My Lucky Charm

My Lucky Charm

Two days ago Korra was standing on her usual bench in the park. The weather wasn’t that cold and she just got a thin jacket on her. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing. That means the autumn is coming slowly. Sometimes she would bring a book with her. This time she wasn’t in the mood to read something.

Yesterday, as always, she was playing with Saku, her precious dog and all of a sudden another dog ran towards Saku. The dog was the same pedigree as her dog : small ears, fluffy head, tiny paws and black glowing eyes. Only the fur was different; Saku is white and the other dog is black. While she was patting the other dog, Korra saw the collar with his name. He was called Mako. “Whose dog are you?” I asked the little puppy. Obviously he just barked and my hands.

Out of nowhere the rain started. She knew it was going to rain but she decided to take only a short walk. Her house wasn’t that far so Korra ran home with both dogs. She was wondering what to do with Mako to find his owner. While she was thinking what to do, she fed Saku. Korra was surprised to see that Saku let Mako to have some from her bowl. Usually Saku is very stingy. Seeing that she giggled and put Saku’s food safe.

Looking at those two playing, the light brighten up in her mind. Korra the computer and started to write: I found a dog and his name is Mako. If you recognize him please call 029xxxxxx. She also put a picture of him.


While printing some more posters she called Haru. She is a childhood friend and a best friend too.

“Haru, it’s me, Korra. What’s up?” she asked while she was waiting for the posters.

“Nothing much.” Her childhood friend replied sighing.

“OK then. That means you will help me.” Korra hung up and started to prepare herself to go to Haru’s house.

“Ugh….. that girl…… I’ll kill her next time” she said sulking. Haru put the phone on the table which was in front of the couch where she was laying. She went to the kitchen to take a bowl of cereals and poured some milk. She returned to the couch and right in that moment Korra rang the bell.

“MOM….. open the door!” she shouted.

“It’s me Haru!” I answered. Then she heard footsteps coming towards the door. When Haru opened the door Korra was surprised to see her in pyjamas.

“Hey Haru? Why are you still wearing your pyjama?” Korra asked.

“You were really fast Korra” she said ignoring Korra’s question. Haru invited her inside “Go take a place on the sofa and I’ll be right back.” Korra nodded and sat down on the couch.

In two minutes Haru was ready and the girl left. They shared the posters all day. In the afternoon Korra and Haru got home. The rest of the day the girls played with both Saku and Mako.

Korra took Saku’s playthings and started to play with the dogs. Mako was afraid of the ball and ran away from it. Korra took Mako and put him on the ball and let go of him. After she let go of him, Mako started to play with the ball. Soon after it Saku appeared and Mako started to play with her too. “They look like a couple” Haru mentioned. Because they were very playful they need some food and Korra brought something. After the dogs ate, all of us played together. Haru throw a stick and the dogs ran after it. The girls were surprised to see that both dogs came with the stick in their mouths.


“Where the that dog disappeared?” Ruki asked and hit the desk near him.

“If I were that dog I would have run a long time ago” replied Reita with a big smile on his face.

“Oh Reita….. don’t be like that. The dog ran because of Ruki’s sense of fashion” said Uruha , the fashion guy in the band.

Everyone started laughing while Ruki walked angrily in the room. While he traveled from a corner to another lost in his thoughts, the door opened suddenly revealing their manager. The manager fixed his eyes on Ruki and asked:

“Hey red head, isn’t that your dog?” He showed the poster he received when he went to a shop. Everybody gathered around him and Kai smiled:” Look… here’s a number, call her,” Kai smirked and lend the poster to Ruki who was looking at them seriously annoyed.


Korra heard her phone ringing and ran to get it and answered:

“I’m Korra, what’s up?”

“I’m Ruki and that’s my dog. Let’s meet near the fountain in the central park.” When he was talking, started to smile and walking in circles without realizing it. The guys were looking at Ruki and murmured.

“He has a brown collar and a card with his name?” Ruki asked.

“Yeah…..” she replied but she was interrupted by him.

“OK then. Let’s meet.”

After he talked on the phone he got his jacket and left, slamming the door after him. “Looks like someone got a date” Aoi smirked and everyone laughed.

Korra was waiting for Ruki on a bench near the fountain. After twenty minutes he managed to appear and he wasn’t so angry like he was in the studio.

While waiting for Ruki, Korra was looking at the dogs playing but suddenly she started to think who is Mako’s owner and how does he looks like. When she stopped thinking about that she realized that her cheeks got hot and she grabbed her face and widened her eyes “What am I thinking?” she asked herself.

“Mako?” and the dog was running the way a guy shouted. Korra got up and saw the guy: “Wow…. He’s so cute” she thought. Ruki came towards her and when he was near Korra, her heart skipped a beat. She felt her cheeks hotter too. She was lucky the she had make-up so he couldn’t see well she was blushing.

“Hey, sorry for the rush but I had a sigh of relief to see Mako is fine. By the way, I’m Matsumoto Takanori, but everybody is calling me Ruki” he explained himself.

When he explained himself, Korra was explore his face which was very familiar to her but she doesn’t know from where. “Please don’t worry….and I’m Korra, um….. can I ask you something?” she gave him a shy smile.

“Sure, say it.” He replied.

“Um……are you Ruki from the Gazette?”she asked shyly but at the same time smiling.

“Ah……” looking at her smile, Ruki felt that he could trust her but he doesn’t knew why he could her.”Yeah… that’s me, but please don’t yell because I don’t want to make a fuss that I’m here” he begged Korra.

She giggled: “Don’t worry I won’t yell” she smiled and made a sign that she is zipping .By the way, I’m Korra.’

“Nice to meet you, Korra” he said smiling and Korra felt her blushing.”Sorry for the mess my dog created”

“Please don’t mind it. I had fun to play with him, also Saku had fun” she said showing Ruki her dog.

“I’ve got some free time, want to have a walk?”he asked.

“Sure” she replied. Korra felt her heart beating faster when they started to walk together in the park. The view of yellow and red leaves on the ground, the leaves falling from the trees were like a picture for a lovey-dovey couple. Also an awkward silent got between them and Ruki tried to break it: ”What do you think about the band songs? Now that you know who I am.”He smiled and looked at her. “What the was that Ruki? What the was with that question?” he kept asking himself and he thought he looks like a jerk now.

“You guys are awesome. I love your songs and your style too” she answered Ruki and looked at him with a big smile on her face. Ruki’s felt a chin down his spine when he saw her smiling so full of life. While Korra was talking about the band and how much she loves it, Ruki was listening every single word she said and suddenly his phone rang. He saw that Reita was calling him: “Sorry, I have to answer.”

“Sure, no problem” she replied.

“Yo man, sorry to interrupt your date but you have to come to the studio.” Reita laughed.

“Shut up” Ruki sighed. “I’m coming”

“On your way back buy me a pack of cigarettes” said Reita and then hung up.

“Jerk…..” Ruki said without she hearing.


While Ruki was talking on the phone, Korra couldn’t help but staring at him.

“Sorry, I’ve got to go” he said and then he started to run.

“Wait!” Korra yelled and he turned back. She grabbed a marker from her bag and grabbed Ruki’s hand and wrote her number on it.

“If you need any help with the dog, I would be pleased to give you a hand” she smiled and released his hand. He felt that he was blushing “Sure” and then ran before she could tell he was blushing. On his way back to the studio, he dropped on a shop and bought cigarettes for Reita. When he arrived at the studio he expected from the others to start questioning him but it wasn’t like that. After they finished for today Ruki returned to a room from the studio and started to wrote the lyrics for the next song. Thinking and playing with the pen in his hands, suddenly he dropped it. He leaned to get it back and when he got up, he saw the others in front of the desk.

“How the are you guys doing here? And more important how you get in?” He asked with a look of surprise.

“It doesn’t matter” replied Kai, “Who does she look like?”

“Is she fashioned? You can learn from her how to dress up” Uruha said.

“Does she have big s?” Aoi continued.

“What questions are these?” Reita glanced at the others “Does she kiss well?”

Everyone started to put weird question to Ruki who got annoyed. He got up and hit the desk with his hands: “Get out” said calmly as he could.

“Oh Ruki, don’t be like that….. tell us” Uruha begged.

“Guys, I’m tired, get out……..NOW.” Ruki said pointing the door.

“Ruki don’t be a jerk” everyone said.

Ruki went to the door and opened it. The boys got out sulking and he slammed the door after them. He leaned his back on the door and pulled the phone out his pocket. Without holding back he formed Korra’s number.

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mizukitakuri #1
Chapter 3: OMG!! I LOVE THE STORY! i see lots of 'mysteries' and potential for this story to be a series!! cant wait for more, especialy ruki X korra and reita X haru!!
cover_girl #2
Chapter 1: Awww, I love this story. I was laughing so hard. The story was cute and funny, especially when the other boys asked Ruki some silly yet weird questions which all of us know it was kind of ert. Anyway, update the next chap soon, author-san :)
SadisticSinner #3
Chapter 1: "Ruki dont be a jerk"
Please be one <3