Story Part 3

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It’s been a year since I proposed and until now I still haven't made any efforts to plan our wedding. It's been a year but still she just my fiancée and not my wife.

"Jagi, what are you doing?" she sat beside me in the couch but I didn’t made any responses. I need to finish this stupid proposal for the additional number of the stocks.

“Jagiyah!” she poked me again to get my attention.

“Baby not now please. I’m busy.” I continued on typing on my laptop.

“Siwon!” she insisted on getting my attention. Here she goes again.

“What?” I didn’t moved. Sometimes I get pissed off by her being childish.

“Can you please look at me?” her tone became low.

“Why?” I’m still staring on my laptop.

“Look at me first.” She commanded and I got no choice but to do so.

“Say ah.” And as I turned to her she offered a spoonful of food to me. “You didn’t eat your lunch even your dinner.” A pang of guilt hit me. I thought she was just seeking for attention when she was actually worried about me.

“I’m sorry baby. I’m so busy right now. I’ll eat if I finished this.” And I went back to my work.

“Siwon. That’s not gonna help if you starve to death here. Just open your mouth I’ll feed you.” I stopped and looked at her.

“Don’t be stubborn baby. It’s late just go to sleep. Leave the plate there I’m going to consume that after.” I kissed her and started my work again. I noticed that she did what I told her to do. She left the plate at the table and quietly went to the bedroom.


"Sorry I'll pay you back tomorrow baby." I promised myself.



"Finally!" I did some stretching and saved the files. It's around 3 in the morning and I just finished my work. I was fixing my thing when my gaze pass by the plate. Just then I realized that I haven't ate anything for the whole day except for breakfast. I smelled the cold food in the plate and it seem safe and not spoiled. I took one spoon and ack-.

It was salty but still it taste good. I bet she cooked this by herself. I consumed the whole food despite of the taste. She made it for me, this is special and I don't want her effort to go waste.

After my enjoying my simple treat I went to the bedroom to witness her in deep sleep. I changed my clothes and joined her in bed.

"I fell in love even more with you." I gazed at her sleeping, checking every aspect of her face more closely. When suddenly she slightly moved and talked in her sleep.

"Jagiya, I miss you." and a tear escaped in her eyes. What does she mean? I didn't understand her but somehow I was hurt. I was always here with her how come she miss me.

"Jagi please be back. Back to the old you." And unconsciously tears fell from my eyes. Now I knew what she means.

"I'm sorry baby if my time is being consumed by too much work. I'm sorry." I moved closer to her and kissed her hair which disturbed her.

"Siwon?" she abruptly muttered. I position myself and crept my hands in her waist to hug her tightly.

"Shhhh. I'm sorry to disturb you, go back to sleep now. I'm here." she hugged me back. And we were snuggling each other to sleep.

The next morning I was awaken with the cold empty space in side of the bed. I lifted myself and slowly walked out of the room. As soon as I stepped my feet outside a scent of delicious food welcomed me and awakened my half sleep senses. I gently sneaked into our kitchen, surprise to see my girl so engross with what she is doing. The sight of her wearing my shirt which too big for her, her messy tied hair and her annoyed expression while trying to understand recipe was just too cute that made my heart bloomed with love. I went near her, giving her a hug from the back and soft morning kiss on her bare skin.

"Good morning baby." I greeted. She immediately turned her body not breaking the hug and replied a quick peck.

"What are you doing baby?"

"Obviously, I'm cooking a breakfast." she stated going back to her interrupted business.

"Hmm." I nodded. "I'm getting hungry." "Jinjja? Just wait a minute this is going to be done soon."

"But I can't wait." I laid my head on her shoulder and tighten the embrace.

"Oppa. I think my work here will going to be faster if you stop hugging me." she tried to remove my hands but was a failed attempt.

"Ani." I send her some light teasing kiss again.

"Oppa." she complained.

"You know I'm hungry." I said in a deep voice

"Then wait for the food."

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Ssimpii #1
Chapter 3: Good story, i think i'm fallin love with you Mr.CHOI
Ssimpii #2
Chapter 2: Ah love ❤❤
Ssimpii #3
Chapter 1:
Jbeeps #4
Chapter 5: aww wat a sweet ending
Chapter 3: so sweet!!! i love it"!
Jbeeps #6
Chapter 2: update soon