When Two Hearts Become One

When Two Hearts Become One

-Your pov-

One day you came home from school, and your mom told you to come to the dinner table to discuss something.

"____ dear we want you to change schools to your brother's school, Seoul High so it'll be more convenient for your appa and me." said Mrs. Lee

"But umma, why can't Oppa change to mine?! Why do i have to change to his?" You pouted.

"Well, dear because hes older than you so he gets to pick and he decided to have you move to his school instead, and come on dear i bet you'll make plently of friends quickly" replied Mrs. Lee

"Argh, fine then, you retorted and dashed to your room to text your friends telling them you have to transfer schools"

-Text msg to Eun Mi[:-

"EUN MI! :(" - ____:)
"wut are you so sad about? D:" - Eun Mi[:
"I have to transfer schools all because of Oppa!" - ____:)
"WTF?! why?? wut did he do?" - Eun Mi[:
"i'll tell you tmrw when we meet up, ok?"- _____:)
"alright, k i'ma sleep now since its 10pm and i'm tired and gotta go to school tmrw" - Eun Mi[:
"Ok, night Eun Mi unni. <3"
"Haha, ok gn dongsaeng, you make me seem so much older, i'm just older than you by a couple of months, haha ok, bye" - Eun Mi[:
 " Bye!" - ____:)

After you were done texting you decided to go to sleep too since you had school tomorrow also.
The next day you woke up and since you weren't in a very good mood, you just choose to wear something randomly out of your closet.

Link to outift: http://www.forever21.com/images/model_front/81352312-01.jpg
(The shirt and the shorts, sorry didn't know what to pick, haha)

-At the school gates-

"Lee ____ !! OVER HERE" yelled Eun Mi
"Oh hey Eun Mi" you smiled, and walked over there.
"Gosh, i'm so totally going to miss seeing you everday and your bubbly self" stated Eun Mi frowning a bit
"I know me too" you replied sadly
And to brighten up the mood you decided to say "But we can always call each other and hang out, silly, its not like we are never going to see each other again"
"Eh, you're right! Lets smile and spend our last day together happily" stated Eun Mi

You were a popular person at school, but you didn't even care. You were one of the Queenkas at your school. And the news of your leaving spreaded fast. Everyone heard and were sad. Everyone loved you, you had no haters since they school wasn't that big. And you were kind so everyone liked you. By the end of the day the school was gloomy. But they'll get over it soon. And now it was time to say goodbye to all of your friends. Everyone was sad, especially Eun Mi.

"Bye ____, Remember to text me ever so often!" Eun Mi replied sadly, trying to keep in her tears.

"I'll try to, haha just kidding I WILL!" you replied almost crying
"Okay, i guess this is it, bye ____" Eun Mi started to burst into tears

"Aw, don't cry, we'll see each other again soon, we're just not going to the same school" you replied now crying since you couldn't hold it in anymore.

And then you hugged all your friends, and said your final goodbyes and your ride came so you went into the car.

-During the car ride-

You were looking out at the car window feeling gloomy, and depressed.

"Aw, honey, cheer up, you're going to make lots of new friends" your Umma told you since she was worried at how you were since you were usually happy.

You decided to not make your umma worried anymore so you acted cheerful and happy.

"Okay, umma, i hope so" you pretended to smile

Your umma smiled and then focused back on driving.

-At home-

Once you arrived home, you decided to go to sleep early since you had a big day ahead of you since you're officialy going to Seoul High tomorrow. So, you ate dinner and you took a shower and changed into your pj's, and you were about to sleep when your brother came in.

"YUNG YUNHO!" you yelled, you were still pissed about having to transfer to his school

"Hey, hey, calm down donsaeng" replied Yunho nonchalantly

You were pissed at his attitude, and it was unfair to you that you had to transfer and he didn't!

"Hmph" you said

"Aw, is my little dongsaeng mad? Don't worry, come on, its not my fault, don't be mad at me.." replied Yunho sounding more caring this time.

"WHAT?! ITS NOT YOUR FAULT? It is! Why didn't you transfer instead of me?" you replied angrily.

"Because my school is much more better, and so i decided that it would be good for you to transfer over to mine and i'll be able to protect you too." Yunho replied.

Sigh, you thought what he said was right, and so you weren't angry anymore.

"Okay, i guess you're right, thanks Oppa for being so good to me."

"Haha, no problem, what are siblings for, and plus you're so clumsy what would you do if i'm not there with you?" Yunho replied smirking

"HEY!!" you replied laughing

"Okay, good Night dongsaeng i think you need some sleep now." Yunho stated.

"Okay, Night Oppa, sweet dreams" you replied now in a better mood.

Then Yunho left your room and you turned off your lights and went to bed.

"I hope tomorrow is going to be a good day! FIGHTING!" you thought in your head.

Okay, thats it. (: How was the first chapter? I hope i didn't do too bad. ><; Sorry if theres any mistakes, kind of tired right now. Please leave a comment on what you think! :P
And sorry if its boring right now, trying to get the story rolling, and probably the next chapter might be boring too, but idk yet, haha didn't start writing it yet. And i'll try to post a chapter like every day.. if i can, but if i can't sorry, and plus school is starting soon so yeah, haha, okay, leave a comment just so i know someones reading. ^^

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opklnm #1
update soon
mrtoast #2
yay!!!! I found you tooo!!!!!!! I was reading on winglet but now i found you here YEEESSSS!!!
Aww not Minho? LOL Now there's even more drama...<br />
Can't wait to have a date with Minho!!! I just fall in love with him recently because of City Hunter!! XD<br />
Please update soon!
Must be Minho! LOL <br />
Gosh! I really love DBSK and Lee Minho!! It's nice to have a fanfic with Minho! XD<br />
I feel bad for Jaejoong though, he's trying so hard but it just turns out badly LOL<br />
Sorry I didn't comment for some time! I just finish my finals<br />
Please update soon!
trishakeepsthefaith #5
Hey! I'm really lookin' forward to your update!! Just because i can relate it to myself. :)) Hehe! Keep it up!
Clumsy #6
@yncassie Hi new reader! Thanks for reading. ^^ And I don't know if i can continue updating this. Maybe once in awhile. I haven't updated this story recently because i've been having a writer's block, and school started, and i've been hella busy. High school is such a pain. Enough with the excuses now. I'll try to update today if I can. (:
New reader!<br />
Sounds good! Really lookin forward to your update!
Clumsy #8
@xxxarronyanxxx Thanks for the compliment and thanks for subscribing i appreciate it and thanks for everything else. (: And yes, haha, Jaejoong is my favorite. I'm bias over him, haha. And yes Fighting! :D Thanks for the first comment. (:
Hi^_^<br />
good start to your story :) i subscribed to it:D<br />
can't wait for upcoming chapters of the story. keep up the good work. and good luck with your story.<br />
oooh is Jaejoong your favourite in DBSK??<br />