
Idol Kyu & Fanboy Won
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By now i believe every Wonkyu fans would have known of SS's upsetting and heartbreaking end here at AFF.  So if anyone could help... pls do!!! Hope this little ending to my fluff will bring some light into our world of WonKyu's that's currently being cover with judgemental unfairness. 

WonKyu's writers, readers, fans HWAITING!!!! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ



Kyuhyun drop onto the bed as soon as he see the dark comforting object lying straight ahead of him.  He bury his head onto the soft pillow and just basically turn back into that scared, cry baby he once was.  Pouring his heart out, he didn't realise the sole purpose to his misery have skilfully unlock the room and enter without him knowing. 
Its a textbook heart breaking sight, Siwon didn't wanna do anything but to embrace Kyuhyun whom already heaving profoundly from all the sobbing.  With Kyuhyun lying on his tummy and his weeping face bury onto the pillow, the cry baby started kicking his feet onto the mattress, a little adorable tantrum behaviour that always makes Siwon smile whenever he see's the young does, now or when they were kids.  The whimpering and the kicking, suddenly all these years of hiding in closet to watch over and admire (what Siwon thought to be a mature Kyuhyun) was something seem rather laughable to Siwon.  Kyuhyun was and still only the same dongsaeng but only cuter, much adorable, pinchable cry baby as ever. 
Crawling onto the bed, Siwon reach over to click the bed lights on the side table.  He waits till Kyuhyun notice the dip of the bed, the noise and the light.  Abruptly he turn to face his intruder and it made Siwon laugh out loud at the pop idol's drench face, with tears, salvia and whatever liquid substance.  
"O-out...g-get g-out!!" Kyuhyun desperately trying to sound fierce, yet his hip-cupping sobs and teary cheeks wasn't at all scary as he even hope it'll be. 
Siwon pull some tissue from his bed table and wipe off the silly things off Kyuhyun's face.  Abide the younger sniff innocently and didn't slap his hands away.  This is all too familiar and tendering to both of them.  Feeling a bit more like himself, Kyuhyun breath in once deeply before warning this grinning, annoying fool currently fussing over him. 
"Get out!" he hail again as Siwon basketbally jump-shot the tissue into his bin, looking back at the young with all dimples and glowing from whatever weird happy vibe when the tissue landed right inside. 
"It's my bed.  You want to kick me out of my own bedroom?" rising both his si-brows up to his hair line, Siwon choke another laughter as he watch how flabbergasted Kyuhyun was when he realise the dark room he enter was in fact, very truly Siwon's bedroom.  Sometimes old habits dies hard, or simply never die.  No wonder the pillow smell so comforting and right >"<.  Making a move to remove himself, Siwon was quick to react.  After all he's been pretty slow throughout the whole damn it already, its time for him to play the game according to his liking.
Pinning the once again fleeing Kyuhyun down onto the bed while leaning his body to push his younger and weaker dongsaeng onto his back, it felt just like one of his millions dreams.  However this time is real, the fear look on Kyuhyun's face, the sparkling dark puppy-like eyes blinking and looking directly back at him, now or never, now or never Siwon kept repeating to himself as he tries to string his sentence.
"Kyu... what did you meant just then?"
Kyuhyun look away when he realise Siwon was gonna question him then and there.  Siwon is gonna question him while pinning him onto his bed, with both his hands lock under his, while the man's lower body weighting him down, as he stare the be-shises out of him. Is he for real?! Well apparently so... cos Siwon didn't flinch even a little when Kyuhyun full force glare at him. 
"i can do this all night..." Siwon annoyingly muse as he combine both of Kyuhyun's restrain wrists under one hand right above the young's head, with his other hand tracing and pinching those drench blushing cheeks, tickling his jaws with vengeance. 
"i...i don't know what you're talking about.  Get off me~" Kyuhyun whine while shifted side to side as Siwon's fingers featherly touches his cheeks, well basically all over his face. 
"Out there, right after we share that passionate to die for kiss." Siwon was kinda blushing himself from the words coming out of his mouth, only too thankful that Kyuhyun was far too pre-occupy to notice.  "I said that i can't stand you being mad at me.  When you said that I've been living pretty good for the past ten years." Siwon grunted, a sound that makes Kyuhyun both worry and shivers but not from fear.  "You have any idea how I survive without you for the past ten years.  Don't joke around..." Siwon gritted, and now its Kyuhyun's tears that once again stabbing his heart.  In split second Siwon already regretting the tease and angry voice he used on Kyuhyun.  He meant to charm or woo his dongsaeng, not scare and definitely not trying to make him cry.  
In a flash, Siwon release his wrists and pull the younger right up and embrace him with a bear hug.  He felt terribly crush and useless whenever he see how Kyuhyun cries simply bcos of the stuff he said.  If that's the reason for Kyuhyun to cry, Siwon could promise the young he'll never say another damn word in his life.  Just don't cry...please...Kyuhyun please...
"you lied...." Kyuhyun whisper into Siwon's shoulder when the taller was never gonna get tired of holding him.  It made Siwon stiffen from that accusation.  But before he could ask "Siwon-hyung, y-you lied to me..." Kyuhyun started  his back with his free hands, although it didn't hurt but Siwon's heart was bleeding with every teardrop Kyuhyun cried on him. 
"Kyuhyun-ah...i'm sorry... hyung didn't mean to hurt you... I'm so sorry, please... please forgive me..." Siwon kisses his temple, his head again and again as Kyuhyun sob.   
"Y-you said you'll never leave me, but you d-did... Said you'll always be there... b-but you weren't.  Y-you left... me.  You were never there.  Dance practices, vocal practices, overseas promotions, social gatherings... you were never there.  I never
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Kyuteuksung #1
Chapter 5: very cute.. loved it :) thanks
Chapter 5: Subscribed this story a while ago. Didn't get the chance to read it, though. But now that I've made some time to read it, oh Holy Crap! Why the hell did I put off reading the story for so long? It's so heart warming... And Kyu is crying again. Ya! U made my baby cry again! Now look at my tear-stained face. See what u did to me? Well, I'll tell u what. You've moved me with your touching stories yet again :')
montselech #3
Chapter 5: <3 aww I love them ^^
Chapter 5: Wonnie really can take a good care of baby kyu.... So glad kangin appa stoping teukie umma so that two lovebird can enjoy their time to cuddling more....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 5: what a waste of ten years...
Chapter 5: I laughed at the part were Teuk mama was about to wake them. XDDD
heartbabykyu #7
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaa so sweet :)
I'm glad they aren't gonna face anymore eventful days like these
Chapter 5: To read such a sweet wonkyu fics in this ty-condition for lots of wonkyu author out there really makes me happy :D

Thank you so much for writing a sweet story dear <3
Saravy #9
Chapter 5: This was super cute! Kyu is just like a baby sometimes.^^ Glad they worked out the problem and are together. Great job!! :D