
The thirteen knights

You had spent most of the night thinking but at some point you couldn't help but to fall asleep." Finally you woke up and sat on your bed. You had had a really nice dream and you were still thinking about it. Then you remembered everything again. You had different kinds of thoughts, like "would it be better to leave or stay?". 

"Let's think about it now. Would leaving really be the answer? I don't even have anywhere to go. Neither do i have money for that. And i need to graduate from that i think about it, the guys aren't that bad, right? I mean they are what they are but they never me....and they're nice too...but what if they're just waiting for their moment and then they'll strike?...still i don't think they're that kind of people. If they really wanted would've done it a long time ago. Not like i've been here for a long time.."

You spent some time thinking about it until you looked at the clock and realized that you needed to shower. No one was usually awake at this this time so you didn't have to worry about bumping into them. You rushed to the shower and took your time in there. After showering you rushed back to your room and put your school uniform on. You walked down to 'your' kitchen but you still didn't see or hear anyone around. You made yourself some breakfast and looked at the clock. "Aish I should hurry." You gulped down your tea and headed to your room to get your bag. As you walked out of the kitchen with a bread in your mouth, you were surprised to see everyone standing outside. You stared at them and they stared back at you. 

"Good morning..." you mumbled to them. They looked at each other awkwardly. 


"... What?"

"Aren't you going to... leave?"

"Erm, no?"

"Really?" Kidoh said and their faces brightened up a little. 

"And where would i go? Leaving isn't even an option for me."


"Aren't you afraid of us now?" 

"Not really...I mean it's a bit scary but.. I've been living with all of you for a while now and I can see that you're all really nice. I don't believe that you'd do me.."

"Jinjja?!" Xero walked closer to you with his adorable smiling face. 

"Yeah.." You smiled back to him and suddenly he hugged you making you blush. You glanced at the other guys and you saw Gohn smiling too. "He's pretty charming when he smiles...ah, I could ask about Nakta.."

" remember that you said that Nakta isn't a human either so..what is he then?"

"Actually, we're not sure about it but he could be an angel."

"Angel? That doens't sound too bad.." You blurted it out and the guys looked at you, "Ah, not like werewolves or vampires are bad or anything.."

"It's okay." They chuckled back at you. 

"But you know, there are good and bad ones among all of us. That's why we'll have to ask you not to hang out with Nakta so much because it might be dangerous. Of course you can be with him in school and stuff.." Gohn said scratching the back of his head. 

"Okay." You smiled and looked at the clock again, "Omo omo, we need to hurry to school!" You rushed to get your bag and headed to school. All of the guys walked there with you. It felt like you'd now become much closer to them. You were really curious about Nakta but you tried to act as you usually do. You went to the classes with him and laughed with him like you usually do. 

"Aish it's math again." You sighed as you looked at your timetable. 

"Don't worry, I'll help you again."

"Are you like Einstein or something?" You smiled as the class started. 

"Okay class, we'll have a pop quiz now."

"What." You thought to yourself with your mouth opened. 

"Don't worry about it, just try to remember the formulas i made." 


"Now everyone be quiet the test is starting." The teacher informed you and started giving out the sheets. "Okay I can do this." You encouraged yourself and started doing the sheet. 


"Now, hand back your test sheets." 

You and everyone else got up and brought their sheet to the teacher. 

"How did you do?" Nakta asked as soon as you walked out of the class room.

"Actually, I think I did pretty great", you smiled at him, "thank you soo much, oppa." You thanked him trying to do aegyo. The both of you started laughing at it. 

"I'm really not good with aegyo." You laughed at yourself.

"What do you mean? It was super cute!" He pinched your cheeks and patted your head. 

"Aigoo this guy, but let's head to the cafeteria." 

"Okay, let's go~" 

You walked to the cafeteria as usually. You saw the boys and you remembered that thing about Nakta. Regardless of that you didn't feel a reason to be scared of him. Even if you haven't been friends for a long time it feels like you've been best friends for years. You took your food and sat down on a table with Nakta. You started eating and you felt a pair of eyes staring at your back. You glanced over your shoulder and saw Gohn looking at you. The others seemed to be watching you more than usually too. You know that they don't want you to be with him but you really don't see any reason why not. 

"You okay?" Nakta asked you as you were looking around the cafeteria. 


"Oh, do you have anything to do today?"

"Hmm not really..why?"

"We could go out after school." 


"What am I gonna do now?! They said not to hang out with him much but I'm already doing it. But it would be rude to say no since he knows that I'm not doing anything today. Aish."

"Okay. But not for too long because I need to study and stuff."

"Sure, we could just go to that cafe again." 

"That's set then." You both smiled and continued eating. 


"What are you doing?!" Xero had dragged you to a closet while you were going to the toilet. 

"Going to the toilet?"

"No, I mean going out with that guy after school."

"I'm sorry but I just couldn't say no. I promise I won't be there long."

"Then can i go with you." 

"Huh? No."

"Why not? I'll just sit in the cafe alone."

"Please don't. I'll call you if something happens." 

"Then please give me your phone number."

You gave him your phone number and you looked at each other. 

"Hey Eunmi.." Xero started suddenly slowly coming closer to you. 

"Sorry but I really need to go." You quickly left and rushed to the toilets. 

"Aish that girl.." Xero hissed to himself as he left for his class. 


You were sitting and chatting with Nakta in the cafe. He demanded to pay for you this time too. You didn't know if it was just a coincidence or not but you had seen Sangdo and Kidoh walking past the cafe a few times.You didn't pay too much attention to it and focused on Nakta.  

You had finished your drinks and snacks and you were about to go. 

"Actually I was thinking about if you could come to my place on the weekend?"

"Ah..well..If I have nothing to do then I'll come." 


"Well, bye then." You were about to go when suddenly you started having a really bad headache. You started feeling extremely dizzy and you couldn't move anymore. 

"Eunmi are you okay?"

"Y-yeah." The heachache seemed to start going away and you took a step forward. Suddenly everything went black and you collapsed om Naktas arms. 

"Hey Eunmi wake up!" Nakta tried to wake you up but it didn't work. Immediately he picked you up and started rushing towards the hospital. Since running there would take much longer it was easier to just fly. Nakta came to a quiet place with no people around and he spread his wings. Humans couldn't see him while he was like that so it wasn't a problem. 

He landed near the hospital to a small street and then started running towards the hospital. He didn't see it but you saw him while you flew. 

"I guess he's on angel then... good.." Everything went black again and the next time you would wake up would be in the hospital. 


Hello guise!^^

I did a poll on what's your favourite pairing and right now GohnxEunmi is winning with 17 votes and then is XeroxEunmi with 16 votes and lastly NaktaxEunmi with only 2 votes :D 

As always remember to comment and/or subscribe to this story~

Have you guys been watching toppdogg show k-pop? If you haven't then do so and here's the link ♥ it's really funny and all of them are so adorable and funny and awesome and ifhohgoihgo I don't even know who are my biases now because i love all of them xD I'll just put them all in my bias list hohoho~




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This is so beautiful omg authornim you should make the sequel!! Sequel plsssssss
me_just_me #3
Chapter 15: Can i request a sequeelllll? This is sooooo beautifull
margiegarcia #4
Chapter 15: Nice fic but some how it reminded me of exo. Hahaha the whole thing of being separated but in the end coming together as one. Anyway I really liked it. =)
Chapter 15: Woohoo i loved the ending~ your writing is okay lol I really enjoyed this fic
Mysakuraflower #6
Chapter 13: The polls arent avalible so GohnXeunmi
Chapter 14: OMO i have been wAiting so long for the update! Asdfghjkl i dont want it to enddd
i love this story !
Chapter 12: I'm so into Xero damn qq ... such a charming vampire...>_< <33
Love Eunmi and Xero so much together~

Update soon please ~ :3
Chapter 11: i want more Eunmi and Gohn moments .____. XDDD