Page 240

Don't Forget Me


Ha Na's diary, page 240.
June, 11th of 2010. "Patbingsu."
               Myung Soo is definitely the sweetest boyfriend ever, dear diary.
          A clear and sunny sky, without apparent clouds, on a quiet Sunday. It's a perfect weather for a little date right?
   “AH CHINCHA! Why do I have to stay at home doing my homework when the sun is shining so brightly up in the sky?” Ha Na sighed for the millionth time today. She had a ton of homework left by her teachers and also had to prepare for the serie of exams she will have to pass in a week before the year ends. Like the model student she is, she had been working all day long to prepare the best possible. “It’s for the best Ha Na, if you don’t study now, you will never do it.” She found good excuses to cheer herself up, “Fighting!”
Ha Na had declined Myung Soo’s proposition to go out for a date. She firmly scolded him because she thinks he wasn’t making enough efforts and so he couldn't be expecting good results if he kept lazing around. Ha Na knows Myung Soo has a lot of capacities and is a very clever boy. “If only he could put some more efforts and work more, he would probably be first at school.” She waved her head in discontentment. “No time to think of this pabo, I need to concentrate!”
   “Ha Na-ah! Come down to eat, it’s already eight p.m. Get some rest.” Ha Na’s father yelled at the moment Ha Na finished her homework. “Perfect timing! Arasseo appa!” Ha Na stood up and stretched her sore muscles. “I need a massage!” her grumpy voice came out as she came down the stairs.
The dinner went on normally, but Ha Na didn't eat much because she was craving for something else.
   “Patbingsu.” She imagined a delicious patbingsu in her head. “This is freaking yummy.”
   Baby! I’m coming over right now. Open the door when I’ll ring the bell.
   “Why is he coming now?!” Ha Na widened her eyes. “Well, I guess it’s good to see him.” A smile crept on her face.
Ding Dong~
   “I’m coming!” Ha Na hurriedly went to open the door and closed it shortly after to avoid any questions from her parents. She will explain the situation later.
   “Annyeong my beautiful girlfriend~” Myung Soo's voice sounded like a melody to Ha Na. “Hello Myunggie!” she kissed him on the cheek. It was really cute how they were meeting in front of her house, as if they were hiding themselves from the parents. Well, it’s partly true.
   “How come you’re here right now? Did you study well today?” Ha Na asked him. “No worries, I studied as you told me to.” “Seriously?” Ha Na squint her eyes suspiciously, “Really!” Myung Soo raised his arms in surrender. “Ok then I believe you.” She smiled. “And you? Don’t tired yourself huh?” Myung Soo approached their bodies and in a flash, they were touching. “I know.” Ha Na gave him an eye-smile capable of melting everyone’s heart. 
   “You shouldn’t be going home too late. We will see each other tomorrow anyway!” Ha Na didn’t want him to feel tired the next day, “Shilo! I want to stay with you~” He spoke like a baby. “Ok then. But you will have to leave in five minutes ok?” Ha Na, too, didn’t want to shove him away but had no choices.
   “I missed you. You can't be coming in my mind every two minutes.” Myung Soo grumbled. “Is it my fault then?” Ha Na faked being vexed, “Yes!” Myung Soo hadn’t catch her intentions. “Ok then good night Kim Myung Soo.” She was about to enter her house when he grabbed her arm and spin her around to make her face him “I was joking baby!” Myung Soo looked slightly alarmed and tried not to show it. “And so?” Ha Na kept her act. “Don’t be angry…”
After a moment, Ha Na busted out laughing, “Hahahahaha Myunggie I was just acting! You fell into my trap haha. Did I act this well?” she told him the truth as he wrinkled his nose. “That’s not funny!” “Uri Myung Soo, don’t be sad~” Myung Soo couldn’t stay angry against her in any case, plus she just joked with him. Nothing much.
   “Tell me what you think of when I say each syllables of my name." Myung Soo changed topic out of the blue. Ha Na’s face showed confusion but she just got along the play. “Ok, start.” “Kim.” “Kim Soo Hyun.” “Yaaahhh WAE?!! I DON'T LIKE HIM!!” Myung Soo was jealous of every male actors and idols Ha Na liked. Even if they were talented, making good music, or acting in good movies ‘Just, no.’
   “You don't like it? Okay then go back home.” She grinned and was about to step back when he stopped her abruptly, again. “Ok ok, I want you to finish first before leaving.” “Why are you being so playful at 9 o'clock?” Ha Na really couldn't understand her boyfriend’s change of mood.
   “Myung.” “Not inspired.” Ha Na wanted to laugh so hard at the glare Myung Soo was giving her. “I’m really not inspired for ‘Myung’! Keep going.” She chuckled. “Soo.” “Patbingsu!!!” This time, Ha Na exclaimed briskly.
   “Pig.” Myung Soo commented sarcastically. “YAH KIM MYUNG SOO!" He ran off as she screamed and ran back again, taking her aback by kissing her on the nose. “ Thank you for playing my game, it was fun! I love you!” Then he ran off again like a kiddo.
   “What a baby!”
   “Ha Na! Come here! There's something for you!” Ha Na heard her mum shouting from downstairs, and found her sounding particularly excited. “Arasseo.”
Mrs Jeon has her reasons to feel excited. 
Actually, when Ha Na was showing up, Myung Soo went to buy Patbingsu for her and left the food to her parents before quickly disappearing. A small post-it was placed on top of the box.
"Eat well. Saranghae. Your pocket boy."


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I changed the story's name from "Do You Remember Me?" to "Don't Forget Me". It was more suitable :) Hope you won't mind!


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kpopj3 #1
Chapter 6: myungsoo seems like such a sweet, adorable, and loving bf. why'd he die :'(
kpopj3 #2
Chapter 5: update soon <33 loving it so far!
Inspirit93 #4