cautious about the whole situation.

Pity that the officers only said that the boy got into a fight but didn’t say how and why. For one they didn’t say that he was just trying to protect another boy – making it even harder for the second born to keep calm. One of the things he hated the most was gratuitously used violence and misused power.







Wow, you too.

I may or may not update sooner this week. Because I actually was finished with this chapter on Wednesday and I wanted to update the story, but then I had an assignment due to Friday and it was extremely stressiful and yeah..... 

And I'm almost halfway through the fourth chapter.

And I created a list with ideas I have to this story...and it's quite long tbh.....

U're such a qtie stahp

That was an update from your extremely intelligent author.

I can't with them srsly. 

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hi new subscriber here ^^....
i may cant check this out often...
but i'll be looking forward for ur updates..

Chapter 5: I actually started whimpering during the gifs. I had to run off with some water and take some deep breaths. The things that Sunny does to me, oh my god.

AND A GIF OF JUNGKOOK. WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THAT, HUH? I feel like I'm dying here. . .

And the thing about Jungkook being hormonal because he's fall actually makes some sense. Fall is kind of unpredictable, with the sudden rain, and beautiful leaves.
Chapter 5: I couldn't imagine B-Bomb mad with a soft voice o u o
And the last part... Omgomg my feels *^* both being my bias and they hugged and- /squeals
Also Minhyuk gifs... Are you going to kill me ; u ;
Chapter 5: This story is so good and I love each and every one of their personalities.
And with Jeongguk hugging Sunny. That was adorable! FEEEELLLSSSSSSSSSS
Chapter 4: Yes yes, continue hitting me with that barrage of feels. Oh my god, those gifs! Sunny, and B-Bomb, and Niel... It's good that you didn't post a gif of Jungkook, because my poor little heart wouldn't be able to handle it.

Also, the story was really good. I'm still confused as to WHY he acted this way, but at least he knows he's doing wrong and feels guilty about it. But I'm scared for Jungkook, B-Bomb seems he would be pretty mad.
Chapter 4: I'll always wait x3
Chapter 3: I wonder why Jongkook's so moody. Maybe because his birthday is so closely linked with such a tragic day? I dunno. My guesses for this sort of thing usually tends to be way off. Anyways, update soon!
Chapter 3: Aah I love you Soonkyu and Minhyuk<33
And yeah, happy belated day to our B-Bomb heh. <3
Chapter 2: Aah poor family :"(
Minhyuk T.T
Chapter 2: It's such a great and touching story. Update soon author-nim~