
Idol Kyu & Fanboy Won
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"YAH!" Kyuhyun scream as soon as that familiar body was obviously shaking and trembling inside that kids tunnel, showing his shoes hanging by the end.  Siwon look absolutely beastly, in a kids size scarf, purplish nose and lips plus those pale white cheeks, he could pass with aces as a zombie freezing to death.

Knees tuck right under his chin, Siwon wrap his arms around, hoping to contain some body heat with his position.  Until a sweet loud voice woke him from his bitter breathing.  Searching for that warm sound, Siwon slowly look up, he tries to pull a smile even in his pitiful condition, but only comes out all twitchy and heartbreaking. "Don't you even dare!"  His smile was quickly rejected by a fuming, frowning Kyuhyun above him, which in turn makes him sulk and lower back his head. 

Kyuhyun couldn't believe his eyes, but its not the time to argue or be childish at this moment.  Quickly he took off his jacket, which made Siwon budge his eyes and daringly attempt to stop the young.  With his stiff limbs, Siwon reflex's was just a little too sluggish.  Seeing Kyuhyun already have pull over his own much thicker sweater and promptly yank it over Siwon's head.  The older could only surrender as he allow his younger dongsaeng dress him in his smaller but very much Kyuhyun-smelling top.  "You're sooo much trouble... i'm a top idol you know... if anyone see's me... AISH!!!" Soon Siwon felt his heart melt as he mesmerise on how Kyuhyun wrapping him up in his own jacket (all snuggling up close and personal), an extra outer layer Kyuhyun brought along with him in his search for Siwon. 

Once Kyuhyun deem Siwon wearing just about all he could muster at that moment, he pull the older up onto his feet while grabbing both his numb hands. Those large hands feels like icy burning rods under Kyuhyun's much more warmer hands, the young regret for always hating gloves or he would've been able to pass them on to Siwon now.   

Siwon feeling slightly dizzy as he lean forward from the sudden rise, luckily Kyuhyun was there to catch him.  The taller was trying to stable himself, but his conscience already ahead of him, jumping from joy when he realise the younger was in fact holding onto him rather tightly against his waist.  A grateful, joyous tiny smile was born onto his dimples face, that didn't no unnoticed by Kyuhyun, but choose not to comment on it.  Yet seeing the young's reaction, Siwon didn't want to anger Kyuhyun more, he was about to distance himself, which surprises Kyuhyun.

"it's ok, you can lean on me... we'll go home now" Kyuhyun gently said as he start leading the other to walk forward before he could see his reaction. Taking extra time on getting Siwon's limbs warm up slowly, Kyuhyun didn't rush although he was starting to feel the chills.  

Kyuhyun, the guilty dongsaeng didn't know how long Siwon's been out here and his guilty mind isn't gonna spontaneously grow some guts in asking. For now, he only hopes to get them both into the warm cosy house not far from here before his own sanity breaks.

A little more awake, Siwon slowly but truly feeling more and more back to his original self.  He seriously didn't realise the sun have set or how many hours he has been there.  All he could remember was getting hungry after wrecking his brain out on what he could have made Kyuhyun's made.  So he took a nap after those eggs and tea were finish and then woken up by the cold and hunger, next thing the same kid from that morning came to him offering his scarf.  And then the miracle of Kyuhyun, his angel came right up to him, and fetch him home.  If this was a crude, snowy dream, Siwon is wishing hard he won't wake. 



"Kyuhyun-ah...?" Siwon told himself to better test his dongsaeng mood first, since he could never get it right.

"...." ....that means I can continue?...ahem...well...

"I'm sor...." Siwon wanted to apologize, but seriously he still doesn't have a clue on what he did or said to pisses Kyuhyun off so much.  But even for that itself, Siwon justify that's already plenty to feel like the worst person there is for Kyuhyun.  

"We're home..." Kyuhyun announce as he pull away from Siwon's leaning body, which Siwon instantly felt a lot more and unnatural without Kyuhyun's warm, fluffy body next to him.  The young fumble around as he search for the house keys,

"Crap... the key...the key... i remember i took it." Kyuhyun mumble

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Kyuteuksung #1
Chapter 5: very cute.. loved it :) thanks
Chapter 5: Subscribed this story a while ago. Didn't get the chance to read it, though. But now that I've made some time to read it, oh Holy Crap! Why the hell did I put off reading the story for so long? It's so heart warming... And Kyu is crying again. Ya! U made my baby cry again! Now look at my tear-stained face. See what u did to me? Well, I'll tell u what. You've moved me with your touching stories yet again :')
montselech #3
Chapter 5: <3 aww I love them ^^
Chapter 5: Wonnie really can take a good care of baby kyu.... So glad kangin appa stoping teukie umma so that two lovebird can enjoy their time to cuddling more....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 5: what a waste of ten years...
Chapter 5: I laughed at the part were Teuk mama was about to wake them. XDDD
heartbabykyu #7
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaa so sweet :)
I'm glad they aren't gonna face anymore eventful days like these
Chapter 5: To read such a sweet wonkyu fics in this ty-condition for lots of wonkyu author out there really makes me happy :D

Thank you so much for writing a sweet story dear <3
Saravy #9
Chapter 5: This was super cute! Kyu is just like a baby sometimes.^^ Glad they worked out the problem and are together. Great job!! :D