7 [Wrong!!]

Who shall I choose...?

"Yo...your house!?" Your eyes widened. "What am I doing at your house!?" You blinked your eyes continuously from disbelief.
"You agreed to come to my house to practice...?" L raised his brow. "Well, you can stay outside if you want to embarrass yourself when we sing I'm front of the class tomorrow." With that, L stepped into the majestic compound.
You followed him, of course, although still hesitant but you did not want to embarrass yourself.

"Make yourself at home. I'll be coming down soon." L said as he was walking up the stairs of his mansion to the second floor, leaving you alone in his living room. You walked over to his white leather sofa and gently placed your bag down beside it. You started walking around. In front of the sofa was a red coffee table. You walked further on and was approaching a lime green bookshelf. There was an orange photo frame on the bookshelf and you picked it up. The picture of two adults, most likely L's parents, and two children, most likely L and his elder sister, was in the photo frame. L has an older sister? You'd never think of that...he looks so...dependent. The wallpaper of the living room was a pastel lemon shade with faint details of sakura flowers painted on it. After seeing so many colours, you decided to walk out of the living room, to the other places on the ground floor of the mansion.

You returned after having seen a fair share of the ground level and you realised that L had been gone for a little over 20 minutes. You decided to go up to look for him. You went up the same flight of stairs that he had ascended and realised that pn the second floor, there were 4 doors, which meant 4 rooms. There was also another flight of stairs leading to the upper levels of the mansion. Not knowing which door he was in, you decided to try your luck and start fromthe left. You knocked a few times, waited for a response, but none was given. You decided to open the door to check if L was inside. You opened the door and was shocked at the cleanliness of the room. This room had bookshelves neatly packed with books on all the four walls of the room. The room also had a grand looking table with a comfotable looking brown chair. You would only see this kind of rooms in the offices of the chairmans in korean dramas, so you were convinced that L's father was a chairman of some company. You gently closed the door and proceeded to the next room. You repeated the steps and there again, was no response so you opened the door. To your astonishment, you were rather excited with this room, as you could see your clear reflection against the smooth and carefully polished musical instuments. There were a variety of instrument. Your eyes feel onto the attractive looking violin. You had learnt thee violin when you were young and had really loved it, but unfortunately, due to some family circumstances, you could not learn it anymore. Depressed, you slowly and cautiously closed the door.

The next door, you knocked, and you also had the same response, so you self invited yourself in the room. You were taken aback at this room as it was dead simple. In the vast room, there was a single black bed frame, a white matress and pillow set, with grey covers. Beside the bed was a black bedside table, and on it, a single white clock. Beside the table, was a very long dark brown, wooden standing cupboard. You were astonished as to why this room looked so different from the rest of the house. This room looked lifeless. At least the "office" room still had different variety of colours using darker shades and the music room was "shiny and glossy". This room is the out one out. You took a few more steps into the room and suddenly you heard the door close behind you.

"You've got some guts comimg into my room huh?"

You recognised that voice from anywhere. You immediately turned around to face him.

"Um...I was just lo...looking for you as you were taking a long time." You cursed yourself for stuttering. You did not knoe it was his room and, you were freaking out. Why did he close the door!?

He took one step forward. You took one step back.

"Really?" L smirked.

"Y...yes" I stuttered again.

L took a few steps forward. You took a few steps back.
"You know, now, there is only you and me in this entire house...so, if anything were to happen, no one would know..." L stated it carefreely as if it was a matter a fact.
You didn't dare to say anything. You were scared so you panicked and all sorts of thoughts penetrated your mind. Is this it? Am I going to get ? I am still young!! I want to do it with someone i like!!! Oh no!!
You gradually took little steps back. However, unfortunately, for every little step you took backwards, he took took steps in front, eventually closing the gap between the both of you to become only half an arm's length away.
Suddenly, you tripped over the bed frame and fell. Whilst falling, your legs had caused L to trip and also fall. Your back made contact with the soft mattress and half a second later, you felt L's body falling on top of you. The impact was so great that pain was immediately inflicted on you. You felt pain in your stomach, your arms, legs, and, your lips.


You immediately shot your eyes open and you came face to face with L. His lips were on yours. You widened your eyes, obviously immensely shocked, shocked that your first kiss was stolen from someone you hated. It took awhile before he realised and then he pulled away. You blushed furiously. You weren't sure that if you blushed because you were embarrassed or if you were furious. Both of your similar reflexes caused the both of you to firstly, bring your hands to your own lips, secondly, stare at each other, shocked, and lastly, both of you tried to make the situation less awkward or tried to explain...
"U...um..." the both of you stuttered at the same time.
"You go first..." L said to you.
You took a shaky breath and started. "Um...you fell on me."
"You tripped me." He replied calmly.
"That is because you were making me walk backwards!" You started to get a little agitated.
"I didn't ask you to move back. I just moved forward. You moved back on your own accord and made me trip, leading to the accidental kiss." L stated clearly.
By this time, you were pissed with him. How could he be so insensitive and also not see that he is also to be blamed!?
"Yoy were advancing towards me so I had to move back! How could you not apologise at all!? That was my first ki..!" You stopped in mid sentence, not wanting him to look down on you just because you haven't kissed anyone before.
"Your first kiss?" L questioned, raising his brow.
"..no! You are so insensitive! Ugh!" You retorted. Then, you stormed out of the room and also down the staircase.


Hey readers!! How did you like this chapter? Different POV and abit of a cliffhanger! HAhahaahah!!! Hope you will enjoy this!! Do comment and thank you for subscribing!!:DDD

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Eunhae070301 #1
Chapter 8: Woohoo...congratz on ur new lovely subbies:D And this chappie is so romantic...ahhh..and the last part was just so kyeopta! The poster is so gorgeous :D yayy, and again thx for the update 大姐弟
kimtaemihaha #2
Aposter for you
kimtaemihaha #3
kimtaemihaha #4
Chapter 7: Kiss kiss kiss ~~~
Eunhae070301 #5
Chapter 7: BWAHAHAHAHA....SO SMEXY I LIKE:D " Am I going to get ? I am still young!! I want to do it with someone i like!!! " LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL BEST UPDATE EVER!
kimtaemihaha #6
Chapter 6: Gd using techniques huh sly dongsaeng