The Declaration

ChanSoo? AS IF!

Chanyeol sat in the lunchroom, eyes warily moving back and forth as Kyungsoo grilled his waist tightly. Chanyeol never wished for this to happen, he had a different love of his life. A love that was taken from him the day that this pabo came into his life, Chanyeol hadn't wanted to reject the beautiful boy Baekhyun, but with Kyungsoo watching he had no other choice. 

Chanyeol could feel the gaze of the one he loved across the cafeteria room, but kept his gaze locked on Kyungsoos, knowing that punishment would come if he did not. Oh how Chanyeol wished to turn and scream out to Baekhyunt hat he loved him, that he never really loved this short bug eyed man. How he hoped that the shorter would just smile and take his giant self back, but to no av-

"Baekhyun, two things need to be said right now. One your saying all of that out loud, and people are looking at you funny. Second, I think it's rather obvious that it's the giant making the moves not the cute little Kyungsoo next to him." Chen said, waving his hand nonchalantly at the newly formed couple.

"Whatever you say, that's just what Kyungsoo wants people to think. I bet he threatened to beat Chanyeol if he dared show any distaste for him!" Baekhyun declared, glaring daggers into Kyungsoos back. 

"Whatever, I'm pretty sure you're just saying that because of yor feelings for Chanyeol. I mean I don't think I've ever seen you even talk to Kyungsoo before." Chen said, stuffing some food into his mouth as he gave Baekhyun a pointed look.

"Yeah, why would I ever talk to trash like him. He's not worth my time!" 

"Kyungsoo is actually a real sweet kid. I dont think I have ever heard anyone make one complaint about him sincer he day he transferred to this school."

"Only because he threatens everyone to talk nice about him."

"Mmhmm sure he does."

Baekhyun glared at Chen not liking the fact that his close friend would dare speak of the monster in such a nice way. Baekhyun new that something was up with Kyungsol, that the big eyed boy was hiding something. Baekhyun would find this hidden thing, and make sure that it led to the break up of his y Chanyeol and the ugly Kyungsoo.

Tired of hearing compliments of Kyungsoo from Chen, Baekhyun turned to his best friend giving his best puppy eyes, his bottom lip sticking out slightly as he pouted. 

"You agree with me right Kai. You believe me when I say something is up with Kyungsok riiiiight?"

Kai looked speechless for a few moments, opening and closing his mouth as he searched for a response in his head. In truth Kai knew that Kyungsoo was a pretty nice guy, and that Baekhyun was making things up to make it seem that he wasn't rejected by the giant. Kai knew that Baekhyun never really cared if someone was rich or poor, and that he rarely judged people in such a harsh way. Kai knew that this was just a way for Baekhyun to find closure in being rejected, and so nodded his head in agreement with Baekhyuns statement.

"Ofcourse Baekkie." He said, ruffling Baekhyuns hair with a gentle smile playing on his lips. 

Baekhyun gave a large smile, sticking his tongue out at Chen before turning his gaze back on the flirting couple. The two didn't even try to hide their relationship. Chanyeol pulling the embarrassed Kyungsoo into random hugs and kissing the shorters lips as he fed him some of the lunch from his home brought lunch.

Kai saw a flash of sadness come into Baekhyuns eyes as he stared at the couple, but the look was quickly replaced with anger as he suddenly pushed himself from the table with a shove. 

"I can't take this anymore!" He yelled stomping over towards where the couple sat, Kai and Chen scrambling to their et to follow after him.

"Oh hey Baek-" Kyungsoo started, only to be cut off as Baekhyun slammed himself in the seat across from them, eyes narrow maliciously as he stared at the wide eyed boy.

"This is school. Stop flirting with my Channie!" Baekhyun demanded, receiving a glare from the giant, although Baekhyun chose to ignore it. 

"Y-Your Channie?" Kyungsoo asked, obviously confused as he looked back and forth between the two glaring boys.

"No not his Channie." Chanyeol growled pulling Kyungsoo closer and placing his lips on the shorters head, fixing Baekhyun with a taunting look.

Baekhyun noticed the look, but chose to take his anger out on the innocent Kyungsoo, and fixed the boy with a harsh glare. 

"I won't let you have him! I swear to you Kyungsoo, I will make sure that you end up alone for this." Baekhyun growled, pushing away from the table before the owl could reply and stormed out of the room.

'I'm a boss '

The students who's phone rang quickly picked it up, shaking his head at the irony of the song choice he had made for his ringtone and the scene that played before him as Baekhyun haughtily walked out of the room.


Kai and Chem stood awkwardly, shuffling from foot to foot before Kyungsoo signaled with his hand for the two to sit down with him and Chanyeol.

"So you wanna explain what all that was about." Chanyeol demanded, having talked to the other two quite a few times when Baekhyun wasn't around and knowing that the three were close friends.

"Well let's just say that Baekhyun has got it in his head that Kyungsoo is forcing you into this relationship." Chen said averting his eyes as he spoke, a smile twitching on his face.

"I-I what?" Kyungsoo asked, astounded never thinking that someone could see him in such a light.

"But I'm the one who asked Kyungsoo out, not the other way around..." Chanyeol stated confused.

"Yeah well Baekkie doesn't know that. He just knows that you are with Kyungsoo and not him." Kai stated defending the cute little bunny.

"Well tell him to back the hell off. I don't like the way he is treating Kyunggie." Chanyeol growled, pulling Kyungsoo into another protective hug.

"As much as I would like to have Baekkie get over you. I don't think we can." Chanyeol opened his mouth to reply but Kai continued on ignoring him.

"I promise that we will try not to let him go too far. It's not like he will really hurt Kyungsoo, God knows the boy is a whimp and not only that Kyungsoo knows wushu thanks to his cousin Tao." Kai finished giving Chanyeol a pointed look.

"Fine I won't beat the kid into a pulp, but if he goes to far I just might kill em" Chanyeol hissed getting up and dragging Kyungsoo along with him as he left the room. 

Kai and Chen just looked at each other and let out a groan in unison as eh thought about the troubles that laid ahead.

*~*Authors notes*~*
Sorry for the late update and sorta crappy chapter. I have been having writers block for this story lately.
The games will begin soon, meaning better chapters.... Hopefully.
Thansk to those that subscribed and especially thanks for commenting. I always adjust the story according to the comments. 
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, and please comment and subscribe if you haven't. 
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nammy93_ #1
Chapter 4: Author nim? Can you read this? I know you can read this. Ah my heart? Chansoo feels is all over me now. I really like the story! It is really funny esp the dreaming part. And oh I really like how Kai always treat Baekhyun so nicely and cuddly like Baekhyun is his precious thing ever, like how Kyungsoo is to Chanyeol. Please, please, pleaseeeeeeeeee do update the story. I know it's been years but I know too that you can still receive this comment so please do update the story! Please! Saranghae~
Chapter 3: xD that daydream tho~ really love this story so far! (:
Chapter 3: "Little Xiumin Mushrooms" and a "Coin with a Smiling Chen"....xD....this is to funny....
*makes heart shape*
Chapter 1: I am going for Chansoo~ <3
Baek is really funny though...authornim hwaiting!^^
Chapter 1: Haha, idk but I'm rooting ChanSoo on this. Update soon! <3
Chapter 1: "Haha lay"....
Anyways, I love it so far....
*forms a fist* Fighting!...