
Idol Kyu & Fanboy Won
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"Don't let him fool you, he's not the innocent boy you play with years ago.  Kyuhyun is cheeky and evil... just be on your guard...at ALLLLLL times!"

With that Teuk-umma left him all by himself with the very harmless looking Kyuhyun she label as evil.  To be honest that adjective didn't really sit well with Siwon.  He could feel the raging flare sparkles inside him every time his umma use that word on Kyuhyun.  How could his innocent, hard working, angel Kyuhyun be anything but the sweet angel he is. 

Before he knows it, the young idol have made himself comfortably busy with the computer in the studies while leaving yet another empty bowl out for Siwon to clean up.  The older was hoping to catch up or even stir up a conversation with the idol during the night, but the young seem to only interested in maiding him around (without even glancing at him once).

After such an eventful evening, Siwon found himself pouting while taking out the trash, he noted the burnt and unusable pot he completely forgot during the times of checking up the boy and answering his beck and call.  sorry umma, i'll buy another one soon... who knew soup(water) burn up so quickly, right?! The exhausted taller boy of the two was actually dozing off to sleep rather quickly when his was in the shower. 

This weirdly dramatic out-of-body night is physically demanding, Siwon went to check on the younger one last time before hitting the bed, he gave a weak but clear enough "Nite Kyu" to the busy gaming boy in their studies.  He might have imagined a reply from the same boy, but he was really too out of it(scared more like it) to really confirm anything.


The next day had just began, and Siwon could feel something tickling under his nose.  Wiggling his head around and moving away ever so slightly, in the end he attempt to brush whatever that is off himself with his mind only(?). Yet his better judgment realise something wasn't total right, and that's when he also notice just how oddly heavy his lower body is.  With a frown Siwon tried to move his arms while his eyes still shut.  tsk...what is it?...!!

Siwon snapped his eyes open and came across the scene he only dare to dream about for the past ten years.  Kyuhyun, his angelic baby friend is in his bed, more yet, cuddling on him (using his arm as a pillow).  And not only that,  somehow Kyuhyun dress in his tee shirt (which was obviously too big), exposing a large patch of pale, milky shoulder skin, his brown soft curls seductively messy, while those cheeks of his puffs in his sleeps just the same as when he was a kid.  Desperately trying not to squeal like a chic at such cuteness, Siwon move on.  Finally landing on the part, Siwon couldn't remove his eyes from, the sinful area where Kyuhyun seem to be parting and unparting his well moist and full lips absentmindedly.   LORD of MERCY!!!!

"OMO!" Siwon leapt off his bed as he came to realise the one and only short black briefs he's in.  The awareness hit him rather loudly when a very large impurement have decided to shamefully rise to greet him this morning.  Abruptly but gently as possible, he pushes Kyuhyun off himself, with Siwon's own bottom landing on the floor with a sore*thump!

*yawn "...siwonnie... you k?" Kyuhyun rub his eyes as he sat up slowly, that teasing tee only manage to cover one side of his shoulder as the other displaying a tantalizing snow white of skin at Siwon ever so cleverly. 

"yea, yea!...I'm ok..." Siwon scramble onto his knee as he try to get up, placing both his palm on the mattress as he stare down the bed, totally freaking out that his face will show just how not ok he really is. 

That's when Kyuhyun caresses both his cheeks, causally tilting his face to look up.  Siwon was astonished and paralysis by the touch and too-close proximity of Kyuhyun.  Before he could even blink, something he couldn't believe and never thought to experience happened right then and there.  Kyuhyun daintily leans forward with a  godly soft smile, closer and closer, successfully locking both their lips together for a life time of seconds.  Well at least that's how long it felt for a I-could-die-now Siwon.   

For a what realistically a mere three seconds, Siwon swear his heart raced louder than anything he ever heard.  Kyuhyun sandwich his plumy lips onto Siwon and pull away before the older could breathe, blink or die again. 

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Kyuteuksung #1
Chapter 5: very cute.. loved it :) thanks
Chapter 5: Subscribed this story a while ago. Didn't get the chance to read it, though. But now that I've made some time to read it, oh Holy Crap! Why the hell did I put off reading the story for so long? It's so heart warming... And Kyu is crying again. Ya! U made my baby cry again! Now look at my tear-stained face. See what u did to me? Well, I'll tell u what. You've moved me with your touching stories yet again :')
montselech #3
Chapter 5: <3 aww I love them ^^
Chapter 5: Wonnie really can take a good care of baby kyu.... So glad kangin appa stoping teukie umma so that two lovebird can enjoy their time to cuddling more....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 5: what a waste of ten years...
Chapter 5: I laughed at the part were Teuk mama was about to wake them. XDDD
heartbabykyu #7
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaa so sweet :)
I'm glad they aren't gonna face anymore eventful days like these
Chapter 5: To read such a sweet wonkyu fics in this ty-condition for lots of wonkyu author out there really makes me happy :D

Thank you so much for writing a sweet story dear <3
Saravy #9
Chapter 5: This was super cute! Kyu is just like a baby sometimes.^^ Glad they worked out the problem and are together. Great job!! :D