The Stalking

ChanSoo? AS IF!

Baekhyun tip-toed his way through the crowd of people, believing himself to blend in with the crowd, a sinister smile plastered upon his face. Despite his best efforts to blend in however, Baekhyun stood out like a piece of broccoli at a meat convention. Wearing full out black pants, shirt, socks, shoes, and even gloves, along with a black mask covering his mouth and a black knit hat over his head. One would have to be blind not to see the student, for the uniforms were clean white blazers and dress pants.


No one would tell the naïve rich boy, knowing full well that if they were to show that he was indeed visiable, that it would be their downfall.


Baekhyun finally made it to his class room, doing a small ninja roll as he made is way to the desk, before jumping on top of it like it was the highest skyscraper in the world. He never noticed the strange looks he got from the other classmates, but instead stared at the door that stood to the left of him in the front of the room. Bidding his time as he waited for the beautiful giant to come through the door, and didn't try to hold back the loud sigh that escaped his lips as Kai was the next one to enter instead.


Kai took one glance at him, and then had to do a double take as he noticed the outfit that the shorter wore, and groaned aloud as he quickly walked over to Baekhyun.


“Baekhyun. Restroom. Now.” He whispered fiercely, grabbing him by the back of his shirt and pulling him out of the room, all while the shorter yelled and screamed to be let go.


The second they entered the bathroom, Kai gave the other boys a death glare, sending them running out with tears streaming down their faces.


“K-Kai just g-glared at me!” One screamed as he made his way out, causing Kai to just roll his eyes and sit Baekhyun on top of the sink.


He then placed his hands on either side of Baekhyun and looked the shorter in the eyes, as he started talking to the boy as if he were talking to a toddler.


“Now, Baekkie. Please tell me why you are wearing such a ridiculous outfit.”


“I-It's my ninja outfit. I-It makes me blend in.” Baekhyun mumbled, casting his eyes downward as he started childishly kicking his legs back and forth.


“Aw Baekkie.” Kai said, tilting Baekhyun's head back up so their eyes would meet once more.


“I know you were really excited about the plan, but this outfit does the exact opposite of blending you in. It makes you stand out instead, understand?” Kai asked, raising his eye brows as he waited for the boy to respond.


“Yes, Kai, but what am I going to do with this outfit now!” Baekhyun demanded, pulling at the sleek fabric, causing Kai to laugh.


“We will play ninjas later, okay?”


“YAY!” Baekhyun cheered, his hands into the air as he screamed out his joy.


“Good now let's get you changed.” Kai whispered, pulling Baekhyun off the sink and into one of the nearby stalls.




Emerging from the stall, now fully and appropriately dressed, Baekhyun waved enthusiastically at Kai.


"That's better now let's get to class, we are already late." Kai muttered, taking Baekhyuns hand and walking with him to the next class, entering the class.


The teacher opened his mouth to scold the two late students, before returning to his lesson about nuclear bonds. Baekhyun and Kai making their way to their usual seats in the back of the class, Chen waving stupidly at them.


"Hey guys!" He practically yelled, ignoring the sigh he received from the teacher.


"Hey!" Both Kai and Baekhyun said in unison before sitting in their desks, Baekhyuns desk being in the middle and the other two being on either side of him.


Baekhyun scanned the room with his eyes, searching for the behemoth of a man. Finding him almost immediately sitting in the front of the clas, back straight and staring straight at the teacher as he scribbled down notes. Baekhyun smiled at his diligence, but the smile soon faded as he noticed Chanyeols hand wrapped around another.


eyes slowly making their way up to the face of the bastard who dared hole hands with his Chanyeol, he saw the most horrendous, most terrifying, most repulsive sight he had ever laid his eyes on. Kyungsoo.


Grinding his teeth, Baekhyun glared daggers into the man, struggling to break his pencil in half like he had seen in the movies, only I realize that he was far to weak to do so.  The two boys in the front of the class were diligently paying attention, all the while their hands moved and rubbed against each other.


Baekhyun wanted nothing more than to demand that the teacher send Kyungsoo from the class, but  his agreement to just watch the boys for now stopped him.


Baekhyun gave out a startled yelp, much like that of a puppy, when he suddenly felt a sudden tap on his shoulder, turning Baekhyun saw that it was Chen. He was giving his usual troll smile, and moving his finger back and forth, mouthing "don't mess up" before turning and looking back at the board.


Baekhyun sighed and nodded his head, more to himself than anyone else, and slammed his head on the desk. Other students looking back at him abruptly, Baekhyun making eye contact with Chanyeol for two seconds before the giant turned back around.


content now that he had, had his daily connection with Chanyeol, Baekhyun rested his head upon the desk and closed his eyes to dream. Actually paying attention in class was something that the poor did, and Baekhyun was far from ever being poor.




"Oh help me! Someone please help me!" A Chanyeol in a pink dress held, the golden tiara on his head turning to the side.


"I've been kidnapped by this evil man!"  Kyungsoo was then seen carrying Chanyeol, wearing a spiked green and brown shirt and having orange spiked up hair.


Baekhyun then found himself shooting up a green tube a woo woo sounds errupting around him as he reached the surface a few feet away from the kidnapper and kidnappie. 


Looking down Baekhyun noticed that he was no longer wearing his school uniform, but was now wearin bright blue overalls and a red long sleeved shirt, a red hat marked B sitting upon his head.


"Don't worry Princess Chanyeol. I'll save you!" Baekhyun found himself yelled running towards them as they slowly made their exit. Baekhyun stopped running as he noticed little Xiumin mushrooms coming toward him, and jumped on their heads all the while hitting a block. The jump killed the little Xiumin mushroom, and the block produced a gold coin with a smiling Chen on it. 


Baekhyun quickly retrieved the coin and ran onwards, soon discovering that the two were further ahead than he though. He then called upon his best friend who was quick as lightening.


Suddenly, Kai appeared wearing a little red shell backpack and pulled Baekhyun into a piggyback and sprinted towards Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. Baekhyun could practically reach out the to the kidnapped princess, but just as he was about to grab him he heard four agonizing words.


"I love you Kyungsoo."




Baekhyun jolted away, turning his head every which way as sweat dripped down his face, and he panted for lost breath.


what the hell was that?'  He asked himself mentally, turning his head to see Chanyeol back in his regular school uniform and Kyungsoo with his brown, neatly brushed, hair. 


Baekhyun shook his head, realizing that it had all just been a dream and deeply regretted staying up half the night playing the old Mario games he had taken from his friend Xiumin.


Baekhyun sat for the rest of class, glaring daggers into the back of Kyungsoos head, blaming the innocent boy for the nightmare he had just had,


he only stopped glaring when the bell finally rang signaling that it was indeed lunch time. Stomachs growling, Baekhyun immediately reached for his bag, realizing suddenly that he was supposed to be buying today. Groaning Baekhyun have his best puppy eyes to Kai, clasping his hands together.


"Nah, Kai. Do I really have to eat school food? I don't have to see how they act eating riiiight?" Baekhyun said, getting closer with every word until he was directly in Kai's face pouting. 


Kai opened and closed his mouth several times, struggling for words, until Baekhyun was suddenly yanked back from behind by Chen.


"no can do Bacon. You wanted to get Chanyeol, and no it's time for you to inspect if Kyungsoo is really threatening him, or Chanyeol is lying. So let us go to lunch before the lines gets to long." He said cheerfully dragging the screaming Baekhyun along with him, Kai smiling and following along. 


*~*Authors notes*~*

i have been updating a storm lately gosh! everyday a different story!
anyways I hope you enjoy it.
thank you all who have subscribed and commented.
please subscribe or comment if you like the story.
i love comments btw. It makes me happy. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



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nammy93_ #1
Chapter 4: Author nim? Can you read this? I know you can read this. Ah my heart? Chansoo feels is all over me now. I really like the story! It is really funny esp the dreaming part. And oh I really like how Kai always treat Baekhyun so nicely and cuddly like Baekhyun is his precious thing ever, like how Kyungsoo is to Chanyeol. Please, please, pleaseeeeeeeeee do update the story. I know it's been years but I know too that you can still receive this comment so please do update the story! Please! Saranghae~
Chapter 3: xD that daydream tho~ really love this story so far! (:
Chapter 3: "Little Xiumin Mushrooms" and a "Coin with a Smiling Chen"....xD....this is to funny....
*makes heart shape*
Chapter 1: I am going for Chansoo~ <3
Baek is really funny though...authornim hwaiting!^^
Chapter 1: Haha, idk but I'm rooting ChanSoo on this. Update soon! <3
Chapter 1: "Haha lay"....
Anyways, I love it so far....
*forms a fist* Fighting!...