
All Because of Her


After weaving your way out of the crowd, you take one final look back at Sulli. She's staring wide-eyed at you, and faintly shaking her head. You mouth "Mianhae," and turn the corner around the side of Kyung's house. Almost immediately you stop again, taken aback by the beautiful sight in front of you. The boys were all circling Baro, in the middle of smothering him in a group hug.

You watched them for a few seconds, but it wasn't long before Baro peeked through the opening between Sandeul and Jinyoung and saw you. "Ae Sook! Guys, let go." They released him immediately, but somehow Gongchan got to you faster. It seems like all you did was blink, and you were being practically tackled and picked up in the air by the maknae.

"Ae Sook! Ohhhh, how I missed you! You look so good! Mmmm noona, I missed you so much.." He put you back down and gave you a sweet smile. Jinyoung gently pulled on him, and cleared his throat. "Oh! Sorry, hyung I couldn't help myself..." He stepped back and let Jinyoung get to you.

He slowly wrapped his arms around your shoulders and you his waist. "Annyeong, Ae Sook. It's been so long.. How have you been? How has your umma been? Is everything well?" He leaned back and smiled tentatively. You don't reply, but you nod and grin. "I missed you, oppa." Sandeul was next in line.

Sandeul grabbed each of your hands. "Ahh, it's so good to see you! Did you like our performance? I saw you out there, all teary-eyed. Baro took a long time planning it to be just right!" He pulled you in for a hug, and you closed your eyes. "Wow, it's so different seeing you instead of just hearing about you from CNU. Oh! Ae Sook, you smell really nice.." You heard a deep laugh from behind him.

"Okay duckie, my turn." You didn't even bother to open your eyes when Sandeul's warmth disappeared, as it was quickly replaced by the tall, comforting teddy bear that is Shinwoo. "Were you surprised? Baro planned it, but I had Sulli make sure you were there for the show," he chuckled. "So,  graduated now? How does it feel? Do you have plans for the fall?" You both stand there silently for a moment, but he pulled back to look at you. He was wanting an answer.

"Oh! Yeah.. I have an idea of what I'm doing. I might move in with a friend who's going to attend the same school as I will."

He nodded, approving. "Good. I'm glad you have everything together." Oh, not exactly... Someone made a noise. "Okay, you can have her now. Best for last, ya know?" He stepped to the side, letting Baro get to you finally.

Baro stood in front of you, staring and giving you his most dazzling smile. His bunny teeth were cuter than ever. You raised a brow at him, "Oppa? Come he--"

And before you could say anything more, his arms were around you and his face was buried in your hair. He spoke very quickly. "Annyeong, Ae Sook. I can't even begin to tell you how much I missed you. Even with you here, I still miss you. It feels like a dream. Oh, saranghae, Ae Sook, a thousand times saranghae. And I know about Zico... it's okay. I'm not mad, I had to leave you, and I'm sorry... if he makes you happy, that's all that matters to me. I came here to see you, not to steal you from the man who helped you when I left. I feel like I owe him for that. Oh, I missed you.." You stayed like that for what seemed like a long time before you spoke.

"I missed you too, oppa." And that was all you said, although countless thoughts were swirling in your mind. I have to leave soon. It won't be long until Zico comes looking for me. "Baro, I have to go back to the party. I kind of left without saying anything to anyone."

Baro held you tighter and whispered, "Okay... I knew it'd happen soon anyay. But look, I have to see you again.. soon. How about Monday?" You shake your head. "Okay then, how about Wednesday? We can meet up someplace, catch up, spend some time together..." This time you nod.

Reluctantly he lets you go, but keeps ahold of your hand. He pulls his phone out of his pocket. "What's your number?" You told him, and he tapped the screen a few times. A few seconds later, your phone buzzed in your pocket. "There. Now you can get in touch with me Wednesday morning. Don't mention it to anybody, please? For your sake? I wouldn't want rumors being spread around about you. I don't think your.. boyfriend would be pleased about us meeting up."

You nod and you give him one last hug. "I'll see you in three days, oppa.." You enjoy the moment and force yourself to pull away. You look around at the five wonderful boys smiling at you. "It was so great to see you all. I missed you so much and I loved the performance. It was great." You took one last look at Baro, and gave him a gentle smile. "I'll see you soon oppa. Annyeong, everybody!" You quickly ran back around the corner, laughing when all of the boys shouted their goodbyes to you.

Wow... I'm going to sneak off to go see Baro... I'm so excit-- Your thoughts were interrupted by the deep, beautiful voice you were so familiar with.

"Ae Sook.. I've been looking for you.." Zico slung an arm around your waist and you looked up at him. He gave you a kiss, and you could taste the alcohol on him. People say that beer is an acquired taste. You still haven't begun to enjoy the taste that came from kissing Zico most days, but it was definitely something you had gotten used to. "Are you ready to leave? If you are, let's go. I'm not feeling too hot."

You nod, and intertwine your fingers with his and slowly walk towards the car waiting for you up the street. He gets in the passenger seat and you go around to the driver's side. As you start the car, Zico groans. "Are you okay, babe?"

"Yea, I'll be alright. I just got into the wrong stuff is all. Ahhh can you drive faster, please? Aish..."

The rest of the car ride to Zico's house is silent except for the occasional noise of complaint from him whenever you turned a corner. Oh.. I feel kind of bad knowing I'll be going behind his back. But it's only meeting up with Baro. What Zico doesn't know won't hurt him.. Oh, what am I thinking?! This is a bad idea, but I have to see him as soon as possible. You finally pulled up to his house, and got out to open the door for him. "Goodnight, Zico. Feel better." He gave you one last intoxicated kiss and went inside. Mianhae...

As soon as you got home, you got into bed and all your problems dissolved as you thought about the meeting to come. You took a look at the photographs on your bedside table, smiled, and fell asleep...



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5/30 I finally updated! Go on, read it. It might be good, but it might also be a y update. Either way, I love all of you. ♥


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KarenxDae_zxc #1
Chapter 14: YAH WOOJIHO~~! Unnie,this story is AWESOME~~! The ups and downs OMG~~!!!KYAAAHH~~!! Pls update~~!!
I love this!
_Insert_Username_ #3
Chapter 11: OMAHGAWD! TT 0 TT
It started off so sweet~ I was giggling for heaven's sake! = - =
totally ashamed. so much for my cool complex (... what cool complex /slapped/)
Well... I was giggling, then I started panicking when Baro said bedroom. XD I had to stop and look back to make sure that this wasn't rated M. LOL
Then... POOPS!!! That hole Jiho! ... XD sorry I just thought of what my sis (who is Zico-biased) would say if she heard me say that and then I explain to her that he has committed domestic violence. LOL She would flip.
But, anyways. Poor Baro. He must feel super guilty. ; - ;
I just hope Ae Sook ends it, for real. If she doesn't, I will scream. > n <
I hope Baro doesn't hurt himself... I hope he hurts Zico, tbh. ^ - ^'
I hope Zico doesn't even TOUCH anyone. I hope he just rots... in a hole... and learns to be a gentleman. *nods approvingly*

Well, that's enough for now. Peace, Kat!
_Insert_Username_ #4
Chapter 10: YAY! You're back~ *throws ceremonial flowers* *\> o </*
I was worried you were gonna go on hiatus or something. I'm glad to see your back and motivated.
Thank you to this yukio character, for encouraging our dear author-nim (i hate saying that, so would you prefer unnie, noona, or unoonie? unless you're my dongsaeng or have a nickname?). ^ - ^

Man, I feel the cray aura, I just don't want the moment to be ruined by lil miss z or a.
I hope I won't need the tissues... but I might, so *grabs the kleenex* LEGGO! > w </

I can't wait for your next update! Peace! Take it easy, arasso? :p (tbh, don't break my heart. XD)
_Insert_Username_ #5
Chapter 9: This was AWESOME~ Such heart to heart~ > w <

BTS ALL THE WAY! Yeah, imma er for 'em too. XP

I'm so glad she vented to her mom. It was needed. I hope gets out of that "it's all my fault" state of mine soon. I've seen how unhealthy that is and her mom knows as well.

Hoping for the best! Well, Peace Unnie! Don't feel pressured to update, arraso? :p
YukioJiro #6
Chapter 9: Yay!!I update! Such a good chapter, I want more! ^^ heheheh, thank you Kat♥♥♥
_Insert_Username_ #7
Chapter 8: Wow... man, wtf?! WHAT THE FLIP JUST HAPPENED?!

IS AMBER A TRAITOR?! How the heck did lil miss Z find out?! Dear lord, WHAT?!
If this is Amber's way of getting Ae Sook away from people to have her all to herself, I don't like it one bit! > n < *pouts and throws a tantrum*

I hope she tells her mom! I felt like Youngji when Ae Sook told her about Zico. I might not have been so calm. Probably would have gone to Zico's place and had a little "chat". - ~ -

But anyways, this was the most eventful, yet short chapter I have ever read. Loved it! Just enough to make me wanna read more, yet still feel strangely satisfied. Can't wait for the next one. X3

Btw, don't make Yuna abort the baby, PLEASE! I think I might cry my eyes out. ; - ;
Just a lil personal... thing. Idk

Well! Until the next update, HWAITTING!!! ... But take it easy, arraso? :p
Chapter 8: I now hate Zico. It os thing that he's isn't my bias. Poor Yuna and Pyo. No they're not ready. Don't let them have the baby -cries in corner- and Baro. She needs to get back with Baro. They needs eachother. NEEDS EACHOTHER DAMN IT -dies from feels-
I loved, please update soon!!!
YukioJiro #10
Chapter 6: Oh my Gob *-* these last two chapters... gbniuugysvddfbobdfkdb The feels! -falls to the ground- Dongseng.. Your killing me. x_x