When Two Hearts Become One

When Two Hearts Become One

-Your Pov-

It was morning already, and it was time to wake up and face the big day ahead of you.
You lazily woke up and choose something nice to wear since today is indeed your first day at a new school.

Link to outfiit: http://ii-prod-rw.marketlive.com/agaci/images/en_US//local/products/detail/31060-0009.jpg  (Sorry if you don't like the outfit, and leave a comment if i should continue giving links to the outfit.:))

You showered and got dressed and went down to eat breakfast.

"Yunho take your sister to school with you today, okay?" Your umma said to Yuhno.

"Yes, Umma, i'll take her with me, i just hope she won't be squished by fan girls" replied Yunho

"HAHAHA, you have fan girls?" you replied faking that you were laughing and almost falling off your chair.

"WHAT? Of course i do, aren't i hot?" Yunho replied smiling confidently.

"Uh huh, sure" You replied nonchantly.

You were kidding with Yunho you knew that lots of girls like him, hes seems very popular because you even heard about him at your old school were the girls were all drooling and talking about your brother, which you thought was gross, aha.

Once you were done with breakfast you and Yunho left to go to school in his car. Hes a senior and you're a junior but your parents didn't let you get your license yet.

Once you arrived at school you were getting out of your car and girls were running over to Yunho and pushing and shoving you on their way. And questions were flying everywhere as like

"WHOSE THAT GIRL YUNHO OPPA?!" one girl shrieked

"WHAT IS THAT DOING WITH MY OPPA?" another girl screamed

Ugh, these sounds are ruining my eardrums you thought, i don't think i can survive this everyday.

"Calm down ladies, this is my dongsaeng, i hope you guys treat her well and don't bully her." Yunho replied giving a killer smile.

All the girls seemed confused, when did Yunho have a sister? Why didn't we ever see her before, thoughts like this pondered around, but they felt more relieved now to hear that you were his sister and not his girlfriend.

While it was still chaotic you decided to escape from this mess and go get your schedule and then go look for your classes.

You got your schedule and went to go look for your classes.

While you were on your way to class you bumped into a quite small girl and she was very pretty, with hair that went to her shoulder length and she had black straight hair, and when you bumped into her she accidently dropped all her books.

"Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry" You replied feeling guilty. You then started to help her pick up her books.

"Haha, its okay, just watch out where you are going next time" that girl replied

"Haha, thanks and I know" You replied now laughing a bit

"Are you new? I never seen your face around here, or maybe the school is just that big" she replied smiling now

"Oh yeah, I'm new. I just transferred to this school today. My name is Lee _____ whats your name?" y

"Oh really? My name is Hye Su, do you need help looking for your classes? I know the places around here" she said.

"Oh yes I do please, thank you very much" You replied happily

"Okay, let me see your schedule" 

You took out your schedule and you gave it to her

"Omo, we have two classes together and they're both in the morning. Haha, it's destiny." She gave you a big smile.

"Yay, now I have someone I know in two of my classes" you said giving her a grin

"Okay, lets go to class now before we become late" she said now showing the way to class which was English, you were very good at english. You were the best at your old school.

"Okay, ____ stand here and wait for the teacher to come by and tell you to come in, okay?" Hye Su told you.

"Okay" You said feeling a bit nervous since you didn't like the whole introducing thing.

Hye Su walked into the and class and went to her seat, and just then the teacher came by and told you to wait outside for a bit and then she went into the class to announce that they will be having a new student.

"Everyone calm down and go to your seats" said the teacher.

And they went back to their seats quickly and it quieted down.

"Okay, well today we have a new student, come in now please" she said a bit loud so you can hear

"Annyeong! I'm Lee ____ nice to meet you all,  Ihope you guys treat me kindly" you told everyone in a happy manner.

And there were shouts that were like

"SHES HOT" yelled a guy

"SIT NEXT TO ME BABE!" yelled another guy

"Shes so pretty" one of the girls said

"Pft, shes probably just a " one annoying girl stated

"Everyone be quiet now, Ms. ____ please go sit in between Hye Su and Min ho." the teacher named Mrs. Jun said. (And yes its Lee Min Ho, haha, i just like him so much that i wanted to add him in here)

"Hye Su, and Min Ho please raise your hands" the teacher told them.

Hye Su and Min Ho bothed raised their hands.

You walked over there and tripped, since you were quite clumsy, but Min Ho reacted fastly and caught you in time. He helped you up, and you blushed. He WAS hot, and good looking. He noticed you blushing and chuckled and sat back in his seat.

"Kamsahamnida" you said and then bowed and went to your seat right next to him and Hye Su.

You took a quick notice of Hye Su and both of you smiled and then you focused your attention to Mrs. Jun.

Your classes passed by quite quickly, and now it was time for lunch. You met up with Hye Su and she told you to sit with her and eat lunch together. You agreed and went to go buy your lunch and when you were walking back with your lunch you being a klutz bumped into someone AGAIN. And oh no, this time this person wasn't letting you off so easy, and plus you spilled your entire food tray on her.

Warning this part has some cuss words. :)

", YOU JUST DID NOT DO THAT" the girl shrieked so loudly that everyone in the caferteria heard and everyone stopped and stared at you guys.

Uh oh, what did i do this time you thought. I'm such a klutz and wow, this girl's voice is freaking annoying, and she doesn't have to be so rude. What a bad day.

"Firstly, i'm not a , and i'm sorry, i'll pay you back, how much was your clothes?" You stated loudly


"Wow, calm down, you're getting wrinkles." You joked.

"WHAT WRINKLES?!" The girl said now touching her face.

"You did not just lie to me did you?! You little " the girl said firecely and was about to slap you.

But then Yunho, your brother came over. Someone else was going to come over and help you but then he saw that Yunho was coming over to help you so all he can do was just watch you guys. He didn't know why but he cared for you and wanted to help you and had a ting of jealousy when Yunho went to help you out first. He didn't know you were Yunho's sister yet. Yunho stopped the slapped and yelled at the girl and her name seems to be Tiffany.


"Don't touch her" Yunho spat, holding on Tiffany's hand and threw it back at her.

"BUT YUNHO OPPA! Who is this !?! Why are you on her side and not mine." Tiffany whined

"Firstly she isn't a , and you're one yourself so be quiet, and go away, why would i be on your side when you're the one wrong?" Yunho replied harshly, his protective side for you was on.

Tiffany didn't know what to say, so she angrily stomped away with her bunch of fake friends that were watching the whole scene but were too lazy to care.

But before she left she whispered to your ear, "This isn't over ____ , i'll get you back for what you did to me today" and she left angrily out of the caferteria and nothing to eat because she starves herself to keep her body skinny, and well she looks anorexic to me you thought.

"Okay, ____ go get a new lunch and go eat quickly because lunch is almost over, and i don't want you to starve you klutz or Umma will kill me" Yunho joked.

"Okay, thanks Oppa for helping me" you replied feeling grateful

And then you got a new tray of lunch and went back to sit with Hye Su.

"Sorry, ____ I was going to help you out but then Yunho-sshi came and helped you out first" She told you feeling quite bad for not being able to help you

"Its okay, and thanks for your concern" You replied smiling

You were glad you a had a good true friend around here.

"Okay, anyways do you and Yunho-sshi know each other?" She questioned

"Oh, yes, hes my hyeongje" (brother) You stated the truth because you found no point of hiding it.

"Oh, i see, well hurry up and eat lunch or you'll be late to your fifth period" She pointed out because you only had five minutes left to eat.

"Okay" you said and ate quickly.

After you were done Hye Su walked you to your fifth period and left and went to hers, and before she left you thanked her.

You then walked into the classroom and the teacher was in the front and everyone was in their seats already.

"Oh you must be Ms. ____ please introduce yourself to the class" the teacher named Mr. Park told you.

Ugh, here again I need to introduce myself again, you thought feeling annoyed but still you did it anyways.

"Annyeong! I'm ____ please treat me fairly, and i hope we all can be friends" You smiled.

"Okay, thats good enough everyone treat Ms. ____ good." Mr. Park told everyone.

"Is there any empty seats around?" Mr. Park asked the class.

"Yes, there is, over here" a guy pointed out.

"Oh yes, theres a seat next to Jaejoong, please go sit over there, Please raise your hand Jaejoong"

Jaejoong raised his hand. He didn't know why but he was happy you were going to sit next to him, and he was the one earlier who wanted to help you but Yunho came first.. and he was happy you weren't sitting next to Yunho since he was in this class too and also the other dbsk members.

You walked over to the seat next to Jaejoong, he looked hot, but when you thought of that your mind went back to Min Ho, he was cute too you thought and he seemed to be nice.

And then you sat down, and Jaejoong wanted to talk to you but he wasn't really good with words, and didn't know what to say so he said something wrong..

"Hey y, you're mighty fine, wanna get to know my body and have a drink with me later?" Jaejoong stated but what he was really trying to say was "Hey you're beautiful, do you want to get to know each other and maybe hang out together later?" But it was too late to change what he said.

Wow, hes a complete eventhough i just met him you thought.

"No thanks, go ask some , I'm not like them, I don't wanna be friends with a player like you." You replied lazily and rolled your eyes.

But what you didn't know your words hurt Jaejoong, he felt stupid for saying that.. it wasn't what he really meant, now you probably thought hes a and now he ruined his chance to get to know you and  so he sighed and focused back on the teacher.

After fifth period was over. There was a 10 minute break. And Yunho went up to you. Hey ____ I want you to meet my friends. We're the Kingkas here and we're called DBSK. And then he took you to his friends. And there were five people including Yunho, Hey guys this is my donsaeng, he introduced you to them and they all introduced them one by one.

"HEY I'M JUNSU, YOU'RE HOT" a guy that sounded like a dolphin spoked.

You laughed and shook his hand.

"Don't mind him, hes a , I'm Changmin, nice to meet you" Changmin replied smiling.

You giggled, and shook his hand too.

"And i'm Yoochun" The silent guy said, smiling a bit.

You smiled back and shook his hand.

And last but not least it was Jaejoong.

He was suprised and so were you. How could your brother be friends with a jerk like him you thought.

Jaejoong on the other hand felt relieved, you were his sister, not his girlfriend. And so he smiled stupidly to himself, but then refocused back on you.

"Hello ____ I'm Jaejoong, i think we just met just now" He replied, oops he forgot what he said to you earlier and felt stupid once again.

"Oh yes, we did meet Jaejoong-sshi" You replied not smiling like you did to the others and you didn't even bother to shake his hand.

Everyone sensed that something was wrong but didn't dare to say anything.

And then the ten minute break was over and so you went out to go to your last class, sixth period, which is dancing/singing.

-Jaejoong's Pov-

"Hey dude, what happened? _____ doesn't seem to like you" Junsu spoked.

"Ugh, yeah, i said something wrong so yeah" he replied feeling helpless.

"Haha, er" he laughed

"I'M GOING TO GET YOU DOLPHIN " and then he ran after Junsu all to way to his sixth period which is Dance/singing, and DBSK was in this class again together.'s>'s>

-Your Pov-

Hmm, this class seems pretty okay you thought and just then a running Junsu came in breathing loudly. There wasn't much girls in here since the teacher didn't allow them because they'll probably be too focused on the Kingkas instead of dancing/singing, but you were lucky you got into this class and plus you like singing and you were good at dancing too so you were happy.

Hmm, Jaejoong is in this class too, i wonder if he can dance you thought once he enterted with all the other kingkas, you didn't know why but you seem intrigued.

"Okay, class, we have a new student and her name is ____ please take care of her and she'll need a partner and i've already picked who she'll be with." The teacher spoked.

Its probably not me Jaejoong thought sadly.

"Jaejoong, i want you to be partners with ____ I know you have a partner already but your partner is sick and so he went to the hostpital so you'll have ____ for now." The teacher look at both of you and told you both.

Jaejoong was so happy that he wanted to run over and hug you, and again he didn't know why. He never felt this torwards a girl before... he didn't know what it was.

And you weren't so happy, Oh my god, Is god playing a trick on me? Why him again? Hes such a player, hes probably going to take advantage of me you thought.

But Jaejoong wasn't planning to do that at all, he wanted to admend and try to make you think of him better not as a /jerk of a guy.

And then the teacher announced that today you guys will make up a dance with your partner so please work together well.

"Okay, ____ do you know how to dance?" Jaejoong asked you curiously, you had nice curves he noticed.

"Oh, yeah, i do, I'm not that good though" You replied sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck.

"Haha, oh really? Can you dance for me? To show me how you dance that is." He replied honestly.

You felt that he wasn't just saying that to look at your body, but he really wanted to see how you danced so you did it.

You then went to the player and one of the songs you know how to dance to and your body moved to the beat of the music.

You were HELLA good, You were like a pro. Jaejoong couldn't keep his eyes off you. You got lost into the beat and you didn't notice Jaejoong's stares and you continued to dance into the song was over.

"Wow, you're so good" Jaejoong told you.

"Eh, thanks you replied" smiling a bit.

"Okay, i'll show you how i dance know, okay? So we can see what each other can do." Jaejoong replied.

And then Jaejoong went to pick out a slow and y song and started dancing to the beat. You were astonished you didn't know he was this good. And you yourself couldn't take your eyes off him. He seemed so much better when hes dancing, not like some ert you thought. Maybe he isn't a bad guy after all you thought, or not.. we'll just have to see you thought to yourself.

"Okay, class that is it for today, i hope you guys enjoy the rest of the day, see you guys all tomorrow" The teacher told everyone and left.

"You did very good" You told Jaejoong truthfully

He felt happy that you complimented him and smiled.

"Okay, see you tomorrow" You waved and walked over to Yunho so you guys can go home together.

-During car ride-

"So ____ how is Jaejoong, he didn't do anything to you during dance right?" Yunho questioned because he knew Jaejoong was kind of a player/firt.

"Oh he didn't do anything Oppa, don't worry" You replied honestly.

"Okay thats good" And he went back to focus on driving.

Once you arrived home your mom asked if you had a good day. You replied to her honestly and told her you made a friend but some things happened but you controlled it all so it was a okay day, not the best but yeah. And your Appa wasn't home, hes usually at work so you didn't see him much, but he loved your family very much.

You ate dinner and headed up the bed to sleep since it was a very long day, you took a shower and changed into your pj's.

Link to Pj's: http://juicycouture.images.createthesoftware.com/prodthumb/145/181/846e46c3-fbe0-4899-b655-190d861e7d78.jpg

And you layed in your bed, and drifted off to a beautiful sleep, and you had a dream and it was about Jaejoong and Min Ho, you didn't know why but you dreamt of them, and it was a good dream... and you consciously smiled in your sleep.'s>'s>

Eh, i think this is an okay chapter, i guess. Pretty boring and i think its pretty long. Took me forever to write it, haha. Didn't really know what to write so yeah. (: But i did it! :D Tell me what you think please, and thanks and this chapter is especially for xxxarronyanxxx since you're my first commenter! :D Yay, thank you very much... and i guess for my 9 subscribers. ><; Even tho it isn't that much but thank you guys for subscribing. Please leave some comments, maybe 3 atleast..? ><; It gives me motivation to write the chapters. And sorry if there is any mistakes.

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opklnm #1
update soon
mrtoast #2
yay!!!! I found you tooo!!!!!!! I was reading on winglet but now i found you here YEEESSSS!!!
Aww not Minho? LOL Now there's even more drama...<br />
Can't wait to have a date with Minho!!! I just fall in love with him recently because of City Hunter!! XD<br />
Please update soon!
Must be Minho! LOL <br />
Gosh! I really love DBSK and Lee Minho!! It's nice to have a fanfic with Minho! XD<br />
I feel bad for Jaejoong though, he's trying so hard but it just turns out badly LOL<br />
Sorry I didn't comment for some time! I just finish my finals<br />
Please update soon!
trishakeepsthefaith #5
Hey! I'm really lookin' forward to your update!! Just because i can relate it to myself. :)) Hehe! Keep it up!
Clumsy #6
@yncassie Hi new reader! Thanks for reading. ^^ And I don't know if i can continue updating this. Maybe once in awhile. I haven't updated this story recently because i've been having a writer's block, and school started, and i've been hella busy. High school is such a pain. Enough with the excuses now. I'll try to update today if I can. (:
New reader!<br />
Sounds good! Really lookin forward to your update!
Clumsy #8
@xxxarronyanxxx Thanks for the compliment and thanks for subscribing i appreciate it and thanks for everything else. (: And yes, haha, Jaejoong is my favorite. I'm bias over him, haha. And yes Fighting! :D Thanks for the first comment. (:
Hi^_^<br />
good start to your story :) i subscribed to it:D<br />
can't wait for upcoming chapters of the story. keep up the good work. and good luck with your story.<br />
oooh is Jaejoong your favourite in DBSK??<br />