First Date

Rain Dance

In a daze, Heung Soo finished washing up and joined the aggressively blushing angel in bed. He shook his head a couple of times to clear his reeling head, before patting the blanket burrito that was Nam Soon to get his attention.

- Look at me for a sec, will you?

Nam Soon slowly sat up on his knees, still rolled up in the blankets, looking down on his knees, too shy to face the human.

- Nam Soon-ah... What was that about? Do you know the meaning of what you just did?

- Yes, I know... I just had to do it... Is this what you humans mean when you talk about being in love?

When Heung Soo didn't reply, Nam Soon lifted his head to look at him, only to be met by a smile. In slow motion, the angel saw the human's face coming closer and closer to his own. Lips were nervously before they met in a trembling, innocent kiss. At first, Nam Soon's eyes widened in surprise, but his eyelids soon fluttered closed as the surprise was replaced by a fuzzy warm feeling in his chest.

- I wanna try that? Can we please? Nam Soon asked through the mouthful of popcorn. The young couple was snuggled up on the sofa watching a romantic movie. Nam Soon was referring to a scene where the couple in the movie went on a date at a zoo.

- Sure, why not? Tomorrow? Heung Soo wasn't usually the cheesy-date-type, but he felt that his definitions of cheesy were being redefined these days. It had only been a week since they kissed for the first time, and already they'd worn couple outfits in public, hung a padlock on the fence at Namsan Tower, and several other things Heung Soo had sworn a long time ago to refuse until the day he died.

As they arrived at the zoo, the first thing Nam Soon did was rush to the flamingos, dragging Heung Soo by the hand. During the past three months, Heung Soo had noticed that Nam Soon had a thing for birds.

- Why do you love birds so much? he asked the angel, busy trying to pet one of the pink birds closest to the fence.

- I just do, Nam Soon asked. He looked up to the sky, pointing at a seagull soaring way up high. - They're kinda like angels, don't you think? They have wings, we have wings. Heaven is their home, as it is ours. Suddenly, Nam Soon let his hand fall, and a sad expression came over him. Even though Heung Soo couldn't hear Nam Soon's thoughts, he knew what the angel was thinking. But they didn't have to die first... Heung Soo backhugged his angel boyfriend in an attempt to cheer him up. - I can't hug a bird like this, can I? he asked with a smile, placing a soft kiss on the other's hair. Nam Soon turned around, smiling again. He returned the hug, leaning his head on Heung Soo's chest where he could hear the human's heart beats. - No... No, you can't. I've tried many times, but they won't have any of it. They're kinda rude like that, he added with a childish pout, making Heung Soo laugh out loud.

- God, why are you so cute? he said, tightening the hug.

- God? Who is God?

- He's... God... King of Heaven? Your boss?

- Never heard of him. My boss is named Kang Ju. She's the Angel Coordinator. She's the one who sent me to you.

- Remind me to thank her. You wanna go see the lions?

They ended their date day by going to the neighbourhood arcade, where they found out that Nam Soon was an air-hockey master who ruled the dance game and also totally owned Heung Soo at his favourite racing game.

While sharing a huge piece of pink candy floss, Heung Soo and Nam Soon were walking past the wheels of fortune and shooting games. Suddenly Nam Soon spotted a ball-throwing game where first prize was a panda plushie almost as big as he was.

- Heung Soo-yah! Win that for me, huh? he begged. If he'd had a tail, it would be wagging excitedly right now.

As they were slowly making their way home in the winter evening, Nam Soon with a huge panda in one arm and the other linked with Heung Soo's, clouds emerging in front of their mouths with every breath, they passed a small restaurant. Behind the counter was a young man who spent a moment between customers by looking at the people passing by. His name was Kim Min Ki. When he was young, his friend had accidentally been killed by the local bully, Oh Jung Ho. He couldn't believe his eyes when a person with the same face as his dead friend, albeit some seven years older, walked passed the restaurant, carrying a plush panda, smiling lovingly at his friend from the high school football team, Park Heung Soo.


Long time no see

About the chap:

Kisses and first dates!

Fluff mode extreme as HeungSoon go to the zoo

*as you can see I'm running out of HeungSoon/JongBin gifs here TT if you have any, please send them to me m(_ _)m*

Also Min Ki! Drama ensues...

Please comment and tell me what you think ^3^








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Chapter 6: one thing that doesn't make sense is NamSoon's age he was twelve when he died, so he should still be twelve,did he age in heaven that doesn't make any sense.
320 streak #2
Chapter 11: Omg Authornim ~~~ are you going to continue with the story? Please say you do. Even it's been quite some time, please continue and update the fic. I'm so curious to know what will happened to Heungsoon after one year. I remember Namsoon said in the beginning of the chapter that he'll be Heungsoo guardian angel for the whole year.. It's been five months now, what would they become in the next seven months? And also, Will Namsoon learns about his past?
320 streak #3
Chapter 6: Omg omg. Too much fluff. Cuteness overload! Can't help but to keep smiling while reading all these chapters. :)
ibtisammadni #4
Chapter 11: Will you continue the story???
5780921 #5
Por favor actualize pronto esta historia es maravillosa me encanta
Chapter 11: Aaaaw from the three pics that heungsoo presented in front of the class, i choose the one with namsoon brushing his teeth, it's kinda simple but have a deep meaning that heungsoo feel happy from just watching his angel doing his daily life, simple but sweet :3

Anw, i finally read all the available chaps, yay!

Basically you have a great plot, a great story! ♥
But, i suggest maybe you should use "" for the Conversation's just so the reader can read the story easier! Ehehehe
Well that's just my suggestion ㅋㅋㅋ

Oh and pardon my bad english, english isn't my 1st language :')))
Chapter 10: I used to be a vet, but now seems impossible to achieve that lol
Don't be sad heungsoo, just like what namsoon said, just find another dream! :D
Chapter 9: I just can't imagine about the fact when all the truth revealed :'))))))