Gone Too Soon
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Did you ever love someone so much that you can’t even think about anything else?

Did you ever love someone that you swear you will do anything just to make them happy?

Did you ever love someone so much that you don’t want to separate with them even just for a second?

Did you ever love someone so much that you were scared to death that someday that they will eventually let you go?

And... Did you ever love someone so much until it hurts you physically and mentally?


Well, I, Byun Baekhyun did.




The school’s bell ring signing the school was over. The students in the class quickly packed their things up even the teacher was still teaching in front. “I won’t let anyone go out until I finish my lesson” the teacher said but the kids (excluding the nerds that sit in front of the class) don’t give a damn about it. The teacher sighed in defeat. She finally packed her things up and walked out from the class. The students inside the class cheered happily as it was Friday and they can do anything they want on the weekend.

 ‘Thank god it’s Friday!’ Byun Baekhyun mumbled for himself. No school for even just two days means a lot to him. He walked out from his class, straight to the front gate. He can’t even stand to be inside this school (or hell) any longer anymore. He pulled his phone up from his pocket trousers as he felt a buzz from it. He unlocked the device and smiled when a message from his boyfriend popped out.

From: Chanchan

“A date with me tomorrow.  I’ll pick you up at 10am. And I won’t take no as the answer!!! Bye!!”

He giggled. Of course he won’t say no. Byun Baekhyun never dares to say no to his perfect boyfriend. And tomorrow will be their third anniversary afterall. ‘Good timing.’ Baekhyun though. Their past anniversaries always fall on weekdays. It’s sad, Baekhyun think. He can’t meet or celebrate their anniversary with his boyfriend because both of them were busy with school and work. Before he about to reply his boyfriend’s text, he felt someone hand on his shoulder.

“Oh, you smiled like an idiot. It must be Chanyeol then.” it’s Tao, his bestfriend. Tao then catch up his step with him.

“Who else will it be?” Baekhyun replied, still smiling like an idiot as his eyes were still locked on his phone’s screen, replying his boyfriend text.

“People in love. They’re crazy.” Tao rolled his eyes. The two boys then continued to walk themselves home.




That night, Byun Baekhyun can’t bring himself to sleep because he was very excited yet nervous at the same time. He tried to close his eyes many times, counting invisible sheep like what his grandmother taught him when he was younger but he still can’t sleep.  He even read the novel that his brother gave three years ago (Tao will laugh at him if he finds out Byun Baekhyun actually ever read)

He closed the book, gave up on reading after three pages. No wonder he never finished the book even his brother gave him three years ago. He reached out his phone on the side table and texted his boyfriend.

To: Chanchan

Can’t sleep :(

Ten seconds after he sent the text, his phone rang and he smile when he saw the name that came out. It was his handsome boyfriend, Park Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol know Byun Baekhyun the best. He picked up his phone and talked to his boyfriend for hours. That night, he finally fell asleep on Chanyeol’s hoarse but sweet voice.

“Happy anniversary, baby! I wish we can celebrate more and more anniversaries after this.”




Baekhyun’s eye fluttered open. The sunlight rays that came inside the room from the window were blinding his eyes. He sat up on his bed for a while before gaining his conscious to fully wake up. He yawned, looking on the clock with his still sleepy eyes. He widened his eyes.

“, IT’S 9.30!!!”

He quickly walked to the bathroom and washed himself up. He wore his best outfit and make over himself to appear as perfect as he could in front of his boyfriend. After he all done, he looked at himself on the mirror, satisfied with the reflection that appeared in the mirror.

“Wow, I look good.” He said, smiling to himself.

When he was busy adoring himself in front of the mirror, he heard horn outside his house. He looked from the window and saw his boyfriend car outside. Chanyeol look up to his window and their eyes met. He waved his hand at his boyfriend and Chanyeol waved back, giving him his warm smile. Baekhyun smiled. He quickly grabbed his phone and wallet before coming out from the room. He walked to the living room when he saw his mother and Chanyeol chatting happily. He can’t help but smile at the sight.

His mother was at first, very unhappy when she found out his son dating a boy. She disliked Chanyeol so much. They got into lots of arguments just because his mother wanted him to break up with Chanyeol but he refused. He kept himself distance away from his mom. Not until one day when Chanyeol found out about their cold relationship and decided to fix things up.

He met his boyfriend’s mother and talked heart to heart with her. He even convinced her he will take good care of Baekhyun. Mrs Byun hesitated at first but as time passed, people changed. His mother can’t help but appreciate Chanyeol’s love for his son and how hard he tried to fix the problem between her and her son. She can’t deny, after Chanyeol come to his son’s life, his used to be weak and fragile son become much more cheerful and strong. She thanked Chanyeol for that. She finally gave up the cold shoulder she gave to the couples and gave them her blessing. Both Baekhyun and his mom realised how perfect Chanyeol was. And Baekhyun thank God every moment for giving this perfect man to him.

“You ready?” Chanyeol asked when he saw Baekhyun. Baekhyun nodded cheerfully. He took Baekhyun’s hand and linked them into his arm.  They bid Baekhyun’s mom farewell before went straight to the car.

“Where do you want to go?” Chanyeol asked.

“Eat first! Then we think about something else.” Baekhyun replied. Chanyeol nodded and went to their favourite restaurant to eat their early lunch.

As soon as they entered the restaurant, they chose the place at the very back so they can get their own privacy. As soon as they ordered their food from the waiter, Baekhyun kissed his boyfriend’s cheek.

“HAPPY ANNIVERSARY CHANYEOL! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.” He said cheerfully and hugged his giant boyfriend tight.

Chanyeol laughed at his boyfriend adorableness. He pinched his boyfriend’s cheek that the smaller boy responded with a cute pout.

“I love you even more, Byun Baekhyun.” Chanyeol grab Baekhyun’s hand and gave a peck on his boyfriend’s lips.

The food arrived and they eat happily.  They chattered, crack jokes that some were Chanyeol’s (very) lame joke but they laughed it out anyway and busy being all lovey dovey. It already been three years they were in relationship, but somehow, both of them can’t deny the fact that this is the best moment they ever had for the past three years. How wonderful would it be if time could stop at that time. They both want to stay like this forever. It was perfect and indescribably beautiful.

“Where should we go after this?” Baekhyun asked after they finished their food.

“I don’t know. Perhaps...”

“AMUSEMENT PARK!” They said in unison. Both of them look at each other eyes and laugh out loud.

“Great minds, thinks alike.” Chanyeol ruffled Baekhyun’s hair. They walked to the car and Chanyeol drove them to the amusement park. The ride was silent but they like it. It feel rather comfortable than awkward.

They arrived at the amusement park after 15 minutes. Baekhyun jumped excitedly when he came out from the car. Chanyeol join him in. They had lots of fun there. Even Chanyeol whom was afraid of riding roller coaster finally gave in because he don’t want to ruin the perfect moment with his one and only Byun Baekhyun. It turned out well after his first try and went riding another scarier roller coaster.

It was already nightfall. They walked together to the park as Baekhyun wrapped both his arm around Chanyeol waist before they went to sit at the nearby bench. The scene was very romantic, the beautiful park, with beautiful scenery and both of them cuddled onto each other.

“I like it right now.” Baekhyun said as he tightened his embrace on Chanyeol’s body.

“Wish everyday will be like this.” Chanyeol smiled. He felt nothing but comfort inside Baekhyun’s embrace.

When everything was in a deep silent, Baekhyun could hear a very familiar song. He quickly let go of his hand around Chanyeol’s body and stand up.

“OH MY GOD CHANYEOL!!!!! IT’S SNSD NOONAS!!!!!” Baekhyun jumped, letting his inner fanboying-self unleashed. He quickly pulled Chanyeol’s hand and went to the nearby stage where his idol performed. They were lots of people in the crowd. It’s SNSD that performing afterall, of course it will be a lot of people. They pushed the crowd away so they can be in front, well all thanks to the Giant Chanyeol.

Baekhyun was screaming, singing and dancing to the song. “TAEYEON NOONA!!!!!!!” Baekhyun screamed his voice out. Chanyeol physically and mentally face palmed himself on his boyfriend attitude.

“Oh god, Baekhyun!! Control yourself.”

After their performance finished, they walked out from the crowd. Baekhyun was still spazzing over his favourite noonas. ‘SNSD is awesome. Taeyeon is pretty. Omygod I’m going to die in peace. I finally got see them live’ and lots of other. Chanyeol frowned.

“Yeah, Baekhyun. Perhaps they are even better than me.” Chanyeol said sadly. Baekhyun look at his boyfriend and laughed. He never thought Chanyeol would get jealous over SNSD.

“Aww, look what we got here? Jealous Chanyeol is cute though.”

“Of course I’m jealous. They got your attention away just like that.”

“Don’t worry. You are still number one in my heart, baby.” Baekhyun tipped his feet to reach his tall boyfriend’s cheek and kiss it. With that, Chanyeol smiled.

“You really know how to cheer me up, eh?”

They both giggled, goofing around in their own world when an interesting shop caught their eyes. It actually is a cafe but there was a section inside the cafe for posting letters to your loved one. Lovers will wrote down their letter to their partner and the letter will be post to them a year later.

“Look Chanyeol! Why don’t we try?” Baekhyun pointed at the said cafe. Chanyeol nodded and Baekhyun pull his boyfriend’s hand inside.

An old man inside the cafe greeted them warmly. He gave a piece of paper and envelope to both Chanyeol and Baekhyun to write their letters to their partner. They received it and sat very far apart from each other, afraid their partner will read what they wrote for them. Baekhyun gave all his heart and emotion when writing the letter. How thankful he is for having Chanyeol in his life, how much he want Chanyeol to be with him for the rest of his life and his future that he planned with Chanyeol. He almost burst into tears when he read back what he wrote. When he satisfied with the letter, he put it inside the envelope and gave it to the old man.

His sight met at Chanyeol that was sitting at the corner of the shop. He was still focused on writing his letter. Baekhyun wondered what he wrote for him. He sighed; he will only know a year from now. He ordered coffees for Chanyeol and him while waiting his boyfriend finishing the letter. He felt touched somehow when seeing how much Chanyeol gave his full attention writing a letter to him. He was curious and eager to know what Chanyeol wrote for him.

Chanyeol finally done with his letter and gave them back to the old man. He thanked the man and bowed before he joined Baekhyun with his coffee. Baekhyun gave the coffee that he bought to Chanyeol. Cappuccino, just like what he liked. Baekhyun know him very well. He thanked him before he sipped the coffee.

“What took you so long?” Baekhyun pouted.

“I put lots of emotions and cheesy words inside the letter that probably will make you puke.” Chanyeol laughed.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “What did you write?”

“You want to know?” Chanyeol asked a question that Baekhyun found not so clever to him. “Of course I want to know, idiot.”

Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun’s hand so their bodies were closed to each other. He whispered in Baekhyun’s ear “It’s a secret.” Chanyeol then pull out his body away from Baekhyun and laughed.

“Stupid Chanyeol. Have Chen teach you how to troll, huh?”  B

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had already finished the fic. will post the story tomorrow :)


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anna_lulu #1
Chapter 2: Great.. i cy though.. how dare you?? Hahaha...
i love it.. #baekyeol
Chapter 2: When Yeol told Baek to let him go and didnt show up after that was painful to read ;_;.
Chapter 2: It was very beautiful yet so sad and deep..
I loved it.
Chanbaek forever
Chapter 3: This story is so sad... I even cried when chanyeol told baekhyun to let him go.... But i love ur story
This is so sad... But so beautiful written...
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 2: well this plot is kinda predictable but ur writing skill put everything up. thanks for making me cryin in the class ;~;
haeri0610 #7
Chapter 2: (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩__-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)

I cry..
Chapter 1: I don't think this is the same as your essay right? But this is definitely great !! /thumbs up/ how- you- i- wow its just great hahah when the part where they're gonna write a letter for one year later, I knew something's gonna happen :( why did he married to taeyeon though -.- i dont hate her but oh well THIS STORY IS GREAT :D