The Plan

ChanSoo? AS IF!

Baekhyun dragged himself from bed, stomping over to the closet that held an abundant amount of useless stuff that Baekhyun just knew would come in handy. Laughing aloud as he pulled out a full sized chalk board, flipping his middle finger up at no one in particular.


“Screw you. I told you this would come in handy!” He yelled, opening the chalk box and pulling out a nice clean stick of light blue chalk.


He held it up to the chalk board, posed to write for about twenty minutes before finally chucking the chalk across the room with a scream of frustration.


“I CAN'T THINK IN THIS CONDITION!” He screamed, stomping over to his radio and turning on his favorite song, Bubble Pop.


He soon found himself doing the dance across his room, only realizing that he had totally forgot about the chalk board until he tripped over the lone light blue chalk on the floor and fell straight onto his face.


“Damn it.” He groaned, throwing the chalk once more, before pulling out his phone and dialing the one man he could count on.


“Whaddup Bacon?”


“KAI” Baekhyun cried, tears literally coming out at the sound of his voice.


“Omo, what's wrong Baekkie?” Kai asked, concern clear in his voice as he listened to his hyung sob on the other end.


“I-I-I can't figure it ouuut!” Baekhyun whined, wiping at the snot that had now started leaking out of his nose, and clutching the phone tighter to his chest.


“O-okay. Just hold on I'll be there real soon.” Kai muttered hurriedly, already running down the many stairs of his house as he shut off the phone with a beep.


Baekhyun sniffled, and nodded at the phone staring at the picture of Chanyeol he had secretly taken when he was in the bathroom. The beauty of the picture was breath-taking and he wished that he would be able to get a closer view of the um, object? In the corner of the picture.


Sighing Baekhyun threw his phone across the room, knowing he would be able to buy a new one if it happened to break and rolled on the floor until he heard the faint sound of feet upon stairs. Sniffing, Baekhyun rolled towards the door and stared blankly at it, tears still leaking out, as Kai enter the room.


Kai gasped as he looked down at the lightly sweaty boy, who's clothes were rumbled and hair messy from the constant rolling on the ground. Immediately assuming the most possible thing that could happen in the high security house, that had even went as far as to pat Kai down before his entering. The boy was obviously .


“Oh my god! I am so sorry Baekkie! How could this happen to you? I was supposed to be yo-”

“What are you talking about Kai?” Baekhyun asked, rolling onto his stomach as he lifted his hand to Kai's forehead with a frown.


“You're not sick are you?” He asked, his lip sticking out into a pout at the mere thought of it.


“What?!? Um. No! Of course not!” He blabbered, flailing his arms in a panicked frenzy.


“I mean... what's wrong with you Baekkie? Why did you call me?” He asked, tilting his head, and pulling the smaller into his lap as he started sobbing again.


“C-Chanyeol. He found s-someone he t-thinks is b-better than meeeeee.” He whined, pushing his face into the tallers chest as he shook with sobs.


Kai was happy that Baekhyun was to busy sobbing into his chest to noticed the look of distaste that came across his face at the mere name of that bastard Chanyeol. He then realized what Baekhyun said, and patted his head, eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.


“What do you mean “better” than you?” He asked curiously.


“He rejected my love confession, and then just a few days later, started dating that KYUNGSOOOOOOOOO!” Baekhyun yelled Kyungsoo's name to the heavens before, shoving his face back into Kai's chest.


Kai shook his head at this, somewhat understanding where Chanyeol was coming from for once. Kyungsoo was a hard working student, who probably didn't have a mean bone in his body, and although he was poor, he held the looks of any other rich boy Kai would come across.


Baekhyun, on the other hand, was just an over sized bratty baby, that always had to have his way. He was far from being the smartest, and he was more concerned about his appearance than anyone Kai had every met.


Baekhyun however, didn't honestly have a mean bone in his body, despite what others may say. He just never understood that some things got taken to far, and always spoke his mind no matter if the other party agreed to it or not. Baekhyun was certainly a lot to handle, and not many could ever comprehend the amount of patience it took to take care of him.


“Now now. No one could possibly be better than you Baekkie. You're so sweet and cute.” Kai said, rubbing the olders back as he gently rocked back and forth, listening as the sobs subsided before pulling Baekhyun back and looking him in the eyes.


“So did I help you figure out what you needed to figure out?” He asked, eyes widening as Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion.


“What are you tal- OOOOOOH! That.” Baekhyun then jumped from Kai's lap and ran over to the chalk board, waving his hands like he was Vanna White.


“I present to you. The Board on How to Break Up ChanSoo.”


“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Kai asked, leaning back on his hands as he watched Baekhyun fiddle around in the chalk box for another blue chalk.


“I refuse to accept that Chanyeol has truly seen Kyungsoo as a potential date, when he rejected me.” Baekhyun said, stomping his foot down like a child before pointing to the board.


“And you're going to help me think of a plan to get it started.”


“Um, okay? Though Baekkie, what if there isn't a mistake?” Kai asked curiously, looking at the board with dismay.


“Then I will give up, but not until I get absolute proof that this is meant to happen. Chanyeol will be mine!” Baekhyun yelled, his voice startling a maid who was down on the ground floor hand washing the clothes. (Washing machine were unreliable compared to the sweat and tears of a maid in Baekhyun's mind)




After several minutes of discussing the plan, the board was filled with different ideas. The main ideas being written in a pretty green that Chen picked out, having come just a few minutes into discussion.

1. Watch ChanSoo interact


2. Get a feel of how their relationship is


3. Do whatever you can to make sure things don't go to 'the next level'


4. Show Chanyeol that Baekhyun is better for him


5. Make Baekyeol


Written on the very bottom in a bright red, Kai picked it out for this reason, was written.


If by chance, although it is highly unlikely, that Chanyeol truly and most desirably loves Kyungsoo. A love that can not be burned out by me, and is most undeniably true, so true that I have to admit it. I Byun Baekhyun will leave ChanSoo alone and accept their love as just. I also can never hurt Kyungsoo physically in anyway. No matter how stupid this rule is, since it is most definitely untrue and I would never resort to hurting a peasant. I Byun Baekhyun will abide by these rules, because my best friend Kai (and second best friend Chen) have said so.”

With this written around all of the interesting plans, written in Baekhyuns favorite blue chalk, they all turned to each other with wide grins.


“Operation 'Break up ChanSoo' starts tomorrow!” Chen yelled, throwing a fist into the air, Baekhyun and Kai following suit.




*~* Authors Notes *~*

Yay! Another chapter!
I am thankful for the comments and subscribers! I honestly appreciate them, I love reading comments!
Anyways, as usual I am sorry for any spelling mistakes >///<
Hope you liked it, please comment and subscirbe if you do. ^u^
Oh yeah! Don't expect any secure couple yet, cause even I don't know yet. This being so, ChanSoo fans, don't get to excited. 
You either Baekai fans!
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nammy93_ #1
Chapter 4: Author nim? Can you read this? I know you can read this. Ah my heart? Chansoo feels is all over me now. I really like the story! It is really funny esp the dreaming part. And oh I really like how Kai always treat Baekhyun so nicely and cuddly like Baekhyun is his precious thing ever, like how Kyungsoo is to Chanyeol. Please, please, pleaseeeeeeeeee do update the story. I know it's been years but I know too that you can still receive this comment so please do update the story! Please! Saranghae~
Chapter 3: xD that daydream tho~ really love this story so far! (:
Chapter 3: "Little Xiumin Mushrooms" and a "Coin with a Smiling Chen"....xD....this is to funny....
*makes heart shape*
Chapter 1: I am going for Chansoo~ <3
Baek is really funny though...authornim hwaiting!^^
Chapter 1: Haha, idk but I'm rooting ChanSoo on this. Update soon! <3
Chapter 1: "Haha lay"....
Anyways, I love it so far....
*forms a fist* Fighting!...