Hanging out with DBSK

When Two Hearts Become One

[Your Pov]

-6th period, last class of the day- (Dancing/Singing)

You arrived to your 6th period with Jaejoong besides you.

You quickly went to go change into a comfortable outfit to dance and went into the changing room.

Jaejoong went to go change also.

After finish changing you went out.

All eyes were on you.

You looked y and innocent, you didn't notice the looks everyone gave you.

"__________!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Junsu who was drooling while looking at you

"Aigoo, ert." you stated laughing a bit and shaking your head


"And you _____ wear something less revealing!" said Yunho eyeing you up and down.

"Its comfortable though!" you whined.

Yunho rolled his eyes.

Jaejoong finished changing and approached you guys.

"Sup Jae." said Yunho giving Jaejoong a high five

"Hey Hyung" said Jaejoong who returned the high five

Changmin and Yoochun joined you guys.

You guys talked for a bit until the teacher came in.

The teacher spoke to the whole class. "We're going to have a dance competition with other dancers from other schools soon. In one month's time. I would like to have 6 people participate in the competition. I already have candidates in mind, if you wouldn't mind participating. Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin, and _____ will you guys be willing to join the competition? You'll have one month to come up with a dance and practice it."

The guys looked at each other.

All the guys nodded at each other agreeing that they would do it.

"We're willing to do it but we don't know if ____ would do it." said Yunho

Everyone looked at you.

"Please ______" said Junsu pleadingly.

"Sure.. I guess." you said while sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck

"Woot! Alright, you guys can start coming up with a dance today, please go ahead and start. And the rest of the class you guys may also practice your dancing. " said the Teacher who had a approving smile on his face.

The teacher went to his desk in the far corner and sat down.

You and DBSK came up with a few moves. It was going well.

Jaejoong and Yunho argued a bit about what some of the moves should be but besides that everything else was going well.

You guys came up with 1/3 of what your dance would look like.

You smiled feeling proud that you guys got so much done in one class period.

Class was about to end so you went to go change back into your normal clothes. Everyone else also started to change back into their normal clothes in the fitting rooms.

Class ended. Everyone began going home.

"Phew, what a tiring day" said Junsu lazily.

"So sweaty" said Changmin who was wiping off sweat off his face.

"Rawr, It's so hot or is it just me?" said Yunho grinning at his lame joke.

Jaejoong shook his head and chuckled.

You giggled at your brother's foolishness.

Yoochun smiled.

"_________! You ready to hang out with us?" said Junsu who was grinning like an idiot.

"Yes!" you said smiling

"Alright lets go!" said Jaejoong smirking

You guys headed off to the place.

You wondered where they were taking you, but they wouldn't tell you and told you you'll know when you guys got there.

You guys entered a cool looking cafe. Which had lots of books and magazines for you to read while you waited for your food. [Link to what the cafe looks like: http://theovenexperiments.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/img_2222.jpg]

The cafe was called Koo Cafe.

What a weird name you thought, you wondered why you never saw this place before.

You squealed when you saw all the yummy deserts.

So this is where Yunho Oppa hangs out almost everyday afterschool you thought to yourself.

You felt so excited seeing all the food delicious food.

You your lips hungrily.

"Aigoo our _____ is so cute!" said Changmin who was laughing at your reaction

"Awww baby~" said Junsu who was about to come and pinch your cheeks before he was swatted away by Yunho.

Yoochun chuckled and Jaejoong was just smiling at how excited you were over deserts.

*Cute* thought Jaejoong

"Pick anything you want _______, I'll pay for you." said Yunho Oppa

You eagerly scanned the deserts and picked out a slice of red velvet cake and got a bottle of milk to go with it.

Everyone else ordered and went to sit down and eat.

You were enjoying your food happily until you noticed people you knew enter the cafe.

You were shocked.

"Oppas!" you yelled happily.

DBSK turned to what you were looking at.

Jaejoong scoffed.




Find out in the next chapter~ kekekek. (:


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opklnm #1
update soon
mrtoast #2
yay!!!! I found you tooo!!!!!!! I was reading on winglet but now i found you here YEEESSSS!!!
Aww not Minho? LOL Now there's even more drama...<br />
Can't wait to have a date with Minho!!! I just fall in love with him recently because of City Hunter!! XD<br />
Please update soon!
Must be Minho! LOL <br />
Gosh! I really love DBSK and Lee Minho!! It's nice to have a fanfic with Minho! XD<br />
I feel bad for Jaejoong though, he's trying so hard but it just turns out badly LOL<br />
Sorry I didn't comment for some time! I just finish my finals<br />
Please update soon!
trishakeepsthefaith #5
Hey! I'm really lookin' forward to your update!! Just because i can relate it to myself. :)) Hehe! Keep it up!
Clumsy #6
@yncassie Hi new reader! Thanks for reading. ^^ And I don't know if i can continue updating this. Maybe once in awhile. I haven't updated this story recently because i've been having a writer's block, and school started, and i've been hella busy. High school is such a pain. Enough with the excuses now. I'll try to update today if I can. (:
New reader!<br />
Sounds good! Really lookin forward to your update!
Clumsy #8
@xxxarronyanxxx Thanks for the compliment and thanks for subscribing i appreciate it and thanks for everything else. (: And yes, haha, Jaejoong is my favorite. I'm bias over him, haha. And yes Fighting! :D Thanks for the first comment. (:
Hi^_^<br />
good start to your story :) i subscribed to it:D<br />
can't wait for upcoming chapters of the story. keep up the good work. and good luck with your story.<br />
oooh is Jaejoong your favourite in DBSK??<br />