A Weekend Full of Surprises


A one-shot between you and Minho from SHINee. 


This is a one-shot between you and Minho.

________ (Insert your name here):

You're a  bubbly, kind, beautiful girl, who could act aegyo if you wanted to. You're twenty-three years old. You work as a clothes designer and is quite famous for the clothes that you design eventhough you're young. You can seem childish at times but you are very professional when you're working. You are a very straightforward girl who isn't afraid to say what's on your mind. You love anything related to SHINee. You especially like Minho who is your boyfriend that you're heads over heels for.

Choi Minho:

A sweet, handsome, kind, loyal and faithful guy. Is a member of  a famous band called SHINee. He is 25 years old. He is a great friend who is willing to do anything for his friends. Loves to play sports. He treasures you dearly and puts you first infront of everything. Everyone thinks you guys are the perfect couple.


Minho and you have been going out steadily for 5 months. It's been a tough 5 months for the both of you. You didn't know that dating an idol would be this tiring but it was worth it to you. You both were very busy people because of your jobs, but you guys always tried to find time for each other. One day Minho decided to take a break from his hectic work schedule and book airplane tickets for you guys to go to Jeju island for the weekend.

What exciting things await you guys on your weekend at Jeju?


This one-shot will be full of fluff so if you can't handle it then you should read something else. :D


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